
"No Sanctuary" (1983 EP)
1. Battery Humans 2. Control 3. Progress? 4. Sanctuary 5. The Church Is For Sinners 6. Sunshine Ward 7. Moscow Madness (No Gods Part 2)
1. Battery Humans
Welcome to Cell Block 427 it's 10 o'clock at night
Can you see the rows of bodies twitching in their sleep
And if you're hungry, if you fancy a bite
The guards will be obliged to pick the fattest from the heap
They drag the body through the filth by a cruelly mutated arm
Up into the kitchen of the human factory farm
It tries to scream but can't without a tongue
One more slaughtered in the kitchen of the human factory farm
Take your body, grease it well and rip the kidneys out
The sweat must be left on the skin, the throat allowed to bleed
Prepare a stuffing, smash the jaw and jam it down the throat
Then braise your beast for two hours for a healthy, filling treat
Back in Cell Block 427 the rest don't care if he's missing
Two beasts fuck frantically, fearful of their slaughter
One bloated specimen rolls off its mate and proceeds with pissing
The shit drips between his legs as he pisses on his rotting daughter
2. Control
And in our ignorance we let them take control
And in their wisdom they decreed that we should bow
Their grips extending to encompass all the world
The cages open to accomodate the crowd
When we put our lives into their hands
We put our hands into their chains
Refuse to aid them, refuse to hold their gun
You must refuse to light the fuse, to activate their bomb
3. Progress?
Progress? That's just regression
Technology? That's nothing new
"Advance!" you scream insanely
"Advance"? From this to what?
And every time you smile I smell decay, killer!
Your empty eyes stare, cold and grey, look at that face!
Machinery (master?), we're all expendable
It's just so obvious, it's more dependable
This progress will mean a number
Branded to your skin
They lead you to your slaughter
Like they lead a horse to water
They can't force you to drink
But you do!
4. Sanctuary
It's a race against time
And there's nowhere to hide
So they look for the sign
In the sky
No sanctuary
But its all a mistake
It's already too late
The key to our fate
Is inside
Yes it's hidden away
From the light of the day
In the minds of the
Masters of men
The damage is done
So the suffering goes on
With the aid of the
Peoples consent
5. The Church Is For Sinners
The pulpits standing empty, the congregations left
Because to qualify for piety they had to pass a test
Q: How much "roughly" is your god worth to you?
Q: And if he said "lay down your life for me" could you give that too?
And will they never understand
That the future is in man
The priests, when told of starving kids, look on in mock dismay
While thinking of new ways by which to make religion pay
Money from mass misery? There's nothing wrong with that
The church holds out a bloodstained hand to pass around the hat
"By the pricking in my thumbs
Something wicked this way comes" (Shakespeare)
6. Sunshine Ward
Roses are red. sometimes violets are blue but we're always puking on cider
and glue
People say that we're twisted, you know it's not true, we just get so bad
when there's fuck all to do
Life in this building is freezing and wet, if I once had a brain then I
seem to forget
'Cos just when I caught it, it slipped through the net, now we sedate
ourselves slowly no time for regret
Sunshine wards laughing, the inmates are here, filling our lives full of
sulphate and beer
We've tried every way to make "real life" less clear as stupidity sets in
the truth disappears
Sunshine wards screaming, we crawl to the door
Reality creeps back, I can't take no more
There is no more stairway we're stuck on this floor
And fear digs in deep, as the patients hands claw
The happy dream shatters and falls to the floor
The doubt crawling in that we can't just ignore
Should we carry this farce on just as before?
Or start living for life's sake, away from the ward?
7. Moscow Madness (No Gods Part 2)
Moscow Madness (No Gods Part 2)