
"And the Hordes Stood as One" (2003 Live album)
1. The Return 2. Exile (Les Litanies de Satan) 3. Victory or Valhalla (Last Man Standing) 4. Total Misanthropia 5. Aris 6. ...and the Horns Called for War 7. North Sea 8. Blood of Christ (Mohammed Wept) 9. Longing for the Ancient Kingdom 10. Götterdämmerung (Twilight of the Gods) 11. (Ode to Ancient) Europa 12. (Het Verdronken Land van) Saeftinge 13. On Golden Fields (De Leeuwen Dansen) 14. Mother Europe 15. Evil Prevails 16. Fatherland
1. The Return
No house stood there but straight
Its walls must crack
In full mid-day
The darkness was so grand
And no light was in the land...
2. Exile (Les Litanies de Satan)
O Satan, prends pitié de ma longe misère !
Oh Thou, the most savage of angels
God only judges mild
Those who chant songs to his praise
Oh Prince of exile...
To whom in every tale done wrong
(but who) after defeat, always redresses more strong
Like a patron saint of
Heavens rejected souls
Distinctively closer to
Humanity Thou art
Connected to
Mother earth more profound
Oh Thou fallen angel of gloom, joyfully I join thy side
Even if this means eternal fire, I embrace thy kingdom of night
Exile, exile!!!!!
Wandering in Thy wastelands
Far away from the heavenly autocrat
Close to Thee I chose to repose
Liberated from God_s wrath
A temple raised for the ones like us
With plentiful room for science
A shelter for creative minds
To dream away in silence...
Oh Thou fallen angel of gloom, joyfully I join thy side
Even if this means eternal fire, I embrace thy kingdom of night
3. Victory or Valhalla (Last Man Standing)
Last man standing
Last man standing
Victory! Last man standing!
Valhalla!! Last man standing!
Shattered and mortally wounded
On the battlefield they lay
Farewell my fellow companions
Thy souls have gone away
(we shall not behold the green fields nor hear the birds sing in may
to defend we have fought and won though with our life we paid)
Victory or Valhalla
Must again be the rallying cry
Ancient pride restored
Let the ancient banners fly high
Broken hilt in my hands
I saw my last break of day
Here and now we found our graves
Our bodies vultures prey
If our folk ever doubts
Or their souls have gone astray
Then lead the way to this place
Where our bones still lay
Stand strong with clenched fists
Withstand with all thy might
Stand strong with clenched fists
Until they are silenced right
Let the glory shine on thee
Lift thy ancient legacy... into light!
Lift thy legacy into light, so their spirits will
Shine on bright... shine bright!
Stand strong with clenched fists
Withstand with all thy might
Stand strong with clenched fists
Until they are silenced... right!!!
Victory or Valhalla must be
Again the rallying cry
Ancient pride restored
Let the ancient banners fly high
When the cause is noble and justice at thy side
To hold what is thine and the fight is right
Victory! Last man standing! Valhalla!
Last man standing!
Victory! Last man standing! Valhalla!
Last man standing!
4. Total Misanthropia
"At Certain Moments in Life a feeling of extreme Hate can take over Soul and Body,
Adrealine and Anger can be turned into Power.
Oh so Many would like to see us Fail, our Answer to them and humanity in general."
Take the blood, take the blood
Of my enemies
Total hate
I want them to die
Total misanthropia
Who needs weak flesh or family
Total misanthropia
Say whatever you want
Meant for me to hear
Hate is the only thing I feel
Destruction follows everywhere
Total misanthropia
I don't need this love
Bloodshed eternally
I don't understand (love)
I don't want your love
Only Darkness and Hate!
Total misantropia!
If I had only more time (to)
Kill! Slaughter! Destroy!
The beauty of the Pain
Destruction of the human race
5. Aris
Hear me, ancient forefather (Ambiorix)
Honoured be Thy deeds
Leading our tribes against the aggressor
Outnumbered, a campaign that could not be won
(But forever Thy blood in my veins)
Gracious Spartan civilisation
Eternally blessed Thy war spirit
Surrounded by thousands of Persians
"Molon lave" a final proud statement
(None of thee survived
but Thy Hellenic glory is everlasting)
Noble was your cause, brave Vercingetorix
Sad the day of your sacrifice
An example to your Celt tribe
Dying in solitude
(But Thy soul) forever in my heart
Remember the moment Jerusalem fell
The shrieks of the conquered, the conqueror's yell
The roofs that we fired, and the plunder we shared
The wealthy we slaughtered, the lovely we spared
Aris! And Aris shone!
Mars! And Mars rose!
Geuzen der Lage Landen
Van Antwerpen, Amsterdam tot Den Briel
Helden der Calvinistische droom
Nachtmerrie der Spaans/Roomse overheerser
Voor eeuwig Uw bloed in onze aderen
Noble was your cause, brave Vercingetorix
Sad the day of your sacrifice
Hear me, ancient forefather Ambiorix
Honoured be Thy deeds
Leading our tribes against the aggressor
Outnumbered, a campaign that could not be won
Forever Thy blood in my veins
Noble was your cause
Sad the day of your sacrifice
An example to our tribe
6. ...and the Horns Called for War
And the horn called for war!
The Franks strike on, their hearts are good and stout
Moors are slain, a thousandfold, in crowds
Left of five score are not two thousand now
No man on earth has more nor better found
In chronicles of Franks is written down
What vassalage he had, our Emperor
And the horns...called for war!
Marvelous in the battle now and grand
The Franks here strike, their good brown spears in hand
Then had you seen sorrowing of clans
So many a slain, shattered and bleeding man!
Biting the earth, or piled here on their backs!
The Saracens cannot withstand the attack!
And the horns.. called for war
And the horns... called for war!!!!!!!!
No house stood there but straight
Its walls must crack
In full mid-day
The darkness was so grand
And no light was in the land
And many said, We in the judgement stand
The end of time is presently at hand
They spoke no truth, they did not understand
It was the great day of mourning for Roliant
And the horns.. called for war
And the horns... called for war!!!!!!!!
Marvelous in the battle now and grand
The Franks here strike, their good brown spears in hand
Then had you seen sorrowing of clans
So many a slain, shattered and bleeding man!
Biting the earth, or piled here on their backs!
The Saracens cannot withstand the attack!
And the horns.. called for war!!!
7. North Sea
Once there sailed the North Sea
The North Sea wide and cold
A ship heavily loaded
With the world's most precious gold
The enemy ship was floating
To steal our precious gold
Floating on the North Sea
Our North Sea wide and cold
Our youngest comrade, the bravest of us all
Volunteered to sink the boat loaded with gold
He jumped into the North Sea
Our North Sea, wide and cold
Our valiant friend, approached the ship's hold
With his fairest knife he gouged out a hole
Down! Down! And down! Down went the boat!!
Our valiant friend, approached the ship's hold
With his fairest knife he gouged out a hole
Down! Down went the boat!!!
North Sea! Swallowed by the waves
North Sea! They found their seaman's grave!
North Sea! Swallowed by the waves
North Sea! They found their seaman's grave!
But not before a hostile archer
Had aimed at our youngest friend
Who got hit in the chest and also down he went
We pulled him onto deck
And on our deck he died
A seaman's grave became his part
The message (delivered) to his bride
Our youngest comrade
In his young pride
Now he embraced the North Sea
The North Sea as his bride!
North Sea! Our comrade young and brave
North Sea! Down in a seaman's grave
North Sea! Our comrade young and brave
North Sea! Down in his seaman's grave
8. Blood of Christ (Mohammed Wept)
"Seen through the Eyes of the Anti-Christ who continues the Battle against god/allah and
his prophets throughout Time.
Religion and other Fairytales are one thing However Fundamentalism is increasing everywhere. "Holy" Battles (still) are fought in this So called Modern Age. New Dangers to face created by the ignorant Masses. God's Children Slaughtering each other in his Name, what a joke! Splendid "Victory" of the Servants of light. Did Lucifer REALLY lose the battle? The track is Our Way to express Our disrespect
for Sheep....And Our Sympathy
for the Rebel Angel.... "
One Last Look to the Sky
Again my end is near
Declared "Criminal of War"
This is My final Hour (Execution,
The End)...but the Start of my Dream
Reborn I will Be, Forver I will Hunt!
As a Traveller throughout Time
Reborn I will be
Forever I will Hunt, Forever I will Be
As a Traveller throughout Time
The Spear that tortured Christ was
Oh Eva! Hold me once More, Bite the
Who needs this Paradise, WHO NEEDS THIS PARADISE?!
I inspired Nero to put Rome into
A Lieutenant I was, When Napoleon
set the World on Fire!
Oh beautiful Sight, Mohammed being
Bible or Koran: Pathetic Book of Lies!
(We alwas lost a Battle, Eternally we
won a War!!!)
The Blood of God on my Skin
The Blood of Allah on my Hands
Für immer! Voor altijd! AIoNIA!
9. Longing for the Ancient Kingdom
As a hero into battle
At the side of Joan of Arc
Glorious Marshalls of France
Gilles de Rais
You were the one to insult
an important priest
Never afraid to face the enemy
However when the night longs
for Him shadows on the wall
reflect scenes which cannot
bare the light of day
Appreciating aesthetic art and Alchemy
But the most vile thoughts
and desires poison his mind
As a true Emperor of Lust
Raping and slaughtering little boys,
like a romance of Death kissing
a decapitated Child's head
But his end was approaching
(so was) Execution but no fear
He showed as (once) into battle
10. Götterdämmerung (Twilight of the Gods)
Wir sind Götter (We are gods)
Gott ist der Mensch (god is man)
Sein ist die Hand die schaft (his is the hand that makes)
Sein ist die Hand die verletzt (his is the hand that wounds)
We are gods, God is man
His is the hand that makes, his is the hand that wounds!
As I behold your crucified lord
It is pity I feel not a sign of purification
And yet it are millions taught by his word
Die Götterdämmerung ist hier!
(the twilight has come)
Die Götterdämmerung ist hier!
A universal message of love
Lessons for the world to be clear
But I sense megalomania in his word
Dogmatic, based on fear
Die Götterdämmerung ist hier!
Die Götterdämmerung ist hier!
Like the word taught in that other book
By some other prophet born in the East
Screaming "jihad!!" Lifes they took
On the non believers corpses they feast
Not that Jahweh offered the other cheek
As he so firmly told his followers to do
Too many sacrifices in His name
Far too many lies not to look through
And here I stand alone in the night
No god or master above me
Do I suffer from this lack of divinity
Faith, my dear friend, can be splendid indeed
A force to hold on when the feeble soul bleeds
Religion served to the masses
Might be a dangerous seed
Forced down your throat
The last thing a free man needs
I walk a lonely path
Am I so blind to see?
At least I can say my soul is free
And my only god is me...
We are gods, God is man
His is the hand that makes, his is the hand that wounds!
We are gods, God is man
His is the hand that makes, his is the hand that wounds!
11. (Ode to Ancient) Europa
(from Gallia to Germania)
I still hear the ancient warcry
(Roma to Brittania)
I still hear the ancient battlecry
The great old European heroes, the proud old European names
Like snow now melted for sunlight, today their lustre gleams
Gone are the great old empires, the proud old names are low
That shed a glory over the ancient world, a thou sand years ago
But wandering the medieval cities beholding our ancient lands
Albion, Saxonia, land of Franks constructed by our ancestor's hands
(from Erin to Caledonia)
I still hear the ancient warcry
(Ellada to Helvetia)
I still hear the ancient battlecry
(from Lusitania to Hispania)
I still hear the ancient warcry
(Mycenae to Macedonia)
I still hear the ancient battlecry
In the country of our fathers on the land and sea
Can you hear a million voices? Thy forefathers summoning thee!
Summoning thee!
Many centuries ago, beyond the hazy space
In Brittany, Eire and Caledonia there dwelt a mighty race
Celts they were called, like their holy oaks, they had a giant grace
(fierce was the Byzantine empire
Spread over the Balkans, Asia, Minor and Greece
Combining eastern and western tradition
A gateway to the East)
Slavonian kingdoms, empires and tribes
Defending their ancient lands and rights
From invading hordes from the East
Thousands slaughtered (fair) men and beast
(from Byzantium to Phoenicia)
I still hear the ancient warcry
(Etruria to Cymru)
I still hear the ancient battlecry!!
12. (Het Verdronken Land van) Saeftinge
"Centuries ago when Belgium and Holland were not divided by borders SAEFTINGE was a
Thriving Place We shared.
Since Medieval times Our North Sea and it's Waters both Lost and Took Land which
changed the geographical Outlook of our Countries (As did Politics).
Although Forever Lost Saeftinge is still indicated on our Modern Maps
as "Drowned Land of Saeftinge"..."
Here One can Hear The Call of the Sea
While a Deadwhite Moonlight
is creating the Ultimate Unlight
Or at Night, or at Night...
O Sad and Beautiful Night
Full of Melancholy
When the Silent Dark Waters
Are inviting the Lonely Souls
of Mourning Lost Ones... Like Me
of Mourning Lost Ones... Like Me
Here Once I led a Life
My Home was build...Before the Cruel
Water Came
May be the Death Fish washed on the
With their Cold Eyes Have catched A
Glimp - A Glimp..
Of my Forever Lost Village
Do I Hear my Ancestors Call?
Oh Beautiful and Cruel Lost,
Forever Lost - Dark Medieval Times
Drowned Land of Saeftinge - Drowned
Land of Saeftinge
Here Once I could Hear the Bell toll,
Here once I
had a life, My home was build...
Here One can Hear the Call of the Sea
Oh y Drowned Land
Saeftinge - Saeftinge - SAEFTINGE,
Forever lost, FOREVER LOST ...
13. On Golden Fields (De Leeuwen Dansen)
We ask not the pleasure that riches supply
Our weapons shall regain
What betrayers must buy
Throwing back the invaders
Reigning our land and waves
And finally teach these nobles
What it means to be slaves
Far more large in numbers
Better armed they came
But are it not our cities
That these rascals claimed?
A victory rather certain
They held within their hands
But courage, craft and justice
Gave us a stronger hand
Bloodstained flags
Hear our men roar
But under foreign rule
Bloodstained flags
Hear our men roar
We shall suffer no more
We shall suffer no more!
"Het Vlaamse heir staat immer pal
Daar 't winnen of daar 't sterven zal
Alhier, aldaar aan lange lansen
De leeuwen dansen, de leeuwen dansen"
Oh, land of the Flanders
From field to shore
Shall view us as victors
Oh, land of the Flanders
From field to shore
Shall view us as victors
Or view us no more!
For victory was ours against all odds
Truly a miracle in a world without gods
Bloodstained flags
Hear our men roar
But under foreign rule
Bloodstained flags
Hear our men roar
We shall suffer no more
We shall suffer no more!
(I close my eyes. A voice from a century buried by time and dust teaches my
ears. And the troubadour sings:)
"Het Vlaamse heir staat immer pal
Daar 't winnen of daar 't sterven zal
Alhier, aldaar aan lange lansen
De leeuwen dansen, de leeuwen dansen"
En de leeuwen dansen...
14. Mother Europe
Oh remember the proud Hellenic civilisation
The cradle of Europe where it all began
Or the Portuguese and Spanish Armada
Overwhelming Thy power, a tribute to the south
Bruges, Antwerp, Ghent forever in my heart
Representing medieval Flemish pride
Brave Teutonic, French and English knights
Thy shining armour now long vanished
Thy glory, however, forever remains
Praised be the Scandinavian hordes
Once the nightmare of the Christian world
I talk of not of mercy
I talk not of fear
The hopeless warriors of a Willing Doom
Children of Italia
In ancient times "Roma Caput Mundi"
De Verenigde Nederlanden, parel van het noorden
Belgium and The Netherlands stood as one
Mother Europe born from your womb
Mother Europe on Your soil shall be my tomb
I talk of not of mercy
I talk not of fear
The hopeless warriors of a Willing Doom
Oh what that gallant spirit shall resume
Leap from Europe's bank and call Thee from the tomb
(Hail to the sons of eastern Europe
the Slavonian soul never fades)
Blessed are Scotland, Ireland and Bretagne
Where the Celtic dream still lives on
Shall be my tomb!
15. Evil Prevails
Descend into Darkness
Evil prevails
Show me the way
Storm the Gates of Heaven
Thy Kingdom come
Spit on the cross
Denial of Mary
Mother of Whores
MASTER of Evil
You're the one
Spit on the cross
Denial of Mary
Mother of Whores
Denial of holy souls
16. Fatherland
When the restless North Sea is
trying to gain more land
And a merciless west wind
steals my breath
When the fierce waves are pounding on the beaches
Plain as an endless desert
Or uttermost vile storms are
Teaching my people humbleness
Then one can see my land resist
There one can see my land fight
As gloomy grey skies
Cast away the northern sun
I turn home... Always turn home
I turn home... Always turn home
And our cities and villages
Representing centuries and centuries
Seem to drown due to eternal rainfall
Or the rivers turn into Gold
I turn home... Always turn home
I turn home... Always turn home
Fatherland! I always turn to my Fatherland!
Fatherland! Keep on turning to my Fatherland!
Fatherland! Always turn to my Fatherland!
Fatherland! I always turn to my Fatherland!
Our cities seem to drown
Due to eternal rainfall
I watch the rivers
Turn into Gold
Under a genial sun
When snow capped forests
Create visions larger than life
Then I realise where I belong
My eyes have seen the continents
The beauty of foreign civilisations
An uncontrollable desire forces me to wander
Yet echoes of melancholy and remembering
The splendour being mine (make me turn home)
Where castles and towers are the sole mountains
And father time seems to have less grip
Where castles and towers are the sole mountains
There my land can be found
I turn home... Always turn home
I turn home... Always turn home
Fatherland! I always turn to my Fatherland!
Fatherland! Keep on coming to my Fatherland!
Fatherland! Always turn to my Fatherland!
Fatherland! Always turn to my Fatherland!