
"The Cold Taste of Nickel Plated Steel" (2004)
1. The Cold Taste of Nickel Plated Steel 2. Devil's Curse and Angel's Wings 3. Down at the Graveyard 4. It's a Lovely Day for a Holocaust 5. There's Always Suicide 6. Until it Goes too Far 7. If We're Lucky... 8. Memory
1. The Cold Taste of Nickel Plated Steel
Cold sweat in the dead of night
As the beat of your heart awakens you
Blasphemies to an unseen God
As the Devil inside is breaking through
And you know there’s no easy way
And I’ve no golden words to say
So next time you forgive yourself away
Remember how it felt today
Failure is human, from mistakes we learn (but)
Don’t be afraid to watch your bridges burn (because)
To conceal won’t necessarily heal (and)
Won’t circumvent the pain you feel
To give yourself away, it isn’t right (and)
Could be the reason you can’t sleep at night (but)
There is one other way to stop what you feel
The Cold Taste of Nickel Plated Steel
A blank stare towards a vacant wall
Becomes generally unnerved
Although you don’t get what you want
Some people get what they deserve
And there’s nothing I can say
To make this go away
If there is one thing I can make you learn
It’s that some people do deserve to burn
And although your wounds may never heal
It’s always worth the pain they feel
So let’s just sit back and enjoy the ride
There is no need to make your hatred hide (because)
There are some people who just need to feel
The Cold Taste of Nickel Plated Steel
2. Devil's Curse and Angel's Wings
And to this flesh we’re bound
Thrown in a box and buried underground
But what becomes of flesh
When there’s no one around?
Is the mind apart from body?
Is the soul apart from mind?
Is the flesh what makes us
Or what keeps us behind?
Are we creatures of reason
With instinct holding still?
Are we forces of nature
Or do we act through will?
Now if everyone’s a sinner
As we’ve all been told
Where will we be going
When we find out Hell is full?
Is this your way to make us cry out to be saved?
That in the end we are not worth a grave
Now they’re alone, but searching,
For something to call their own, a home
And as I watch them rise I realize
It’s the mind that makes them feed
But instinct supplies the need
Flesh, mind and soul become one at birth
But when you die, your soul will fly
And your flesh will walk the Earth
Without a damn star in the sky
This is the end, say good-bye
I only hope when my time comes
I’m good enough to die
No breath of Devil’s Curse
Nor wind of Angel’s Wings
Could blow away a goddamn thing
3. Down at the Graveyard
Time’s run out
Life is short you know
We got to get you in soon
So the rot can grow
You used to have it all
But death had you beat
Now dig your hole quick
So the maggots can eat
Thought you’d live forever
But those plans went bust
‘Cause sooner or later
Everyone is one of us
You worry too much
Now just rest your head
Don’t listen to the others
I don’t care what they said
The world’s a dangerous place
But in here you’re safe
Now shut your eyes lie back
And enjoy your grave
No one lives forever
But they don’t want to be told
But I bet you believe
The newly renovated
Hole in your skull
(It’s what got you here)
Down at the graveyard
Where the worms are fed
What’s the worst that could happen?
You’re already dead
But while it’s goin’ good now
You know you never can tell
If your next stop’s Heaven
Or your next stop’s Hell
4. It's a Lovely Day for a Holocaust
It’s a lovely day
For a Holocaust
Rise and shine
It has come time
For greeting the new day
The sun comes in
New life begins
And all your troubles go away
The morning rays
You sing their praise
As the joy fills up your eyes
The rain’s away
It’s a lovely day
And it’d be fucking great to die
And then a fire swept the plains
And there was no more pain
In a flash
It turned to ash
And was one big unmarked grave
The people cried
“I don’t know why”
No one here was saved
To all our eyes
What a surprise
No one expected this
But what do you know
That’s how it goes
With apocalypse
The lick of flames going in for the kill
Corpses burning like fat on the grill
All is ruined, all is lost
A lovely day for a Holocaust
So was it blasphemy?
Or perhaps some darker art
That took the final shot
And tore us all apart
But it’s been real
It’s been fun
It’s been too long
And now it’s done
And everything that was
Has blown away
And everything beautiful
Was destroyed today
And for all we were
What do we have to show?
Better cancel your plans
‘Cause to Hell we go
Why should we sit
And calculate the loss?
It was a lovely day for a Holocaust
And then a fire swept the plains
And there was no more pain
5. There's Always Suicide
Consider this my epitaph
Because I won’t be coming back
It’s just an elegy
Of what was never meant to be
And the things that never were
For me
But it’s the same thing they all say
To make the torment go away
Everything has got to come to an end
Except for pain, but let’s pretend
Everything is perfect,
We’ll be safe in isolation
So far away from the devastation
But how does it feel when you can tell
That in just one second this all goes to Hell?
If you believed in love
It seems you’re wrong
‘Cause with just one look
You’ll see it’s already gone
Now wave good-bye to hope
‘Cause there it goes
The smart money was on hate
And it shows
Friends and Family
Now we’re digging a grave for them
We’ll let them suffer
Then we’re digging them up again
And in some time
They’ll forget what they’ve seen
But no one here
Gets out clean
You say I’m sick
But no one’s making you watch
Don’t have to play
No one’s making you stay
You believed in love
And now that you’re wrong
What will you do
Now that your hope is gone?
You never thought
That you could fall so low
Well don’t you worry
There’s a ways to go
I guess it’s early
But we’re digging a grave for you
And if you’re lucky
You won’t need it
When we’re through
Don’t be scared
There is no reason to hide
‘Cause in the end
There’s always suicide
6. Until it Goes too Far
For all that you suffer
There is not much to show
No one to blame but yourself
But that’s not how it goes
Buy the illusion
‘Cause it just isn’t fair
That you should carry the cross
Although it is yours to bear
Tired and broken
You sift through the pain
Looking for someone to blame
Rather than carve
A lonely path
You just give yourself away
So helpless here I am
And from where I stand
I can see it all
But can only watch you fall
‘Cause you take all I say
And just brush it away
I can make you hear
But what I’m missin’
Is a way to make you listen
Sometimes the light’s too bright
And so you close your eyes
But just because it’s dark
Doesn’t’ mean the sun has died
Adversity builds character
There’s always a price to pay
That’s why no one gave us wings
‘Cause then we’d just fly away
Forgiveness is just fine
Until it goes too far
No one wants the heartache
But it makes us who we are
7. If We're Lucky...
The angels left
But halos remain
As a twisted reminder
Of who to blame
‘Cause we can never wear a halo
We never will be kings
If no one can hear us screaming
Why should they hear us sing?
Wasting all this time
Waiting to be saved
Digging the hole
That will be your grave
After all the failures
Bore a place in your soul
Did you think that Hell
Would be this cold?
So round up some nails and get my cross
All of this blessedness is lost
Now everything has gone to hell
And I can only save myself
Suffering is living
And dying is peace
Pray to your redeemer
Keep fucking your beast
‘Cause we can never walk on water
We never will be saved
Now go back to your home
And pretend it’s not your grave
All of this pain won’t leave me alone
I can see that I’m reaping what I’d sown
And I remember
What it was the good book said
That if we’re lucky
Someday soon we’ll all be dead
There’s just one way
To stop the voice that’s in your head
And if we’re lucky
Someday soon we’ll all be dead
If we’re lucky,
Someday soon we’ll all be dead
8. Memory
So this is how it ends
There’s no where else to go
But moving on can be hard when
This is all I know
So now I close the door
On what I was back then
Been defeated once before
But it won’t happen again
Can’t you see it in my eyes?
The demon killing me inside
Or does this mask still keep me safe
As nothing shows upon my face
But I still wish that I could hide
Or maybe I’d just walk right by
And think everything is fine
But now I see it’s all a lie
I know what it’s like
To feel as if you’re trapped
To run away from pain
Only to come crawling right back
I’d believe I was bleeding
Though my reflection showed no blood
But that dam has finally broke
And now I’m dying in the flood
So make it all, make it all
Just a memory
I don’t need to see, I don’t need to see
This anymore
Make it all, make it all
Just a memory
I don’t need to be, I don’t need to be
This anymore
I ran for much too long
I was numb to the pain
Now everything is gone
And only I remain
I see it all now
My eyes won’t let me
Turn away, not like I used to
That piece of me just died today
So make it all, make it all
Just a memory
I don’t need to see, I don’t need to see
This anymore
Make it all, make it all
Just a memory
I don’t need to see, I don’t need to be
This anymore