
"The Magnificent Rebirth of a Mighty Old Empire" (2004)
1. Argumentum ad Baculum 2. Mexica�s Battles 3. Inhuman Ritual of Submission and Blood 4. ...To Aztec Glory 5. Alienate Armies to Serve our Greed 6. Hail King Victorious 7. The Magnificent Rebirth of a Mighty Old Empire
1. Argumentum ad Baculum
Argumentum ad Baculum
We will impose the power on your behalf!
The march has just begun and the fatigue is obvious
The hope that make us go on is only the greed of victory...
The ritual is now ready, the heart will be devoured!
Aztec forces get the hearts in his continuos crusade
The unmercy gods the unmercy faith demand their slaves of death
And in the temple the bodies fall brutally gutted!!!
Fear the powerfull of Huitzilopochtli!
We will impose the power on your behalf!
Face to face, death and power
With honour we must march
To the victory through mountains high
Until we face the horrible warsungod
The promise of a land...
Where we can rise and stand!
The promise of an empire...
Where our god can receive his sacrifice!
Where we will forge
The armies of our Mexica empire!
Blood and brotherhood...Courage and fate...
Make us found pur future, make us face this horror
To the war we're marching high without fear... but full of grit
Proud will be our land...When we have enslaved all that weaks
Imposition of divine laws!!! Exaltation of power!!!
Domain and humiliation; violent.
Found in the sacred names.
Tributes and human offerings.
Offering you our genital Automutilations
2. Mexica�s Battles
Violent arrival into the enemies village
Tlaxcaltecas must pay now our tribute...
With warriors and young virgins...
To our War God, they are captured!
They don't know that to the glory we march
Then they try to defend their people
But they are fighting against eagles and jaguars!!!
They can't fight against our mighty forces!!!
They don't know that to the glory we march
Then they try to defend their people
There are a numerous army,
But we're the sons of the warsungod
Huitzilopochtli lead us now
Proud and victorious we must march!!!
Burning alive in their houses
Grabbing the survivors as prisoners
Crying begging desperated
They know that soon will be sacrificed!!!
When we get back to Mexico Tenochtitlan
There they'll celebrate our deeds
We bring hearts to our sacrifice
Ixpuxteke... In your name we'll lacerate our genitals!
Mexicas... race of warriors!
Mexicas... destroying the enemy!
Mexicas... we must get it to the ritual!
The war is now soon to end
More than ten thousands prisoners
The invasion has been succes
The temple will paint in pure blood red!!
Legions run now back to the empire
They must show the slaves!!!
The empire is so powerful!!!
...We don't need alliads!!!
We must rise mexicas... The empire needs for servers!
We must rise mexicas... Proud sons of war!
We must rise mexicas... Hearts to the empire!
Ten thousands scenes of death and destruction!
Mexicas... race of proud warriors!
To Huitzilopochtli, we must get the empire!
Warriors, enemies, must die proudly!!!
Mexicas... race of proud warriors!
We must give to our people blood and death!
Mexicas... race full of proud war!!!
3. Inhuman Ritual of Submission and Blood
4. ...To Aztec Glory
5. Alienate Armies to Serve our Greed
Guiding armies to the war of our hate...
trough pain and horror...passing by this torments
getting your loyalty...Be prod of be the armies of your king
We are lords of war. Obey our commands!
Ritual...to honor the warrior land!
Hate against the weak, give death to us, the kings!
Warriors, armies...Hearts to our ritual!
Death to weak...Honor to armies!
Control to us...The true kings!
Burning horizon...marching to the lake of doom
Where the lost empire...once were was the brutalist ruler...
There we'll burn that stupid temple...of a virgin bastard crucified
Reconquering our mighty land...from the nails of mediocrity
...Upon this mystic mountain
we are commanding our imponent armies!
...Ritual dance!...Our bleeding mutilation!!!
...Burned...skin!!!...Auto flagelation!!!
To be powerfull we must suffer this ritualistic horror
Ownblood spent just for our greed of power
God take our blood
just await until we come back
with the warrior slaves
for your unholy sacrifice!!!
Upon this mythic mountain
We will rule the empire again...!
6. Hail King Victorious
...Hail king victorious!
...rise to the throne from your own ashes!
The armies are back from the conquest of the infidels
to the land they bring honour and sacrifice to war-sun-god!
some of our jaguars has lost life in the inmense battle
but others has came with hands full of proud victory!
To the land of our ancestors!
the glory had been forgotten in our ancient vastland!
kill and maim all that stupid infidels, traitors!
March through death and obscure sacrifice,
to glore!
to honour our lords
...of Death & Hate!
...you must take the throne by swords
...you must return to the throne victorious!
Great king of the furies
Grow up your weapons of black death
demand us blood from the unfaithful
Offered in alinated human sacrifices
...king victorious!
to glore!
to honour our lords
...hail king victorious!
7. The Magnificent Rebirth of a Mighty Old Empire