
"Signa Tempori" (1999)
1. Intro 2. The Answers 3. System Of Values 4. Placz! 5. Thirst 6. 7.5 Liters Of Water 7. Milczysz 8. Under The Pressure 9. Metal Storm 10. Destroyed Dreams
1. Intro
2. The Answers
Sitting alone, waiting for nothing,
I'm asking to myself what are my fears?
Maybe the one, that I'll find nothing to explain
my flight into the flames...
Isn't it the senseless fight?
What am I looking for, what can I find?
Do I really wanna know?
Am I strong enough to hold my life at run?
Who tells, how stable is the true?
I can't resist the poison of my mind
it hollows out my soul,
the answers will never be found...
Solo: SINgiel
Fight the stone and break on through the thoughts,
find the way to escape!
Digging in the past, reminding the moments,
when I missed mistakes,
far beyond the reality I'm chasing my dream...
Repeat pre-Chorus
Repeat Chorus
3. System Of Values
The morbid laughing is taking me over,
I'm madly loosing foam from my mouth
My past thirst today my killer is,
Today my "Lord" is laughin' at my pain!
And the vision of the power disappeared,
Has falled as the house of cards...
My synthetic system of values!
My great self!
But I still remember my dream -
Power and Might!
I dropped the chain of the sin,
I choose the Night!
Today in the hour of the death I'm all alone!
Where is the one, who took over my mind,
Where is my "Lord"?!
The deadly cold is penetrating me,
My hope has gone, I'm falling asleep,
But I will never, ever dream...
Solo: Cola
Solo: SINgiel
I thought I found the answers for all the questions,
I thought: "I am the chosen one, the chosen one!"
When you denied my faith, I splat it in your face,
I knew all!
My pride gave me the key, to all I really needed,
My heart was cold, just as I am now!
Repeat pre-Chorus
Repeat Chorus
Fading solo: SINgiel /Andy LaBomb
4. Placz!
Tak zachwyceni sw¹ odrêbności¹,
Tak przekonani o w³asnej s³uszności,
Tak zach³yśniêci sw¹ doskona³ości¹,
Tacy dostojni w swej wynios³ości,
Sprzedajemy swe dusze i cia³a,
Depczemy wszelkie wartości,
Zabijamy, by choæ na chwilê doznaæ
Potêgi, w³adzy, wielkości...
Mo¿e wtedy, choæ na chwilê staniesz siê
Tym, czym by³eś!
A gdy obudzi Ciê krew mro¿¹ce przera¿enie,
Wtedy zrozumiesz, ¿e to co robisz,
Z³ud¹, k³amstwem jest,
A to co robisz nie ma znaczenia,
Pusty manifest Twej bezradności,
Choæ otoczony aur¹ zniszczenia,
I tak rozwiany podmuchem nicości...
Solo: Cola
Po¿¹dam, chcê,
Sam spalam siê,
Nie mam ju¿ si³, lecz dalej brnê
Zgubi³em sens,
Na rêkach krew,
Nie mam odwagi, by przerwaæ sen...
Repeat until Chorus
5. Thirst
Empty mind breaks the silence of my life
Heart - it's need for art.
Is longing for things I've blowed
Things I haven't done!
Forgotten moments, the pieces of time,
When our happiness made us flew,
Now are composing in my disrupted mind
As the prosecution: "then, then you should die!"
Why are we to blind to see our guilts?
Why first we kill, then see it lived?
Lost hopes, broken sense, tears, yearning,
Fear of the existence...
I feel I need escape!
Body falls thrown away with hate...
I feel I need absorb again
Feelings I came in time to waste...
Solo: Cola
When the time comes unexpected to uncover your eyes
And you see clear all of the scars and wounds you made,
Your soul burns...
Wall to break for so long left stay
I must fight, have to find the way
To destroy the devil's stamp in my head,
To die and be borne again!
Repeat pre-Chorus
Repeat Chorus
6. 7.5 Liters Of Water
You have to prove who is right!
No matter how,
The true must be on your side!
Grab the law in your hands,
Make your heart satisfied,
Show who's the lord!
Be proud and dump!
Walk your way, make your rules,
Don't look on others will!
Pull the strings, be the king
Of your own imagined world
Your eyes are blind, they cannot see
Things they don't understand...
The sign of hate borns in your head,
The anger grows in your mind,
You have to yell, 'cause you can tell
Solo: SINgiel
So just be loud don't care, what others say,
The anger grows in your mind,
So just be loud,
Make your scream pull'em on their knees!
Repeat until Chorus
7. Milczysz
Czy zniszczonemu nie podaje siê rêki?
W nieszczêściu nie wo³a o pomoc?
Czeka³em na szczêście, a przysz³o z³o!
Szuka³em świat³a, a nasta³ mrok!
Wnêtrze me kipi, nie milczy,
Bo spad³y na mnie dni klêski!
Chodzê sczernia³y, spalony do koñca,
Powstajê w gromadzie, by krzyczeæ!
Sta³em siê bratem szakali...
Ma skóra nad piec rozpalona!
Czy Z³oczyñcy nie spotka zguba?
Czy Ty nie widzisz i kroków mych nie liczysz?
Ciebie b³aga³em o pomoc - bez echa!
Pogr¹¿a³em siê, a nie zwa¿a³eś na mnie!
Sta³eś siê dla mnie taki okrutny...
Porywasz, zezwalasz unosiæ wichrowi,
Rozwiewasz moja nadziejê...
Wiem, nie odwrócisz do mnie nigdy Twej twarzy,
A nicośæ mym przeznaczeniem...
Solo: Cola
Ojcze nasz (...)
Solo: SINgiel
Jesteś wszêdzie, choæ nie ma Ciê nigdzie,
Mijasz mnie, choæ dostrzec nie mogê...
Kto Ci zabroni choæ zniszczysz?
Kto zdo³a powiedzieæ "Co robisz?!"?
Bo Ty swego gniewu hamowaæ nie musisz,
Choæbyś mia³ Ziemi¹ zatrz¹śæ w posadach!
Jestem grzesznikiem, przyznajê,
Wiec powiedz, po co mêczê siê na pró¿no?
Choæbym siê rok ca³y w bia³ym śniegu k¹pa³,
I tak przed Twym obliczem nie bêdê czysty,
Wiec powiedz mi, czemu tak mnie drêczysz?
Powiedz mi, czemu odrzucasz dzie³o r¹k swoich?
Repeat pre-Chorus
Repeat Chorus
8. Under The Pressure
Walls, they push me so strong...
The air is getting so heavy...
The manic rush takes the control over me,
Deadly run to the
Sun, it takes me blind...
The pressure steals my powers...
Still's no time to waste, no minute to lose,
I have to show, I must prove what I'm worth!
So many things have to be destroyed
Under the boots climbing higher!
I know that somewhere I'll find the relief,
Throwaway the madness, out of my mind
I know, that somewhere, somewhere I will rest,
Somewhere I'll be free, I'll drop the mask!
Solo: Cola
Eyes watching from everywhere
My hands, the things I made
The crows looking for one little mistake,
To push me down from the edge
And feed on my flesh,
Make it slowly, with pleasure,
It's the best way to get better
Nobody asks, no one answers, the wheel is closed
Life is the race, I must keep straight on
Repeat pre-Chorus
Repeat Chorus
9. Metal Storm
10. Destroyed Dreams
You are waking up by hollow scream of you concience,
Drown in fight, which you cannot win,
Which only purpose is the negation of the sense of existence
To prove your madness!
When your whole life is based on the lie
And listening to the lies!
They made you stopped believe and feel
By forcing upon you their belief and feelings
And what is white, now will be black,
What is dead, will be turned alive,
What is good will be written as evil,
What is proud, will be mixed up with the mud
Solo: Cola
Don't let anybody destroys your dreams!
Don't ever forget your life belongs to you!
Don't let your existence be restricted by fear
Don't let anybody destroys your dreams
Solo: SINgiel
Repeat until Chorus