
"Fate of Norns" (2004)
1. An Ancient Sign of Coming Storm 2. Where Death Seems to Dwell 3. The Fate of Norns 4. The Pursuit of Vikings 5. Valkyries Ride 6. The Beheading of a King 7. Arson 8. Once Sealed in Blood
1. An Ancient Sign of Coming Storm
Där tog en nordig vind
skeppet, så att kungen
ombord fördes med
till strid mot två kungar
De djärva kungarna
hälsade med pilskott
Ordlöst i striden
Sköldarnas buller räckte."
Blood red bows plough the waves
Dragon heads grin
Twenty ships with horsemen braves
Riding the northern wind
They left their shores at early dawn
As a red sun was rising in the east
An ancient sign of coming storm
Thunder of sword and shield
Sails appear in the south
Now every man prepare
The sea will be colored by blood
Battle is drawing near
A mighty fleet of forty ships
Two kings bring lethal steel
No words spoken between enemies
Just thunder of sword and shield
A rain of arrows darkens the sun
A cloud of wood an steel
Through shields and flesh the arrows run
Bringing warriors to their knees
A war-cry loud as heimdal's horn
Fills the vibrating air
Here is where heroes are born
And where death is always near
Here it comes, the mighty storm
Every man attacks
Now is when heroes are born
There is no turning back
2. Where Death Seems to Dwell
Through a dark and desolate valley he walks
Pale, flickering fires light the way
Along an ice cold river lies his path
The sky is of darkest grey
A cold wind pierce through his bones
And the sharp rocks cut his feet
His clothes and skin are ripped by thorns
His eyes appear to bleed”
The land is dead and dry
The water is poisonous
Unknown creatures howling to the sky
Blood chilling and ravenous
The air is thick and dense
A smell of rotting flesh
Every breath is like one thousand knives
Cutting through his chest
Black birds of prey circle the sky
He hears the shadows moan
He sees pale faces pass him by
But he walkds this path alone
Darkness fills his heart with chilling fear
A nameless fear he cannot quell
How did he ever end up here?
This place where death seems to dwell
He repeats the question in his weary mind
The riddle gives him no rest
Yet he knows the answer deep inside
He’s been touched by the chill of death
Enchating voices urge him on
Though he wants to turn around
They sing to him with soothing words
A chilling, frightening sound
A cold blue ligh shimmer ahead
Where a mountain reaches for the sky
Nidafjell, mountain of the dead
Terrifying it’s might
He approach the gates
His heart is cold
He understands all to well
She awaits him
The truth unfolds
He’s been sent to Nifelhel
3. The Fate of Norns
I feel a chill in my heart
Like lingering winter cold
I and my son are torn apart
He was just 6 winters old
My first-born was he
And the last of my kin
The last one to carry my name
Death smiled at him its deadly grin
There is no one for me to blame
The fate of Norns awaits us all
There is no way to escape
The day to answer Oden’s call
Or walk through Hel’s gate
I carry him to my ship
He seems to be asleep
But the deep blue colour of his lips
Is enough to make me weep
No man should have to bury his child
Yet this has been my share
The tears I shed run bitter and wild
It’s a heavy burden to bear
His body feels so light in my arms
His skin is pale as snow
Yet his weight feels heavy in my heart
As my sadness continues to grow
What fate has been given to me?
Why must I suffer?
Why must I feel this pain?
Life has lost it’s meaning to me
I think I’m going insane!
I lay him down on a pyre
A burial worthy a king
And as I lie down by his side
I hear the weaving Norns sing
The fate of Norns awaits us all
There is no way to escape
The day to answer Oden’s call
Or walk through Hel’s gate
The fate of Norns awaits us all
There is no way to escape
The day to answer Oden’s call
Or walk through Hel’s gate
4. The Pursuit of Vikings
The warming sun returns again
And melts away the snow
The sea is freed from icy chains
Winter is letting go
Standing on the ocean side
We can hear the waves
Calling us out with tide
To sail into our fate
Oden! Guide our ships
Our axes, spears and swords
Guide us through storms that whip
And in brutal war
Our ships await us by the shore
Time has come to leave
Our country, family and homes
For riches in the east
Some of us won’t return
But that won’t bring us down
Our fate is written in the web
Woven by the Norns
A ram is sacrificed
Across the longship’s bow
And as we set our sails
A strong breeze starts to blow
It carries us out to sea
With hope of fame and pride
And glorious all will be
That with sword in hand will die
Oden! Guide our ships
Our axes, spears and swords
Guide us through storms that whip
And in brutal war
Oden! Guide our ships
Our axes, spears and swords
Guide us through storms that whip
And in brutal war
5. Valkyries Ride
Soon a new day will be spawned
Scattered fires glow
Soon first blood will be drawn
And dying ambers glow
They await the suns first rays
Anticipation running high
The Norns are counting numbered days
Hear the war-cry rise
See the Valkyries ride!
They meet upon this hallowed field
Now the end is near
Two armies not about to yield
The smell of death in the air
This field has served as battle ground
Since the dawn of this world
Through the years a lot of blood
Has been pored into this earth
Warrior’s eyes full of purest rage
Steel cutting flesh
Spilling guts, severing heads
Sending men to their death
Ride, ride, ride Valkyries
Ride, ride, ride Valkyries
The screams of dying men
The comfort in their eyes
Here they come, by Oden sent
See the Valkyries ride
Fallen men lie all around
Their dead eyes look to the sky
And as the swordplay rambles on
They see the Valkyries ride
6. The Beheading of a King
A mighty fleet came across the strait
But Erik was prepared
Five hundred Germans had come to his aid
On horseback with their spears
The fleet was carrying two thousand men
Eager to drain blood
But as they were about to land
Erik released his hoards
One thousand men and five hundred horsemen
Came charging down the beach
When the sea-king saw this force
He gave order to retreat
All obeyed except one ship
It held the king’s own son
He despised the thought of flight
And attacked on his own
The Danish fleet had to turn around
They charged King Erik’s men
But it was too late to save his son
His life was already spent
The fighting continued bloody and fierce
And the bloodshed was immense
Two thousand warriors died that day
Most of them were Danes
The Danish king was captured
Most of his guards were dead
For ransom he was released
Then his people took his head
7. Arson
They came riding at first light
Fifty men armed to the teeth
The sounding horn called us out to fight
We went to meet them in the fields
Outnumbered yet we fought
But soon we were overrun
We took refuge in our home
Our downfall had just begun
They attacked our home, we kept them out
Defending ourselves with spear and bow
We took them out one by one
As the rising autumn sun glowed
There was twenty dead on each side
When we first smelled something burn
We heard them laughting from outside
Taunting us with spiteful words
They set the house on fire
In order to smoke us out
Only five of us was still alive
And our time was running out
Raging flames surrounded us all
Our home was under siege
Crumbling roof and burning walls
There was no way to break free
As we were all about to die
We swore a sacred oath
Revenge would be claimed if someone survived
And we sealed the oath in blood
The roof caved in and cleared a path
A way out of the flames
It was decided that I’d go first
As we made for our escaped
Suddenly the walls came down
And trapped the rest inside
My closest friend died that day
Only I made it out alive
8. Once Sealed in Blood
It’s five years since I left this land
Since I left my friends to burn
Five years making bitter plans
Preparing my return
All this time my hatred’s grown
The one thing on my mind
The hate in me is all I’ve known
The one thing keeping me alive
Bold words spreads across the land
Bragging tongues speak carelessly
Know they not what is to come
I’ll hunt them down restlessly
The oath I swore, once sealed in blood
A seal between loyal friends
I swore before ancient Gods
I will have revenge
I swore! Before my Gods!
An oath! Once sealed in blood
Now here I stand in pouring rain
As he comes riding down the path
He will learn the emaning of pain
As subject to my endless wrath
He will be the first to pay
For the bragging words he spoke
He’ll regret that fateful day
My friends perished in smoke
I swore! Before my Gods!
An oath! Once sealed in blood
So here I stand on the road
With cold steel in my hand
As he looks into my unforgiving sould
His tears begins to run
One man down 29 to go
Consider yourselves warned
I’m coming for the rest of you
And will have no remorse