
"Black Winter Day" (1995 EP)
1. Black Winter Day 2. Folk of the North 3. Moon and Sun 4. Moon and Sun Pt II: North's Son
1. Black Winter Day
This is how the lucky feel
How the blessed think
Like daybreak in spring
The sun on a spring morning
But how do I feel
In my gloomy depths?
Like the flat brink of a cloud
Like a dark night in autumn
A black winter day
No, darker than that
Gloomier than an autumn night
2. Folk of the North
3. Moon and Sun
Where has the sun gone from us
Where is the moon lost to us
The moon will not gleam at all
Nor will the sun shine at all
Death opens its mouth
The son of the Northlander
Camo to look, to listen
"There beyond the river is hero walking"
He took one step and took another
To the north's shore he hurried
He drew his sword, wrenched the iron
Snatched from the sheath the harsh one
Upon whose point the moon shone
Upon whose hilt the sun flashed
Upon whose back a horse stands
He uttered a word, spoke thus,
"There the sun has gone from you
The sun gone and the moon lost"
4. Moon and Sun Pt II: North's Son
Go, look at the moon
And inspect the sun!
Now they are in the sky
Right in their old places
Hail, moon, for gleeming
Fair one for showing your face
Dear sun for dawning
And daylight for coming up!
Dear moon, you're out from the rock
Fair day from the cliff
You've risen as a golden cuckoo
As a silver dove
Up to where you used to live
Fare well now upon
Your way, upon your journey
Sweetly end your curve beautifully
Come at evening into joy!