
"Lunar Optics" (2002 EP)
1. Lunar teardrops 2. Deep silence of the candle 3. Akivaizdumas 4. Snakefire s trip
1. Lunar teardrops
So sad your earthly heaven
And they who pick its fruits
They feel the taste of silty knees
And kisses of hypocrisy
It’s pity for the ones
Who cry and dream in distance
In distance of your empty orbits
Where tears rain down
We saw the credulous persons
Who’ve picked the fruits of pain
In garden of the great love
They shine like sour - sweet treason
Just dream about Saana full of the acid leaves
About the crown of pearls more darker than the trees
There is a smell of flowers like waves of purple seas
And what concerning pearls? It’s only poison tears
The warmest palms of stormy evenings
Have closed the flowers blossoms
Forgive me, girl of joyful sorrow
Don’t pierce me with your sweetness
Beside this I am still watching
So sombre thoughts and visions
Inside the brightest eyes of wisdom
My soul lays naked for no reason
2. Deep silence of the candle
Deep silence of the candle as an abyss of desire
Like rivers stream forward and then back again
To feel the favour of death – it is godlike feeling
My sister - witch is bleeding the dance in smiles of fire
Who has blown off the dust without eternal FEAR
Maybe I’ll fade in caress of flames, it’s oh so NEAR
The nights of ardent love have decoyed with a dizzy spells
When in the moonlight they’ve read the verses for each other
As eyes shine as cold warmth like the face of the sun
It’s still strange that the time had not ruined their beauty
So whitened waxen face melts away
I’ll miss you, sister, when the flesh will hide…
…Behind the latex…
3. Akivaizdumas
Ir ið tiesø gailiuosi að tavæs, nes ðtai Gëla tikroji
Tarytum prosenelë atlaidumo kupinom akim raudoja
Ðeðëlyje prakeikto lopðio, Nusidëjëlë mana
Ir kalba tau apie vaikystæ, nors ji jau tolima
Apie tas dirbtines roþes, kurios liepsnoja plaukuose
Kaip ydø, skurdo ir tingumo gëlës javuose
-Taip, gaila man tavæs dabar, kai ta sena Gëla
Apie minèiø tavø tuðtybæ kalba tau
Ir apie Gëdà
Kuri gûdþia pikta tyla pripildë tavo lûpas!
Taip, gaila man tavæs ir ðito purpuro beprasmio
Kurs savo spindesiu pridengia sàþinës þaizdas
Ir tø papuoðalø vylingom netikrom akim
Kurie apjuosia tavo blyðkø kurtizanës kaklà
4. Snakefire s trip
The razor cry is searching for the history of cosmos
Opening his bloody eyes to the fetish horizons
I surely know there is a bed in hospital of purgatory
To melt the snow of endless night that shines for me
Oh, let me tear off the burning skin before the fall of time
And see the melting lips of dawn in filthy lies
Your body as a danger reflects my fantasies
They will become the ashes as the SnakeFire S-trips
Just feel the communication between the pain and pleasure
Between the telepathy of dreams and stolen treasures
v And when the Heart-Work licks the rime of night
The tongue of flames bleeds all the same
The stripping darkness sleeps awhile and opens other door
Into the room, where lips of dawn will deadly suck you out,
That’s all…