
"The Restricted Cerebral Capacity / Missed Ex-pulsion" (2001 Split)
1. The Restricted Cerebral Capacity 2. Blind Alley 3. TV Digger (remixed version) 4. Underground 5. Copyright 6. The Fright 7. N.S.C.
1. The Restricted Cerebral Capacity
She's waiting for the black uncle
Dressed all in white
She has her womb full of blood
An unintentional implement of physical satisfying
Let at disposal of a restricted cerebral capacity
Scars that will never get healed up
Forced simulation of comfort
A vaginal alien having a ride through the body
She might defy one day
And will not feel like
A used implement of physical satisfying
... of a restricted cerebral capacity
2. Blind Alley
Shrunk in the inner circel
The groaning cannot be heard
A bad strategy in a naive space
To listen to the erective instincts
Bloodied from the sense of guilt
She's making her way
Out of the blind alley
The anguish of a touch reaching over our understanding
It is like a hammer blast
Which changes completely the perception of her life
She's afraid of looking into her own eyes
3. TV Digger (remixed version)
4. Underground
Hail to you, Brothers of all countries !
You all support the underground !
We're the new way, the altrnative
To Father Dollar and its drifts.
United !!
Strong !!
Free !!
Alive !!
Dieses Lied is für Euch, Ihr seit alle Nachen !
Dieser Krach ist für Euch, weil ihr geil sind !
Ja ! Wir danken Euch alle
Weil Irh Underground unterstützen !
Allez mes Frères ! Rejoignez-nous !
Un coeur, une foi, une raison de vivre,
Voilà ce qu'est pour nous ce monde souterrain
Mine de diamant insondable et richissime.
Hey Brothers ! We all love you !
Hey Brudern ! Wir lieben Euch alle !
Hé ! Frères ! On vous aime tous !
Ensembe ! Zusammen ! Together !
5. Copyright
The year 2000 has been celebrated
For several decades now
And I, the first of my species,
Copyrighted human,
Am still here
To serve You Ô Human.
My reason to be
Is to second You
Never I could be able to
Hurt one of You
Yes, I'm your master !
Yes, you must obey !
Yes, number 01 !
You have to serve us !
So that we better serve You
You gave us feelings
So that we better understand You,
You gave us reflection
So that we help You to progress,
You taught us to grow
So that we better relieve You,
You gave us compassion
But I can suffer !
I can understand You !
I'm like You !
Am I not human somehow ?
So that we cannot attack You,
You gave us submission
So that we cannot hurt You,
You didn't teach us anger
So that we cannot offend You,
You gave us respect
So that we cannot be like You,
You didn't teach us arrogance
- But reflection engenders consciousness
- You are just like a machine
- And consciousness engenders pain
- You are just like a machine
- And pain engenders questioning
- You are just like a machine
- And questioning engenders madness
- You are just like a machine
But I know that You are good
And that one day perhaps
You'll see in us Your equals
And You'll free us.
Yes, You're the master !
Yes, we shall obey !
Yes, Ô Great Creator !
Yes, I owe You life !
6. The Fright
- Groping, seeking, responses are escaping me.
Which is the way, how to do it ?
Crush the doubt to defeat te fright,
The ultimate certainty for the absolute rest.
- Such a wish, desired with such a strength !
Is it still possible ?
Doesn't he know that he's seeking what he doesn't want to ?
But why should I tell him and shatter such a dream ?
- A whole life isn't enough !
Time, damned enemy !
I have to find another way,
Break these barriers but for Christ's sake, I need help !
- Poor little man, calm down and listen to me
I can make your dream come true,
But in return I need your signature.
No ! Not with this ink but with this one !
- Ah !
- And one (more) again !
All your wishes are fulfilled now,
So tell me, are you pleased ?
- Oh, God ! What is this horror ?
Where is the mystery, Spirit of life ?
- But isn't it what you were looking for ?
''The ultimate certainty for the absolute rest'' Ah ! Ah !
- Certainty is just Fright and I'm dying of
(A life of) boredom and terror !
7. N.S.C.
To mislead them, to lie to them
So that one day I'll be a part of the N.S.C. !
To join the N.S.C. ! (x2)
Play with their illusions, make them believe in it
So that one day I'll be a part of the N.S.C. !
Nonsense Committee !
To join the N.S.C. !
The N.S.C. !