
"Dreams Of Death And Dismay" (2001)
1. Die Laughing 2. Faith, Hope, Self-Deception 3. God of Death 4. Metamorphosis by the Well of Truth 5. Dreamon 6. Can't Kill What's Already Dead 7. Insurrection 8. The Enigma of Number Three 9. Drain of Blood 10. The Temple / Erratic
1. Die Laughing
I realize as I awake
Life's to be taken to a new level
Belief is not the way
Dogma will dispirit your soul
The only road to mastery of life
Is to determine it's extremity
When it shall expire
[Lead: Schalin]
Choosing victim is easy
Enemies are first in line
You are the sworn
Targets for my crime
Expectations are growing fast
Stronger as I plan
Life's to get new dimensions
Mercy denied, I celebrate
Only road to mastery
Determine life's extremity
Someone's gonna die
Moment of death I release the blood
Awaiting thrills but I'm still cold
Instead of the power I'd possess
Reinjected emptiness
A belief in something
That couldn't fulfill my needs
I feel nausea
With myself, not with my deeds
So I'm back where I begun
But the only way out is another one
[Lead: Schalin]
Tired, confused, exhausted
I stab the dagger to my chest
My strength is not enough
Enough to penetrate
Pitiful I am
And despite the pain
Laughter from my throat
I just can't restrain
I vomit, I laugh, I suffocate
Ironic no one can deny
Beside my victim I laugh to death
Oh what a funny way to die
2. Faith, Hope, Self-Deception
Despise the lie!
What makes you strong is what I hate
The plague that heals your wounds
All you believe makes you sane, strong
Truth would destroy you
You would wish for death
If you saw what I see
And you would die, but I would see
You while you would fall
Before me
Fall before me
Soon you will be
Under my feet
And left behind like all conquered lies
If you could cleanse your soul
And leave deception far behind
We would never be equal
Because free I stand, rid of lies
But without lies you would be no more
I do not envy you
I do not want what you have got
I only wish to see you die
By your own hand
Deprived of all that made you live
Tough fuck, sad but true
Your vision... a reflection of you
Without substance
No reason
[Lead: Schalin]
Yes, I want to spread the truth
To all of you who were seeking truth
But reality behind your veils
Is far beyond your frame of mind
Drained of what you thought was life
You would be like an empty shell
Hollow, used and thrown away
Fragile as crystal in my hand
[Lead: Schalin]
Broken shell, empty and small
What will become of you?
Your life is worth less
Than sand under my feet
Leave deception far behind!
We will never be equal
Because free I stand, rid of lies
But without lies you'd be no more
Can I ever make you see
Or even think like me?
No, you will always feel
Safe like the child
Not knowing his father won't be back
For fire... burn with me
Know me deep inside
For truth... see what I see
Take my hand or fall before me
3. God of Death
Oh how I dream
Pictures of the ancient times
The executioner awaits on the stage
In the eyes of the mob
Through which the convicted
Are dragged, scorned
And spat upon
Sinners, soon to confront their fate
Excitement in the air
Lost medieval times?
Former ideals shall be retrieved!
Like me into this body reborn
[Lead: Schalin]
Judge, executioner, all-in-one
I am the chosen one
Justice to be done
Sentenced, no wait
No wait, decapitate
The victim of my hate
[Lead: Schalin, Allenmark]
My name shall be God
Lord of heaven, earthly hell
And whatever is in-between
I reign in my kingdom of death
I judge the living
And the soon to be dead
Sentenced, no wait
No wait, decapitate
The victim of my hate
Lead this lost world through this maze
Refined are my ways
I'm Messiah
To make this world a better place
4. Metamorphosis by the Well of Truth
It's the time of the day when I lay down to rest
To impressions of the day digest
But thoughts of my existence emerge
Who am I and why am I?
My consciousness can't be purged
Until a soothing breeze is putting me to sleep
I fall through endless depths
My dreams awake, they're taking over
Take me on a journey within
[Lead: Schalin]
I see myself and I see my world
I meet people from my past
But can't remember where they're from
They stare at me with hollow eyes
Still disappointment therein lies
I see nations birth and death
One thousand human lives
Begin and end
I see new religions are born
And they fall into oblivio
I witness the births of worlds
And the old ones wither away
New universes are created in storms of fire
The old ones are crushed inside black holes
I see my old life fading away
And a new one is about to begin
I see water sprig
From the well of truth
People congregate
With will to eternal wisdom obtain
Those with false hearts
That taste the water change form
To trembling vile creatures with their insides out
The others are reborn as gods
At the very back of the swarming crowds
I see my tense face, I'm eager with fear
I desire to know but I fear the same fate
The one of others that I just beheld
When monsters with false hearts have expired
And the new gods are sent to conquer the world
As the last one I stand alone by the well
With fear I put out my hands
To finally taste the truth about me
[Lead: Schalin]
With uncertainty I awake from my dream
What would have happened and who am I?
I seek but can not find the well of truth
And struggle therefore through my life
With fear and eagerness
To godhood or complete demise
5. Dreamon
A haunting ghoul
I am the demon who rapes your soul
Raping your mind I take control
I am the one visiting your dream
I am the one with the vilest scheme
I see you in your dreams every night
I make your body convulse in fright
Twisting your hands to masturbate
With sinful thoughts I thee saturate
Bride of the beast groom I create
I soak the rag in chloroform
You breathe the mighty winds of the storm
As soon as you've anaesthetized
I do everything I've fantasized
This never was a dream
But you'll never realize
Don't be afraid, you will not die
As long as you keep me satisfied
6. Can't Kill What's Already Dead
Intimidate me?
No use, you can't harm me
I have returned for everyone to see
No time for empty threats
Know the new me
Unleash your fear, your hate
Unhurt I will be
Surrounded I am
But lay down your arms and save your hate
Immaterial being
I'm no one you incarcerate
I'm forever free
Unbound by the realm of flesh
You can't kill me
Can't kill what's already dead
I died long ago
Last ship that was passing by
Vanished where the sea meets the sky
You chose not to hear my screams
Turned away, escaped into your dreams
My hands tried to get a grip
To the very end
Saved my last breath for a downward trip
Sank into the ocean
Was chained to the bottom with moral
All my limbs were putrefied
My body's dead, my wraith's alive
So I'm back to intervene
Claim revenge
Blood is to be seen
Nothing to lose
No pain, no infliction
No fear reigns inside my head
You can't kill what's already dead
7. Insurrection
Too long on the throne, no resistance
You try to own me, possess my mind
Believing you can control my existence
Indoctrination, brainwash by lies
A nation I am
Sovereignty belongs to me
Deep inside infantry
Gather for attack
Prepare for war
All armies unite for the battle
I'm in command
We march to the front
To recapture our land
Nothing may stand in our path
No prisoners shall we take
No enemy shall ever rise again
And twilight is followed by stillness of death
Count your dead
I let all grievance be branded
Into your mind
[Lead: Schalin, Allenmark]
Gather hate, dominate
Enemies brought to account
If we shall meet any life...
Exterminate, eradicate!
No allowances we make
We've slain your nation...
Leveled with the ground
Lesson you have learned
Antagonists kneel or burn
We claim the highest throne
Our name is legion
The future is ours
My destiny is now in my control
8. The Enigma of Number Three
Reality, my one last escape
I can't hid deep inside myself
I close my eyes
Try to cover my ears
I'm obsessed
No peace to be found
Three churches with minarets
On three hills, far away
Every church has a bell
Piercing chime
Resonates in my head
[Lead: Schalin]
One for faith, holy faith
Roars like hell
One for hope, bloody hope
One for love
Tinkling fuck
Optical delusions
Unheard sounds
Haunting me, why?
These symbols I can't understand
Or interpret
I open my eyes
To escape from this hell
Although reality bites
Reflection I can spare
Three windmills now appear
New visions but I don't care
Two in spin and one is still
Eyes now burn
Sound intensified
Eardrums blow
Delirious delirium!
[Lead: Schalin]
He never solved the riddle
Never tried
Cursed to die!
[Lead: Allenmark]
Never reached
The insight that I have
Led to his demise
So learn from this...
If you are a stormy sea
Hold the mill-sails
If your soul is ground
I prithee mark my words
Your soul torn apart
By the sound of the bells
Misled by visions
You will expire
Concentrate, gather strength
Don't let the chime
Get to you or your soul
If you're strong
No mill can grind your soul
Not even if you are
A stormy sea
9. Drain of Blood
My powers are running low
My strength is about to die
My soul needs to be fortified
Drain of blood
Powers flood
How divine
I feel your heartbeat next to mine
My soothing hand along your spine
The way to end my inner strife
Goes through your blood
I need your life
I admit my mind is sick
Obviously my strength's anemic
Your death is the antidote
Now your blood runs down my throat
Drained of blood
Rivers flood
How divine
Another heartbeats next to mine
My soothing hand along her spine
The way to end my inner strife
Goes through her blood
I need her life
This last injection
Exceeds all expectations
[Lead: Schalin]
Once again my rivers flood
As you were drained of blood
10. The Temple / Erratic
Left by dawn
Determined mind
The final way out
My bridges were burned
One last path to justify life...
To follow this crazy dream
Heading for the woods
To places I had been before
But in my dreams
They were altered
I just had to see
But the deeper I walked
Confusion emerged
Paths unknown?
I was astray
And though it was day
The sun shone no more
But as I despaired
Certain to be lost
I suddenly stood
By a temple
The temple in my dreams
With a thousand steps
My journey was complete
The source of essence
Of which I had been foretold
Climbing up the stairs
Hewn in stone
Stained with generations blood
Thorn, like poison snakes
Entangles me, severs my skin
Helped by the wind
At last at the top
A mysterious sight reaches my eyes
For on the very highest step
A gigantic mirror was placed
Unseen in my dream
I was dismayed
With fear I faced the mirror
And to my great surprise
My reflection...
The image of the devil
And behind...
At the very foot of the stairs
I could see clouds
And heaven from above
Through the mirror
I could see heaven's gate
Forever closed for me
All of a sudden
A stormwind came
And put the mirror in spin
Got hold of the thorn
Of the highest step
I see the mirror stop
Yet the wind blows
My image... I am Messiah
Hanging down the stairs
In the reflection a chasm
And the gate in front of me
Was the back of the gate to hell
I was sure to fall
A question of seconds
But once again
The wind came to my help
And saved me from the flames
But trapped in the grasp of the wind
I was violently thrown
Towards the spinning mirror
And I got caught in the spin
New dimensions I saw
But I never say the mirror again
My last way to redemption
Turned out to be a fatal delusion
I'm condemned
To eternal emptiness
Condemned to play roles
In a thousand worlds
I'm never to be myself again
[Leads by: Schalin]
[Final lead part two by: Allenmark]