
"Before The Final Journey" (2006)
1. Signs (Intro) 2. Broken Resistance 3. Fatal Escape 4. Valahia 5. God Of Rain 6. Asteroid (God's Punishment) 7. Das Gesicht Der Wahrheit 8. Stupid Puppets 9. Waiting...
1. Signs (Intro)
2. Broken Resistance
Broken Resistance
Dreams laid bare in pale light
Bound by hope, intensified by pain
A last cry, broken faith
Cruel memories tearing up my heart
Flashback to the past
Memories fading on the way to eternity
Escape from loneliness
Exhausted by searching, here I am
Tears wipe out hate and dispair
Searching for fullfilment in existent spheres
Words: Barth / Music: Barth
3. Fatal Escape
Fatal Escape
My life is not worth living any longer
I don't have the strength for suffering anymore
A simple step yet so difficult
Just one shot and the light expires
No pain, a quick end
Or is this vision a deception?
It's time to give up my belief
It's time to escape into eternal peace
At the threshold of death I sense no fear
I fly above the reality
A warm light surrounds me
But a voice whispers to me
Why did you give up your faith?
Why did you flee your obligations?
You’ve destroyed your precious life
Your destiny will now be eternal damnation
I looked for release / You were not ripe enough for it
I looked for the truth / You will never learn it
What will happen to me now? / You will never find peace
It's my destiny to endlessly suffer, my decision
My fatal escape
Words: Barth/ Music: Barth
4. Valahia
To be back again, what a feeling
Is it real or am I just dreaming
The time is right, another point in time
We`re step now over the line
just see... ...to rise..
Darkness comes to me, moonlight above – we are back again
Our heart was lost, wherever we were
Hundred tears are falling, raining over me
Flames of rising in the deepest sea
Our heart is lost, our soul forever too
A lighting cue
Endless dawn, biting sun
Reign in madness for the growing heart
It’s beginning to start
Now we`re gone
We want your crown
Feel your heart – it`s an ode to valahia
The mind is black, the mind is dark
A cure for the soul – nothing apart
The stars are shining, an angel in the night
No broken wings, a peaceful flight
Yes we`re gone
We want you crown
In your lap we’re laying now
Darkness falls
Exiting, what I feel
Yes we`re gone
We want your crown
In your lap we’re laying now
Darkness falls
Valahia in me
Words:Warschkow / Music:Warschkow
5. God Of Rain
God of Rain
One morning by the sea
When day and dream unite
A Crushed Man – How should he feel?
To go against the tide
The sky is whispering his name
And he is feeling it so deep – insane
And he cries, and he cries, cries to the god of rain
Still his heart, his soul feel the pain
And he cries, and he cries, cries to the god of rain
He washed his face
What used to be proud?
To set the minds ablaze
To cry one`s eyes out
Oh earth – please dance – I will remain
Oh sky – please blow down this stupid game
Oh earth, please dance
Oh sky, blow down
Oh water, rinse away…
Oh fire, pleace breathe…
Just a cry, a cry, cry to the god of rain
To rinse away the sickness of mankind – the prayer
It’s a cries, a cries, cries to the god of rain
Words:Warschkow / Music:Warschkow
6. Asteroid (God's Punishment)
Asteroid (God’s Punishment)
A fragile blue planet in space
Unique creation doomed to prey
Stupid mankind in the maze
Step by step to the youngest day
A bright tail in heaven
A clear indication of the end
Mankind is the scourge of earth
Kills the nature, lives in delusion
Without chance of rebirth
Paradise is an illusion
No time to escape
The end comes suddenly
The punishment of God
Mankind begging for mercy
Dust climbs to the sky
And darkens the sun
All life expires in coldness
Ice claps the earth
Words:Barth / Music:Barth
7. Das Gesicht Der Wahrheit
Das Gesicht der Wahrheit
Erschöpft von der Suche in einer fingierten Welt
Auf sich allein gestellt
Lügen versteckt hinter Glas
Schüren sie nur meinen unbändigen Hass
Die Wahrheit sehe ich in meinen Träumen
Diese Visionen - zerreißen mein Herz
Der Ausweg so nah und doch so fern
Ist es Realität oder Utopie?
Ein Gedankenspiel meiner Fantasie
Das Ende einer Zeit abzusehen
Einen hoffnungslosen Schritt zu gehen
Die Zeit wird verschluckt von der großen Gier
Der Strudel reißt mich mit, doch spüre ich die Kraft in mir
Denn ich sehe Dich – und die Wahrheit in Deinem Gesicht
Words:Barth / Music:Barth
8. Stupid Puppets
Stupid Puppets
They live between malice and deceit
Let their own to be misled
Like puppets on stage playing the game
The game of lies and shame
Imprisoned in the circle of treachery and revenge
Stupid puppets hanging on stage
Doing dull things, stupid puppets
The devil is laughing while he’s pulling the strings
No exit out of this maze
The devil stirs up his blaze
Their eyes are cold without life
And the devil is whetting his knife
Envy and egoism are written on their faces
Silent, helpless screams – the fear of the abyss
Insenible life in slavery
They are dead but they haven’t yet noticed
Words: Barth / Music: Barth
9. Waiting...
Bound by endless sadness
Bound by grief and violence
Waiting for the end
Waiting for salvation
A shadow’s standing above me
And a voice’s whispering to me
Can you feel the breath of death?
Can you hear mankind screaming?
Can you taste the burning soil?
Can you see the ruins of this world
I’m closing my eyes
Want to forget these pictures
Yet they follow me
Escaping is impossible
I’m longing for this other world
Yet I’m doomed to live
My final journey, my final journey
I’m now ready to go this way
Time passes, time passes painfully
Still see completion, completion before my eyes
I hope my tears will dry, my tears will dry
Waiting for the end, waiting for salvation
I’m waiting, waiting for the end of this world
Words:Barth / Music:Barth