
"Necrogenesis - Machines of Divinity and Dismemberment" (2005)
1. Divina Maquina 2. The Grand Dismemberer 3. Under a Blood Moon Eclipse 4. The Fangs of Heaven 5. Eve of Cataclysm (Baptised in Blood and Vomit) 6. In Celebration of the Angel Corpses 7. When the Dead Have Exhausted Their Powers of Deceiving 8. Proclamations of Ritual Infanticide 9. All Things Dead Arise
1. Divina Maquina
2. The Grand Dismemberer
Butchered, the headless gutted dead lay upon the ground
and fire, the only thing scorching silence all around
inverted crosses of territories marking blood fields for the hunt
where lifeless limbs lie in bile filled pits and corpses are emptied of guts
the forces of a purest rage incinerate the skies with plague
to cleave and tear the flesh of man a butcherer on blood stained land
serrated razors cutting in the genocidal feasts of sin
the grand dismemberer is now fueled to begin
lifeless, the human corpses have been ground into a mush
the bleeding, deboned and impaled thier skulls are crushed
the last that are left are hung from broken necks suspened til they die
and the clouds at last are smoldering ash mere embers in the sky
no one lives to see the end they're all reduced to meat
the machines sent to dismember mark the necrogenesis complete
3. Under a Blood Moon Eclipse
Hung, drawn, and bled on a sacrifice bed
star charts, sanguine doctrine, the paths of the dead
fools map the stars towards a brighter tomorrow
but where will they turn to when they've nothing to live for
I rise above and I challenge your ways
to perpetually mock you the rest of your days
I've chosen my own path, it's mapped out in scars
with no faith in your prophets, your tarot, your stars
I tortured myself towards this insight catharsis
self mutilations and driven to madness
a blood moon eclipse is the omen I wait for
decimate the human race, make it like it was before
Hung, drawn, and bled, better off dead
no mourners at gravesides, no tears to be shed
I see the future in gashes and murder
your last days upon this earth, I'll make sure they go no further
if you could see you the way that I see you
you'd vomit in anguish, you'd know why I hate you
you follow false signs to prepare for what's next
yet your incompetance can never forsee your own death
I never believed in it
you mock me with curses
yet still it does shit
you lie to yourself
to exhault your importance
you're foolish and worthless
your breath has been wasted
4. The Fangs of Heaven
the pain of losing her love
to the grave is beyond control
and the world has become such a dark cold place
since a coffin became her home
i know hat he can't hear me 6 feet below the earth
and i can't abide these bullshit lies or ressurrection or rebirth
if i called out your name
would it all be the same?
would no angels weep for me?
am i left here to bleed?
we thought we'd be "forever"
but you left me here alone
there's no solace to hide by your graveside
the autumn rain never felt so cold
now my soul is slowly fleeting, like a funeral percession down the line
no gregorian chants or hymnal rants
could hide the fact i'm dead inside
so i stand in the rain
and at the speed of pain
we devised a plan
this unity won't end
if she can't come back for me
then perhaps i should go to her
for only indeath can she be met
in world away from hurt
a cosmic loophole in gods plan
will put me back into her ars
and bastard saints will acknowledge that we can't be torn apart
how does one measure pain?
does it reach the bottom of a grave?
will she be waiting for me there?
anythings better than here
now the blade is to my wrist
and theres sweat upon my brow
and the metals cutting in
and the blood begins to flow
life begins to fade away
all colors are replaced with gray
and i fell as though i'm floating
but to where i can not say
now i hear voices begin to say
"you shouldn't have come this way"
"you'll never be more alone"
"you should have stayed where you belonged"
now as i regain my sight
and lose this gift of flight
i discover the irony in gods sick plan
any hop now is as bleak as night
all in all i should have known
the fangs of heaven bite straight to the soul
and as my angel sleeps in heaven
i'll rot in hell below
5. Eve of Cataclysm (Baptised in Blood and Vomit)
They've chewed off my legs
and butchered my arms
the machines of divinity have shattered my soul
thy flesh consumed
and viscera torn
a blessing it would be to have never been born
the blackness and hatred
of menstral skies torn asunder
the doors of heaven slammed shut
never again will anyone enter
left for dead by god and his angels
the souls of the dead left dismembered and mangled
the end of the earth its plan in comencement
the machines of divinity are machines of dismemberment
6. In Celebration of the Angel Corpses
The wings of a black damnation
the blades impale the whore
this rightious infestation
breeding weakness in us all
their wrists are slashed to etch pentagrams
drawn within their flowing blood
I've inflicted myself with pain
to envoke his awful name
fermenting and rotting, the heavens are crying
their innards will dry for their flesh shell has died
from living to dead to the grave they'll succumb
conform unto death and dissolve into dust
cadaveric, now they lie, the earth their final home
as endo parasites oblige and set their course on which to grow
time will take its toll, and drip away their skin
rots beseiged its carrion feast and laviditys set in
misanthropic autopsy, angelic diagrams are drawn
charnell structures petrified, mausoleums for the lost
silenced in their death to serve a higher purpose
7. When the Dead Have Exhausted Their Powers of Deceiving
lost beneath the tides of grace
a cosmic soul crushed death embrace
that launches towards the stars a curse
to enslave mankind or maybe worse
this charades gone far too long
the dead should stay where they belong
they whisper things into our minds
so we'll regurgitate and spread thier lies
they've driven men to mental scars
with a transcendant power to deceive
their plan was wrought beyond the stars
a sanguine plan we can't conceive
like ghostly fingers dipped in blood
i've seen their horrid act complete
it surely means the end of us
it renders life obsolete
i know that we won't survive
i know now we all must die
we will fuel their machine
i've seen their plan
and it leaves this world dead
when the sun sets for the final time
and the world slips into dismal night
will you succumb to the dead
will you acknowledge them then
no one left behind to cry
to pray or mourn at your graveside
this suffering won't end
even with this world dead
lost among their lies of grace
the necrogenesis of earth's new face
these thinking dead await their task
like a corpse behind a porcelein mask
the earth will soon become a tomb
like fetus's in the earthen womb
the tides of death the plan at hand
will come to life possessing man
yet the force beyond the grave
is weaker than we ever thought
funny how the dead behave
knowing their perfect plan is not
and in spite of this i must confess
that now i see their brilliance
and their absence troubles me more than ever
but never did their presence
8. Proclamations of Ritual Infanticide
I know that I'm not insane
but the voices they won't go away
I've murdered to ease the pain
but by nightfall they're back again
the ritual drives back the demons in my head
their voices can't haunt me, not once they're dead
this dagger in my hand the key to the silence
left not alone, tiny dead taint the ground
never- never to feel joy
silence- I'll not be their toy
killing- it's always the same
tell me- have I gone insane
I think that you think that I am to blame
but you won't think at all once I've smashed in your face
their skulls make the alter and you're the centerpiece
and like all of them, your breathing will cease
9. All Things Dead Arise