
"Ködkín ösvény-Mistpain path" (2005)
1. Ködkín Ösvény / Mistpain Path 2. Blue Flame / Kék Láng 3. Witchvale / Boszorkányvölgy 4. Crowcloud / Varjúfelhõ 5. Night / Éjszaka 6. The Old Wiseman / Az Öreg Bölcs 7. Wisdom In Me, Power In Thee / Bennem A Tudás, Benned A Hatalom
1. Ködkín Ösvény / Mistpain Path
Természetnek veleje
Természetnek veleje
Csorgó patak nedüje
Vigyél erõt testembe
Egy pohár korty erõbõl a nyugalom
Csontomnak porával kutatom
Véremnek színével keresem
Ha a mindenség hangja van lelkemen
Voltak idõk a kapu elõtt
Utakat megjárva, élményekben dúskálva
Álmodtam, éreztem, felébredtem, odaértem.
Meglátva egy új jövõt, a természekorszak eljött.
Oltárt építve, áldozva a szépnek, égtájak felé tekintve
Elmondva az imákat, köveket összecsapva, táncokat járva
Éltetni és áldani az elfeledett Öregeket
Az ünnepeket a Földanya újra megszüli
Búcsúztatunk és köszöntünk
Nap, Hold, Tûztánc
A kõrõl pattant szikra
És lassan hangot adó
Féktelen uralma
Égig ér karja
Mely marja
Ha akarja
A szelet, teret és földnek talaját
Éjben homályos látványát
Kábulatba ejtõ komolyságát
Lelkünkben rejlõ tisztaságát és múltját
Visszahódít embert és állatot
Kopár sziklákból farag Oszlopos hagyatékot
Éjszaka suhanó fénye
Megvédve tõle
Fûben, vízben él
Reményre váró
Mely tápláló
S haragot megziláló
Minden kis Bujdosót.
2. Blue Flame / Kék Láng
Flame of sighs
Where a thousand tiny eyes' neversleeping dance dwells
Beltane taking her ancient self
Skysieging fires sign her returning beauty
Wolves shall stand along the eternal road
Forestshades appear from among the trees and take shape
Long forgotten
Stones get souls 'till the next passing
And spit sparks to the dry boughs
Hiding creatures open their mouths to words
Screaming the law forgotten and offer sacrifice
For the image glowing upon the sky
3. Witchvale / Boszorkányvölgy
The circle...
Something had arousen from something and was born
Somebody had become from somebody and started to believe
The circle...
The eternal cycle, secret and frost
They all are living in the vale
Like fear and the song
Nakedness homegiving, eternity bowing over bridges
The hiding power hides behind our blindness
It shall be a feast
When our covered eyes will see again
And sounds of drums will pulse again
But they will die
Unless we get rid of our chained faces
Sometimes the vale will help us to cross
The bridges, our fears
And our bodies will be overwalked by the glorious sound
Our mother's sound is the silence
And the attention with that
Sometimes the vale will help us to cross the mountains, our pains
And our bodies will be overwalked by the glorious sound
Our father's sound is the wrath
And the wisdom with that
4. Crowcloud / Varjúfelhõ
A season - in the most simple colours
Birds - reigning on it
They blacken the sky as a sign
Singing a song bringing with themselves
An element - the water appeared as icemail
Snow - blanket of lands, hider of fields
Follows and covers me
Oozes away at the beginning of spring
Wings - countless on the white plough-land
Taking flight when it's time to travel again
Up into the arms of the air
Into it's throwing and mighty advantures
Crowcloud - bringing the winter away
Nests - where they shall live again in winter
They are gone
A new season to be started
By the lifenature
5. Night / Éjszaka
"Átok legyen rajtad
Fekete rossz átok
Szíved keserûbb legyen
Mint fájdalmat okozó másod
Elmédben a kígyó lakassa jól magát
A lét ne legyen számodra
Csak örök üres homály"
"Let curse be on thee
Black, malicious curse
Let thy heart be more bitter
Then thy harming self
Let the serpent be fed in your mind
Let not thy being he else
Than twilight eternal and void..."
The sky has opened for the rays of the torches
Four signs have awakened the nature from the sleep
Coldness have walked through the stars
By dead leaves we have signed the past
The sky
Clear and calm
Carving wrath
And desolation now
6. The Old Wiseman / Az Öreg Bölcs
Upon his land lives the peace
Where the ray of Moon bathes
In the falling leaves of the trees
Representing an ancientness
On his back is the burden of eternity.
His song is roaming paths in the wilderness
As incalculably as a blind animal
Living under the ground
Craving a way for itself
Though starts with an aimlessness
It does find the asylum finally
Smells not of the end
Washing his hands
In the water of the crook
Pouring from the mountain
Drifting time and wisdom
Defending life itself.
It awakens new thoughts
In his silented soul.
Bearing something from the world...
Perhaps a treasure
Covered by riddle and twilight
Defended by a power undestroyable?
High above
In the mountains
In the forsaken fields
Swept by wind
In an eternal familiarity
Disturbed by nothing and no one
The word of the old wiseman
Pays hommage to the Universe...
...to it's unbreakable beauty.
An eternal life.
7. Wisdom In Me, Power In Thee / Bennem A Tudás, Benned A Hatalom
"Fájdalom, fájdalom
Lélekszúrt fájdalom
Komor és merengõ
Eltûrt vigadalom
Oly sok kifakadt határtalan oltalom
Nem találom utam
Csak fába zárt otthonom."
I walk a path
Stoney and thorny and unwalkable
Leaving centuries' signs behind me
Often miserable and always instructive
Besides mountains, creeks,
swarms, and lakes
Forsaken houses,
once existed villages remind me
It had been life here
The soil is scorched
And houses live under moss
I have seen and see
The shades of creatures so enchanting
Turning to stone
When my glance is to seek
There were lands
Where tales were born while
I was walking my path trodden
Solitude brought me wisdom
Only a riddle in my mind
Where should I find power for that...
As the creek flowing from the mountain seeks the final lake
I seek the calmness rising from the trees
As the roots of the trees seek the roaming ways of spring lifegiving in the soil
I seek the final kingdom for myself
Whether will I find it passing places
Where sunlight's rays play in the heart of woods
And give life for the plants' children growing from seeds
Leaving odd moments behind?
I seek
For I have to seek
A region from shore to shere
Where Death will give gifts
And feasts for the ghostworld
Only as an endured guest.