
"Dinamoneyezed" (2000)
1. Rising Sun 2. Psychomanifest 3. Into the Mirror 4. Destiny 5. Grasping at Shadows 6. Umbra 7. Blue Tomb 8. In Dread of Insanity 9. King of Din-Amon
1. Rising Sun
2. Psychomanifest
In Adventure of colours and shadows
I'm flying beyond the Future
Creating something imaginary
Exploring through secrets of my unconsciousness
Imaginary chaos is making my sane
I'm feelling pleasure in my own galaxy
Something psychedelic is widening my conscious
I'm feeling like visionaire from star labyrinth
Colours starting to be so secretly
In the middle of impulsive sparkings
Flash of new colours is driving me mad
With roots, things, waves and bodies in front of me
Inexplicabled laboratory, is here
In different levels of my brain
Which is very shell
But they seem so wide to me
I'm sinkin' in madness
But stubborness and desire is making it possible
It's all comin' down to line
Is this my own psychomanifest!?
3. Into the Mirror
Sometimes When you're alone somewhere
When Depression put it's heavy hands on you
When you are stranger to yourself out here
Then hope that mirror can tell you what to do
Into the Mirror
You'll trace yourself
'till all is lost, all is done
The man inside is not me
It is the shadow of humanity
When all is lost, is lost...
There is none of this
When you stop to take a look at the mirror
There is a feeling deep inside you
That something is going to swallow your personality
Which is trapped inside for all eternity
The monster that is searching for your soul
Lives in the Mirror and awaits your final look
At the glass area that hides so many great Secrets
When you can read yourself, like an open book
All this time I wonder if I'm talking to myself
Or is it really someone there when I look at
My own face and body and feel it's really me
Yes, but there's no soul, just Shadow of Man
repeat chorus:
I will never understand myself
'cause it's not really me that stands there
And stare in my reflection of hidden humanity
Or is it maybe me who is trapped, on the other side...
On the other side!
4. Destiny
5. Grasping at Shadows
The flash of light from the depths of the mind
Brought to an end my earthly existence
(So as the) spirits of time haunting the body
My soul is drifting through chambers of past
The thoughts as floods a taking control
View of our culture washed in our tears
Our fathers hearts prepeared to avenge
Orthododox lands washed in their blood
Devoted to God, so blessed by his hand
Constant I was and consant I am.
The fatherland mourned. In shallow graves
buried (are) the enemies with honour and pride
on the beginning so as on to the end.
The emotions drained are coming to life.
Now I'm aware of my shapeless form
and so I'm floating.
Grasping at shadows!
Oh my God... what an empyrean event!
The troops are gathering for attack
They're gathering for one last stand
One last stand in God's will
Tame people once
put together eagles and steel
Their courage combined
With the hatred of their enemies
Hear the words... centuries...
"The swords of Dach, the Axes of Japodh
the legions of Rome, the hordes of Tatar
the malicious knights by the flaming seas
spill blood across these ancient fields
we managed to survive."
Infinity in one hand, the visions in other
The rush of pain brought to me the choice
so if I had strenght to look forward
I would have seen my people marching on
In the heavenly paths of the ancient ones
I am touching my climax and abyss
Along my glittering points of infinity
For my hope and our name
6. Umbra
Sometimes, are we wasting the perfect chance
To look into our souls
And repent our sinfull past?
The Severe shadows made of dreams are high
the end began as we were told
But we cast the warnings signs away
7. Blue Tomb
Deep peace rules the water
still sea keeps silent
Down the smooth high seas
worried sights stroll
No wind, not from a side
mortal peace-horrible and freezing
there in a distance
Not one wave moves
Then suddenly cool wind blew
as if it sent from the heaven itself
the waves break-the wind howls
The must creaks as if it would fall
Still they neither look for the fortune in that stream
Nor expect any salvation from it
Now, strong black barge
starts it's dreary voyage
in it they are quiet and
stiff like stone, dead man's guards
But dark foreboding fell on the boat
death released her black breath
and the blue waves as if they were graves
Took victims into their arms
Now they lay in terrible silence in water
Their blood on the bottom makes a huge pool
their shattered bloody inside feed the sea creatures
in the blue grave those stiff dead men
Curved, black, look like-Oh horror!
Smashed mean monsters without a voice
Skulls of their look like white stones
Smoothed by the cold's freezing veil
And their hand cramped dark and withered
As if it would raise a sword on someone
And they have more stabs and wounds
Than any bodies torn apart by horses
Their bones are full of rot and gloom
It's visible, everywhere, the gading trace of bullets
And a sabre cut that cut them in a half
Over that silence a calm wave crosses
Bloody and nude, no more can they be seen
Except by the sea and it's frozen eyes.
You, the dead of my land, I envy you!
You, the dead of my land, I am proud of you!
8. In Dread of Insanity
I am the past
I feel the groan in my chest
Human stench all over the world
Blind my eyes and exert my soul
Lies, greed and sensless death
I'm in dread of insanity of man
Over and over again
Pleasure turns into pain
Time and time again
Love turns into hate
Wise men die in vain
I'm sick of all these deaths
people are gripped with fear
Faith fades, the end is near!
9. King of Din-Amon
Life-something supreme
the energy of the whole universe
Inexplicable perfection of his creation
knowledge-purpose of existence
The beauty of the beauty
of his creation
death-logical continuation of the previous
He keeps still and is always on the go
Changes not himself but is a cause of all changes
His eternal, present everywhere
He is the father of all, the mother of everything
Love-love the source of life
Strenght, which his power breaths with
Death he presents his subjects
Truth-purity of soul,
light stronger than the Sun's
His ultimate weapon
Goodness-the greatness of man
Do experience it
He's the father of all, the mother of everything
He is the origin and purpose of enlightement
The crator of kingdom supreme
He is the king of Din-Amon
In this time of darkness and misery
When everything perverses, when Yes becomes No
We have to find the strenght for us all
And join around shining wise head
Though I know not of his place
Though I know not of his face
To his will I let myself
And believe to the Holy Head!
Your serene highness, you have mine loyalties!