
"The Evil's Entrails" (2002)
1. The Evil's Entrails 2. Six Moons Before the Day (The Silence) 3. The Cave (Aware of Not Existing) 4. Fly to Die (To Icon) 5. Universe 6. Rain 7. Heavenly Ghost (Awaiting the 'Light')
1. The Evil's Entrails
2. Six Moons Before the Day (The Silence)
I'm longing for silence
I feel like sinking in it
To escape from life
Which like death
Precedes me in every step of mine
It is an imperious desire like the song of sweet muses
Everyone succumbs to its charm
Silence shrouds and shields me
It fills up my lonliness
I will ride the waves of wind
In order to fly far away
I will remain alone
Nagging is the noise of melancholic memories
Like a crown of thorns
It has laid down on my heart
Its screams of pain resound in my mind
Soft silence
Lymph of my reflections
Nektar of my thoughts
Inspirer of my most hidden dreams of escape.
3. The Cave (Aware of Not Existing)
Repetition of my behaviour
Is an everlasting course of scenes
That run after one another
Fixed points of a vicious circle
That I wasn't able to break
Of a schematic existence
As futile as my own behaviour
My life is a long journey
Through the desolate ways of time
A course of infinite sensations within myself
Companions of my destiny
Unrelenting and obscure omen of death
A sad certainty
The sole step of my existence
Which will make me alike those around me
I've ever lived without thinking about it
Jealously keeping within me
The phobia of what will happen
That morbid fear which day by day
Has worn out my thoughts
Rendering my life a slow agonizing suicide
Giving birth to my deepest anguish
Aware of not existing
Revelation of the obscure omen
Achievement of my destiny
Now I realize I've never really lived
I think over the infinity of things that I could have done
But my courage failed
Desires: never fullfilled
Dreams: never realized
Because of stupid fears
I feel I have thrown away a lot of time that was at my disposal
During the journey of my life
Into the obscure abyss of forgetfullness and depression
That journey which was not so long as I imagined
4. Fly to Die (To Icon)
The eternal abyss
Had called me back again
Where your thirst for death
Had never quenched
Deceiving myself into thinking
I could still help you
While that demoniacal force
Devoured you
It was like asking me to get mad
Repressing that same fucking agony
Without restraints armed with so sharf blades
Ready to kill at the first wrong move
You insist on fighting but that evil force is inside you
And you will end up by killing yourself
You don't belong to this world
Wishes too high to survive in this world
You wish to fly free far away
But you are a slave
Chained by yourself by an inward sorrow
And you are scared of crying
Too many days spent to think over
You were too weak to fight
Even though I wanted to help you
I could do nothing to let you fly away
In the eternal nothingness you will wander about like a ghost
When one day your certainties collapse
But maybe is for that God you believe in
That you have not committed suicide.
To cut your veins
It's so sweet feeling the blood overflowing
Killing yourself is this what you really want ?
Be damned accursed presence that rip,tear
To pieces the mind and kill every breath of life
That doesn't belong to you
You won't triumph because that day
It will be the rebirth
And from the blood it will rise again
That frail soul that now succumbs
Unable to react
5. Universe
The sun is dying and the light with him as well
Sadly embraced they drown far away
The night rises again
The dark mystery
Falls softly on me
With her innocent veil
Crumbs of light stud her black mantle
And playful figures spring up
Invading the sky
That black painting
Depicted with stars
As a living picture
Renewed every night
Let them admire
What their eyes are unable to notice
The immense and boundless infinite
Hidden behind it
As a wonderful dream destined to vanish completely
Into a neverending burning horizon
The sun and light die again
Black and majestic the night comes back
Oh sweet pale-faced moon
Deathly pale queen of the obscure empire
What you hide behind you
Show me the secret for my eyes
Show me the infinite spheres of light
Jealously guarded by you
Let me delight the immense infinite
6. Rain
From damp and beating abysses of oblivion I'm born again,
from a viscid and filthy larva I open my wings
and by fraud I will surround you too,
I struggle convulsively.
The blood flows and you only want:
:to see it flowing awaiting for my help.
From damp and beating abysses of oblivion I'm born again,
from a viscid and filthy larva I open my wings.
Why do you suffocate me?
You hiss me in vain
When you have invoked me.
I will be your salvation
And your damnation,
as if I were your god!
Why you suffocate me?
You hiss me in vain,
when you have invoked me.
And the shouts of fame
Will be heartrending barkings,
I will lacerate his heart
But you will savour the pleasure;
always asking more and more.
Every new dawn
will be the delirious agony of mind.
You called me from the deepest abyss of soul.
Unware of how hugely beautiful and ravenous I was
My freedom will be its detention
And finally will be able to:
:see it be in its death agony.
Its blood so warm.
You have never belived it.
Why do you suffocate me?
You hiss me in vain
when you have invoked me.
I will be your salvation
And your damnation,
as if I where your god!
And here is the last rite
With which you will savour the nektar of life!
From a viscid and filthy larva I open my wings
And by fraud I will surround you too
I struggle convulsively.
The blood flows and you only want:
:to see it flowing awaiting for my help.
From damp and beating abysses of oblivion I'm born again,
from a viscid and filthy larva I open my wings.
I will fall again into the eternal sleep untill a new call
And by the following twilight
more filthy and powerful,
I will rise from the death,
devouring human certainties
of life and death.
7. Heavenly Ghost (Awaiting the 'Light')
Assailed by the relentless flowing of time
I'm corroded by my thoughts.
Dark spheres of fatal obsessions,
black walls of thoughts
lock my essence up
imprisoned by the darkness,
codemned in eternity
to the infinity of my thoughts.
Shadows of my life,
nightmares of my existence.
Reality of my reality.
Twilight of joy.
Twilight of joy,
dawn of darkness.
Obscurity of my feelings
brings my mind
to evanescent scratches of joy,
now sad and distant memories:
:through time, through moments:
:through days, through years:
:in the most futile measures of sorrow,
in the completest obscurity.
Mirror of my life.
I await the coming of light in vain,
tha joyful glitter of happiness
that few times in my dreams
I have perceived
And that never :
I will be able to admire.