
"Gothic Soul" (2001)
1. Prelude 2. In the Storm 3. Stranger 4. Promise 5. Flower of Blood 6. Memories 7. Gothic Soul 8. Evil's Root 9. Master 10. Eternal Love 11. The Son of God
1. Prelude
2. In the Storm
In the storm
Fear in the hearts
Darkness around
Furious sea
Lightning and thunder
Strong winds blowing
From the little boat
A voice lifts up
All authority and dominion
Nature and its creator
The heavens open up
The wind and sea quiet down
Rays of sunshine
Powerful voice that rules over
All things...
3. Stranger
I walk in the streets
I see faces and hear voices
Confused eyes
People get rich
People ask for food
Drinks and drugs
Addictions, images and crosses
Hunger... Fear... Injustice
In a stranger land
I'm walking
In a stranger land
Just for a while
4. Promise
You remember
The man who died on the cross
You remember
He rose from the dead
You remember
The promise you made to him
Don't close your eyes to the truth
Don't try not to understand
Jesus Christ will return
To raise his followers
Justify out the man
Heaven is a reality
Don't close your eyes
5. Flower of Blood
In a bad land
Thirsty for water
Ruled by thorns and weeds
Hard like stone
Dry like a desert
Brought by the wind
A little seed germinates
The beautiful flower of blood
It was born
Destroying all evil
Creating life
Giving fruit
The wind of the spirit
Holy Spirit
The seed of love
Was born in my heart
The beautiful flower of blood
6. Memories
To sleep
Without the fear to dream
TO dream about you, my friend
To try
To forget the past
Dark past for me, for you
The time
Will soon erase my pain
The pain of the sudden loss
But you will always be
In my memories in my heart
I remember your eyes
Looking to this word with love
I remember your face
Cheerful and hopeful
I miss you...
I miss you, my friend...
I hope to see you soon
Soon we will be together again
7. Gothic Soul
In the color of the night
Depressed souls wandering
In the shadows of a graveyard
Under the light of the moon
Sad eyes searching
Cold white skin
Anguished by the void
Walk... .Always... Walk... Always
Walking to a farway place
Steps to a farway place
For a meaning...
For a meaning...
Searching for a meaning...
8. Evil's Root
There is a great gain in godliness
With contentment
For we brought nothing into this world
And we cannot take anything
Out of this world
But with we have food and clothing
With these we shall be content
But those who desire to be rich fall
Into temptation
Into a snare
Into many senseless and hurtful desires
That plunge men into ruin and destruction
Into many senseless and hurtful desires
For the love of money is the root of all evils
It's through this craving
That some have
Wandered away
From the faith and pierced their hearts
With many pangs
9. Master
10. Eternal Love
11. The Son of God