
"Corpus Christi" (1990)
1. Indestructible: Innocence 1990 2. Corpus Christi 3. Turn Of The Screw 4. Golden 5. Anne Marie 6. Birdsong (Earth) 7. Ordinary Madness 8. Sinking 9. Schizophrenic 10. Barracuda (Heart Cover) 11. Sour Born
1. Indestructible: Innocence 1990
It's totally psychological Motherfucker
It's totally psychological Motherfucker
Hate and war and blind despair
Tell me you love me
Tears and screams and unholy fears
Tell me you love me
I want you to look at me
Tell me you love me
Tell me you love me
We're not indestructible
We're not indestructible
Pride and lust and selfish greed
Bow your head and pray raw meat
Grind my soul on your city street
Black spine snake crack
Fetal facial moral plaque
Scientific mutilation diplomatic falsehood nation
Movie world horror king star of saviour play on pain
Instrumental souls insane I want you to look at me
Tell me you love me
We're not indestructible
We're not indestructible
2. Corpus Christi
Born into a hazy crossfire
The end result of innocence and ignorance
Flesh and blood cure for emotional strife
Vision obscured by a soft skin curtain
Torn and ripped youth in a glass case
Convinced of divinity afflictions for attributes
Living out of body life crippled cub for crippled life
Vision obscured by a soft skin curtain
Window to reality shrouded soft skin curtain
Torn and ripped battle lost
Casualties ignored, ignorance victorious
Minority whored behind cold stone front
There lived one who cried
He feels like a man, he feels like a child
He feels like a doll, he feels like a living
Dead thing, empty and dry lying soaked in the rain
Drowning in lonely tears, dreaming of living
Searching, exploring
Lost in a bottomless whole
Expecting, directing
Disappointed in the world as a whole
Healing, feeling
Learning to accept those wholes
Living, loving
Living life as a whole
To live and fly
Breathe the clouds
Sleep with the stars
Know answers why
Soft skin curtain
Window to reality
No longer clouded
Soft skin curtain
Torn and ripped
3. Turn Of The Screw
Hey I saw your mouth on, another's face
It told me sweet secrets and reminded me of the taste
Of your skin upon my lips
But it's been so long
I reach out but you're not there
I try to hang on but you're not there
It's just a scarecrow of emotion
Heartfelt emotion splattered on my floor
A blackened bloodied pool to drown in
I'm tortured by the lack of you
A screaming silence I'm trying to fight
Living life alone in a tortured midnight
It's just another turn of the screw
Too painfully true
As I become filled with you
My face and skull burst and bloomed
We became the nighttime sky
Flooded with millions of years of starlight
As I am without your touch
My heart falls to my feet
And drags over the ground
With every step I take
It gathers every bit of dirt
Every grain of sand
Every and that can becomes full of the flesh of my soul
This is nothing compared to the absence of you
God kissed me on my mouth
And blessed me with the tempest of you
It's just another turn of the screw
Washing ashore and withdrawing again
I'm the sea I'm a starving cripped dog
Waiting to draw my last hot dusty breath
Without you
It's just another turn of the crew
4. Golden
Emptiness became my house
Black cracked sight my line to life
I dreamt of angels and lightning flash
And cool, cool rain to wash my mind
Innocence seemed so far from home
I'd wish to rest in a bed of flowers
But hot black sands are where I'd lay
Bathed in the black of night
Eyes awash in a sea of starlight
The cold quick winds of God
Blow through my soul
The fable of time no longer blinds
Without body judged only by mind
I long for the life a child might know
Then Golden touch my heart becomes whole
Bathed in the black of night
Eyes awash in a sea of starlight
The cold quick winds of God
Blow through my soul
I long for the life a child might know
Then Golden touch my heart becomes whole
Now Golden light shows me angels
Golden warmth comforts my flesh
Golden words ease my mind
I'm complete with Golden time
My heart hungers for life
Flesh blood and fire
Soul contact soul thunderstorm choir
Golden soul bright
Charged with the light
Set my soul afire
With a new strength
To forge a new road
A road so much higher
Soul contact soul thunderstorm choir
Golden soul bright
Charged with the light
My heart hungers for life
Flesh blood and fire
Now I touch Golden
The black world blooms
Brilliant colors drown my body
And life becomes real
Every drop of rain known
Never let it end
I stand naked without walls
Never let it end
My soul touched by another
Never let it end
And when ants so feast upon flesh
And the world's turned me inside out
I need a place to lay. my head
Peace seems so far away
I dream of Golden times
And reach for Golden, Golden fire
Bathed in the black of night
Eyes awash in a sea of starlight
The cold quick winds of God
Blowing through my soul
The fable of time no longer blinds
Without body, judged only by mind
I'd wish to rest in a bed of flowers
But hot black sands are where I'd lay
With black cracked sight my line to life
I dreamt of angels and lightning flash
And cool, cool rain to wash my mind
Innocence seemed so far from home
I long for the life a child might know
Then Golden touch my heart becomes whole
My heart becomes whole
5. Anne Marie
I've got a hot white burning inside
That time only feeds my minds
Only need I add you fuel
To my fire my flames burn higher and higher
Shaking, Shaking, Shaking
I feel my body aching
Into the whole down deep in my soul
I shrink into my faking
The day grows nearer
And passes like an angry cat
That sat I feel upon my back
And its claws run through my tears
See is what I feel again
See is what I feel again
I've the taste of dry sand in my mouth
The grit can feel my teeth run white
But will I ever find the future?
If I can't forget about the past?
Lies away
I feed your hungry head
You need it, you slimy black space
Leave alone the things I say
Lies away
I cease to explain no more
Your hungry head pleads for more
My body needs the touch of a hand
To soothe my shaking
I feel my body aching
Can you soothe my need?
It's what I want, it's what I want?
Please turn around
Oh but tomorrow is mine
6. Birdsong (Earth)
Bright sky blue
Who now fades too
Frames birds on the wing
Whose sweet songs too sad so sing
Now only an echo in my mind
As sky fades to black
I wonder if he'll ever be back
And if we had ears to hear
Would we act out of fear
Or could we realize
We often grew up believing lies
Deafened I couldn't hear that birdsong
Singing truth simple and strong
My eyes blinded
By selfish complications
Bright sky blue
Will my children's children ever know you
Those birds on the wing
Have a song they need to sing
To their children and my children too
It's a song of truth
Unpolluted by time or tongue
It's a song that tells
Of all being one
If you can get past your fear
It's a song you should hear
Deafened I could not hear that birdsong
Singing truth simple and strong
Blind I could not see that birdsong
Singing truth simple and strong
7. Ordinary Madness
Lost in a cold dark garden alone
My only company
Night blooming dementia
Bittersweet blossom bloom of madness
The sharp knife in the mind
Kills the devil in the soul
The sun's light blotted out
Skies filled with savage black birds
Devouring creation, devouring my heart
My soul, a multitude starving
Like the dawn of creation
We awaken to a new day
A day of confronting reality
That dark satin veil, pierced
Cold steel poles to invade my flesh
Felicity burned by the red hot
Fiery coals of desire
The white hot sun burning
Like the eye of God watching
The sharp knife in the mind
Kills the devil in the soul
The dark satin veil pierced
That cold steel finger in my brain
Just may bring peace
On sunshine days
When we cast no shadow
And the heat's baked our mind
Into lonely submission
Then is when we realize
Something as thin as the web of a spider
Holds us back from
Ordinary madness
8. Sinking
Sinking in a sea of emptiness, alone
A solitude, an isolation, to living men unknown
Shadows of memories dance across my mind
Just beyond reach with the passing of time
Searching with blinded eyes
For a truth that once was
Feeling so alive
My mortality I deny
Shadows of memories
Dance across my mind
Now totally lost to the ghost of remembrance
No tears can I cry to quench the thirst of suffering
Looking on life as the altar with a saddened familiarity
Only now in madness can I see the simplicity
Silence of loneliness roars in my ears
My own heartbeat rhythm I've grown to fear
Seven times eternity I'm sentenced this living death
Grief and agony multiply with each and every breath
Blackness of space, vast space of time
To richness of life, my heart now blind
Memories of the past now torture my mind
Suffering for eternity no rest in dying
On stone ears fall my cries
Shadows of memories dance across my mind
Now barely able to bring me to another time
A time taken as something owed
Looking back I wish I'd chosen a different road
Now totally lost to the ghost of remembrance
No tears can I cry to quench the thirst of suffering
Each pain filled moment alone another black
Cross to bear
Silence the loneliness roars in my ears
On stone ears fall my cries
9. Schizophrenic
Lost in a blur of psychostatic
Electro info windstorm manic
A philosophy a way of life
Sold in a smile evangeliphile
Soothing pulsation mindnumbing relief
Pablum for masses in a cathode ray bile
Neon holographic wonderland lies
Reflected in millions of unsuspecting eyes
Synapse overload experience of the future
Electrical misfire distort minds eye feature
Radio wave cataclysm perception molester
Thought breaking tele-message messiah of the future
We've become message receiver mutated creature
Corporate faker and multi-national whores
Profess social rules and cultural mores
The foulness of spoiled flesh and viscidity
Reflect neo-Marshall cornucopial dream idiocy
Drowning in a sea of psychostimulation
Damned to thing thought death in a supersonic communication nation
A cunning and wicked disease
Spread by a virus of ignorant pleas
From Father McLuhan
The future is born
Is there any shelter
From this schizophrenic storm
Transistorized thought patterns
Television tube sight
Minds become captive
Bound by radio wave might
Message receiver mutated creature
10. Barracuda (Heart Cover)
So this ain't the end
I saw you again today
I had to turn my heart away
You smiled like the Sun
Kisses for everyone
And tales it never fails!
You're lying so slow in the weeds
I bet you gonna ambush me
You'd have me down on my knees
Back over time we were all trying for free
You met the porpoise and me
No right or wrong you're selling a song a name
Whisper game
And if the real thing don't do the trick
You better make up something quick
You gonna bum to the wick
Sell me sell you the porpoise said
Dive down deep now save my head
You, I think that you got the blues too
All that night and all the next
Swam without looking back
Made for the western pools, silly fools
11. Sour Born
In between worlds of white and black
Lies a world of gray
Beneath the sour born showering down
It's time on me
A thin sharp slice of dime
Pushed gently into my heart
Time after time after time after time after time
Standing vacant behind myself
Looking through empty eyes
Icy cold black fullness in my bowels
Aching for release
Splash upon the pavement
For the consumption of humanity
My soul my humility
Your only bread
Something inborn in me that will not leave
Standing vacant behind myself
Looking through empty eyes
And he was a betrayer he was a betrayer
And he was a fool he was a fool
And she was a bitch she was a bitch
And he came to stand for you
I lay with you
I crept inside you
I became night with you
We were empty we became full
We were empty we became full
Driving wheel big black diamond back
69 wire burns Cosmo shoulder
Red hot wire pierce smooth white bone-holder
Smoky cold shadows of those not there
Cast upon cold stone wall
Broken down by devil stare
Driven beyond threshold of mortal dare
Seminal fluid life like man
Driving the life of a dead white man
Driving, driving, driving
Teased to sublime defeat
Feast upon horrid rancid spirit meat
You dirt drive, septic seven thigh
Shallow, yellow, stabbed nine high
Sickly, evil, pathetically
Cracked black blind