
"Requiem Tenebrae" (2004)
1. Escape 2. Terra Incognita 3. Queen of the Desert 4. Forsaken 5. Behind the Gates of Hell 6. Not the End 7. Awaiting Deliverance 8. Depth 9. Prelude 10. Lost in Fairyland 11. The Wolve's Leader 12. Aelin Amarth
1. Escape
Demonic creatures, cephalic eaters, you are like one
Inside me. Bitterness and hatred have burnt my soul,
And now my heart is out of control
Escape to the void, to a livid nothing
Vanity, lust, arrogance, lie
Living on a grand scale, trifling with mankind.
You’re a Power greedy vulture, the wolf for your neighbour.
Come down from the sky, I am the chosen one witch
Will bring you the right way, your sins will be forgiven.
Pleasure, pain, tortured soul.
Selfishness, altruism, tortured soul.
Escape to the void, to a livid nothing
Your thought is absurd, your life is absurd,
You don’t deserve to live. Vice, solitude, tortured soul
You disgust me, I deprise you, I’ll cut your claws,
I’ll pull out your teeth. Cupidity, misery, tortured soul
Life is suffering, Death is salvation,
I will take your life, to free your painful life
2. Terra Incognita
Sand of time is flowing down
Godless men are flouting laws
They’re reaching for the Great Secret
While playing with their own breath
Terra Incognita
What is between life and death
Always going over their limits
Deadly cocktail runs through their veins
Like arising from the dead
They’re coming back from inside journey
Once again limits were pushed away
From leaden clouds to bright Kingdom
Terra Incognita
What is beyond our death
Always going over their limits
Deadly cocktail runs through their vein
By sin of pride they’re tempting fate
The transgressors are going too far
And tomorrow it will be too late.
3. Queen of the Desert
Queen Of The Desert
The sun rises over their heads,
Caravan pursues is road
They doesn't suspect, that a forgotten past will be
Discovered by ordinary men, they were welcome
But something strange was in the air
Atlantida. Reveal us your secret
Five thousand years. Have hidden you to the world
Time as…
Come to see the trueness to Life of their hostess
She reveals to them as cruel and pitiless
Reducing her subjects in slavery.
They should leave before to be sacrificed to the goddess
Beautiful likes a Venus, as a snake so dangerous
She's the Queen of the desert, a voracious sandhill viper
4. Forsaken
I remember, a long time ago.
An endless nightmare, I was forsaken
By this cold winter night, I was walking through nowhere
Following a strange path, just present in my soul.
No more lies, no more tears, in my eyes.
No more lies, no more tears, you see the fear.
Desolated landscapes, dark clouds in the sky.
No life anywhere, no more, no more colours.
The only voices I heard,
Was the cold breeze of the winter wind.
Which blew in my long hair, I was frozen by terror.
For one second, I wished you were at my side.
But the whistle of the wind reminds me the truth.
I am forsaken, my god is dead.
Forsaken, forsaken, forsaken, I am forsaken.
Entering this kingdom of terror,
I am now one with the night
I have to escape this unholy land, I shall find the force.
No one listened at my cries,
No one saw the tears in my eyes.
Enwrapped by Darkness, Death shall no longer wait...
Please God, hear my prayers,
End this nightmare and wake me
Tell me now I’m not forsaken, It’s a dream, not my reality.
5. Behind the Gates of Hell
Death, I’ve been waiting for you.
Deliverance, now this time is come.
Great Hades please, let me get through your Kingdom
After all those battles, I’ve been defeated.
Embraced by Darkness, trapped into flames.
Floating voices, are taking my soul
Is it a nightmare ? Please Solvena tell me not
And let me get into Valhalla.
Death, I’ve been waiting for you.
Deliverance, now this time come.
Blackened is your mind,
Destroyed is your will, can it be Real ?
You’re getting through Hell,
Walking through legions of demons.
My only hope is you find the Gates.
Behind the Gates you are welcome in Hell.
Hades my lord, I swear to revenge.
Long is the Road, I must be prepared. One more time,
I’ve travelled so far and so long, I’ve crossed the fires.
I’ve searched high and low, and now
You’re at the end of your journey
The Gates appears to you in the mud
6. Not the End
7. Awaiting Deliverance
Mon amour, ils t’ont envoyé dans le monde de la lumière.
Là où tu n’es plus que souvenir.
Où je ne puis être, je me suis damnée.
J’ai maudit Dieu de t’avoir laissé mourir
Mes larmes sont devenues sang.
Mon sang est un poison.
Je ne suis que vengeance ,
Le sang coulera et reposes en paix
Je prie Lilith, en attendant la délivrance.
Nous nous retrouverons, le temps n’existe plus.
Mon âme t’est dévouée,
Dans les ténèbres je te retrouverai.
Dans notre monde les rivières sont devenues noires.
Tout n’est que souffrance. J’en serai la raison,
Les Enfers s’empareront de nos peines.
Comprends-moi, pardonnes-moi. Je ne peux plus vivre.
Mais je ne dois pas laisser tes assassins, ils t’ont trahis.
They have killed me without an inch of humanity
Ô Lilith please help me. Make those ungrateful suffer.
I will be your right hand for eternity, by building an horror Reign on this undeserved land.
They will praise your feats.
Kneel down, sons of nothing, and pray for deliverance.
The world have fallen, mankind is enslaved.
My toys and my puppets, a new life is beginning.
No more need to await deliverance.
Lilith, Queen of the world, build your reign on this land
That where so affable, my vengeance happened
By dint of imploring deliverance.
Welcome in hell
8. Depth
On my way Darkness and pain, to every men I give a chill
But on day I met a succubus, worst than me,
I fall under The spell. She ridiculed me,
Took me out of my way, just to take my place.
She succeeded in, I was nothing, me Dark Angel, I felt.
Pain…Death. Proscribed of my Life
Worst than I thought, she wanted your place
My dear Lord, I can't stand it. One day during her rest
Without your consent I killed her
I was free, again evil, a new begins for me.
Come back in Depths, Vile Lord please accept me
Come back from Hell, Lucifer here is your kingdom
Now even I know I was right
I'm afraid for my life. Oh! Lucifer forgive me
Even you can't, you won't be frustrated
I prepare your coming, Earth will soon be your kingdom
9. Prelude
10. Lost in Fairyland
I face the rain my mind is so confused,
I can’t understand, depression is calling.
I turn my back and I close my eyes,
I don’t wanna face the truth
‘ Cause I’m a liar, tomorrow belongs not to me.
My destiny is written on the wall.
Sometimes I wish to be a child of nowhere
I wish to be lost in this fairyland.
Endless are the fields I walk where sorrow never die.
Fading roses enchants this garden
Where I lie with closed eyes
I feel the rain running down my neck,
I can hear the call of the wind.
But I don’t have the forces to fight,
I wish to be lost in this fairyland
Sometimes I wish to be a child of nowhere
Where is the truth, where is the lie,
A question without answer.
As cold begin to freeze my face, I start to go back
From Where I came, But I came from nowhere…
Once again, I wish to be lost in this fairyland.
I hope my next dream won’t have any end, but deep
Down in my heart, I hope it’s only a nightmare.
Where those fading roses enchant my grave.
11. The Wolve's Leader
Seven years have past, the Heroes defeated,
They could erect an empire, to the glory of Darkness.
Beautiful like the Night, sad like the Moon,
I’m the wolves leader, they are my children.
Every countries we run vengeance is our guide,
Now we have founded you, you will die.
Souffrance à ceux qui ont conquis. Appelez vos chiens,
Qu’ils se nourrissent de vos carcasses,
L’heure de la vengeance a sonné.
By a long bitter night she comes. Iced of heart and soul.
With her, her travel’s friends
Blood-thirsty and shaped fang.
You have killed my brother and his wife.
Remember 7 years ago, my nightmare begun.
I escaped, but I saw atrocities,
In my mind I’m not clear, because of your reign.
The end is near but who is she? Where does she come?
They see anger in her eyes, They understood…
Vengeance, Souffrance, Supplice, Qu'il périssent !
Converte nos deo, Salutarem nostrem. Alleluia.
After 7 years, sister of the Lord is back.
She’s back for vengeance,
You will be damned for all your crimes
12. Aelin Amarth