
"Construality" (2004)
1. Trapped Within Me 2. Construality 3. Days of Perception 4. Fragile Thoughts 5. Judged By False Prophets 6. Nocturnal Skies 7. Dreadful Certainty 8. Fields of Aeveron 9. Lament
1. Trapped Within Me
2. Construality
Gracefully looking up to your idols,
you get fulfillment in emulating them.
Their seeming philosophy of life
more and more becomes a part of you.
Decadent behaviour and hypocritical laughter,
in their eyes the greed for fame;
Sooner or later you´ll recognize
that this truth is full of lies.
Free your consciousness and breathe the scent of truth.
It is time to strengthen your individuality.
Look around and tell me what do you see !
Truth and illusion - it`s construality.
I’m struggling to find the right words,
words you hear and understand.
Ignorance and foolish prejudices
are blinding the peoples’ reason.
But I will scream until you listen,
enslaving your thoughts from apathy.
There's no obstacle, there's no border,
no excuse that could stop me.
I’m searching for answers still unfound.
Words and lies keep circling around.
Don't try to understand – just live your way.
Raise your head above the clay!
3. Days of Perception
Surrounded by quietness and silence,
you look into the face of that creature which once gave delight.
It seems to you unreal and slowly blurring inside the mirror of life.
You spoke and wanted to be silent.
You loved but deceived yourself.
Caught in a thousand illusions, your escape was plainer than facing reality.
Your face disintegrates in the glaring fire truth casts on you.
Your own picture is impressed with doubts.
The faith in yourself resembles a battle that seems lost.
You destroyed what arose over years.
You sold your soul, your heart, your reason.
What once filled you with unspeakable pride, you did forsake.
Out of deepest night
that covered you,
days of perception have broken.
Your mask has fallen
down to dust,
your secrets have been spoken.
Fearlessly forward !
Open your eyes !
Don´t seek excuses!
Do not deny yourself!
Straight forward !
Nothing to lose,
Never pretend !
But remember your roots !
4. Fragile Thoughts
Lying in misery's arms, embraced by coldness.
Lethargy fills my mind, stiffened lying there.
The night covers my body like a fog covers a moor.
Nobody is here to see my final suffering.
Wishing to spread my wings and glide away into the black sky.
Passing stars and galaxies, never seen and never known.
Wish to be the wind blowing through the universe, icy and endless.
To be the star you’ve always adored.
Always adored!
To be the moon shining in every gloomy and frozen night.
To be the forest standing in the dark full of silence and grief.
To be a mountain covered with bloody snow on the top.
To be someone else than me.
But these chimeras can never become reality.
So I'm still lying in misery´s talonlike arms.
Suffocating my lungs, struggling with my life.
Death is near and I'm waiting for him to come!!!
They’ve fallen apart, my fragile thoughts!
5. Judged By False Prophets
6. Nocturnal Skies
The day is facing its end and the night rises from the foggy valleys.
The wind rushes through the tops of the swaying trees
to lose itself in the vastness of the eternal horizon.
But in this night, everything that so far just happened in his dreams,
becomes real.
The sparse light of a candle illuminates the chamber and like every night
he is deeply absorbed in his volumes of forgotten lore to dive into other worlds.
Together with his heroes he sails the seven seas, climbs the highest mountains
on the search for infinite glory.
Clouds give way to his path - the path only he is able to walk.
If you take a look at the stars, then trust your eyes ‘cause you will see him.
He’s the one who walks the nocturnal skies.
Led by an invisible hand he runs out into the nocturnal world.
Step by step his feet carry him without knowing any destination.
The moon throws bizarre shadows onto earth
and a lonely hawk glides above his head.
How much he wishes to stare at the world from above.
Before having ended this thought he suddenly rises towards the skies.
The voyage leads him over the sleeping town,
passing streets, towers and houses.
The scant light of the lanterns draws blurred pictures onto the plaster.
Weightlessly gliding through time and space.
Never before he felt surrounded by such deep safety and freedom.
He does not look back and walks further and further into infinity.
But in this night, everything that so far just happened in his dreams,
becomes real.
7. Dreadful Certainty
8. Fields of Aeveron
9. Lament