
"Age of Winter Kings" (2003)
1. Silent Breath 2. Dark Ages 3. Last Hope 4. Struggle of Curse 5. Tears 6. Confession of Immortality 7. Crystal Light 8. The Ancient Prophecy 9. Black Well 10. Death of Sun 11. Silence 12. The Return of the King 13. Forgotten Rites 14. Time 15. Time II 16. Time III 17. The Final Trial
1. Silent Breath
The view of the eternal sunset behind the Mountains of Sealathia
So eternal that the time was forgotten
It´s such a long time since the towns flourished. And it was a fertile country
Tarlendh ruled there - only he had strength to revolt, but it was vain
He gave in either. The Seven towers are abandoned nowadays and the old power is defeated.
But there begins the story, which has no end,
Because Ambloque - the ruler and angel of the darkness is eternal.
Only the old magic can imprison him.
But where can I look for him, where is he?
Which power will release him? Which power preserves him? Nobody has such a strength - only the King.
But he is defeated, he doesn´t know, where his strength is, nobody knows.
2. Dark Ages
Where is my Sealathia, where my guardians,
where is my life ?
Why is it running - I'm crying alone,
I'm abandoned.
I'm walking over the fire and dead bodies,
where are all those humans,
who conjure up these dark rites,
where are they ?
I'm looking for you - my fairies of sun,
I'm searching and asking you to show me
the right way at the moment -
there is only fire left everywhere,
It's running my mind, it creates the
terrible state of oblivion.
There will be no more sun, neither flowers, nor forests,
only fire, fire, fire.
Fire - which burnt my heart,
Fire - which burnt my eyes,
Fire - which killed my soul,
Fire - the dragon's power of darkness
which condemned us to living in dark ages.
3. Last Hope
You were born in the last sunny days
during the remains of the beauty of light,
Which was so intact and beauty virgin.
You are the last, but the strongest one.
Only you have survived and you will remain.
Your heart will be lasting
but all evil that Amblogh has, will tempt to you.
He knows you and you will also recognize him.
You - fair of sun, move and dance !
Dance through this darkness !
Wake the life of the dead !
I wish the flowers and trees grew up.
I can't see you mission. I can't hear it.
But something is hidden
something that I'm too weak in.
Something for what I haven't strength enough.
You - fairy of sun,
I can't recognize the dark mission
and your glaring shade in the darkness
4. Struggle of Curse
You have just come
- you call for a glory - you call for a victory.
The black lightning this dark glare
stays in your eyes as nightmare.
The dark cloak hides you tonight,
where desire is in your sight.
Forget it ! You are only a dark messenger,
where is your victory - I want it !
You don't have any.
There's a great winter king !
Look ! Winter is coming !
For a long time you will be condemned together
with all your clan till the end of the days.
As the cursed you stay,
there's black seal on doorway.
The distress in your mind
and the death doesn't come.
You will rule over the winter here.
Here, where you had only one task,
only one.
5. Tears
My eyes are watering, I can't see further.
I can only touch and feel the anxiety in my heart,
which was burnt.
What is still living in this heart ?
What has resisted its heat and yearn,
its power and anger ? What is it ?
Only hope was left for me.
My tears are flowing in the cold days -
days of cursing of the winter Kings.
My tears - this storm of black heart.
Tears - the remains of my blood.
Tears - the last piece of my life,
which still remains to me.
I'm calling: "Come back my desire,
come back and revive my faith!"
I'm calling for a help -
in vain - because all virgin souls
were burnt and I'm sieged by the cold
6. Confession of Immortality
While dancing by the flower with the wind around
and the sun over my head,
I can protect you from a cold,
you, the charming flower,
I can protect you and live with you.
You are the last, you are the last one I know.
I'm thinking of the words of curse,
which has surrounded me by the magic power.
I'm invisible, but the virgin heart can see me.
I'm thinking of the words and I'm crying.
There are no unspoiled hearts any more,
there is only gloom and cold - death and ice.
And then me - why me ?
Where can I find the strength to fight,
where can I search for it ?
7. Crystal Light
I have been lying here for thousand years,
damned to the eternal suffering.
Who knows how long I will be lying here ?
That's not me anymore - an ancient fighter and the King,
the King of Sealathia.
I'm forgotten - my time is up.
There are only remains of suffering and cold.
And you looking at me -
are you searching for something inside of me ?
There's nothing you can find.
Everything was burnt, everything except of hope,
but the hope was forgotten.
So tell me, the fairy, what you are searching inside of me.
Nothing else, my flower found you
and my heart could see you.
Look ! There is a sun, there are flowers around you !
And they have been searching you such a long time !
Nevertheless, there is a power,
which can save you , which survives.
8. The Ancient Prophecy
Tell me, the gloomy window, why we are growing weak,
why all spells are passing.
A thousand years of damnation passed and something is
coming back - the eternity must survive.
My power cannot be broken, I cannot be dethroned,
there cannot be such strength and there will never be any.
Everything is burnt, except for the little hope and an ancient prophecy.
Only I know the prophecy though, there are no fairies,
there is nothing any more.
They were drowned by the guardian of the sword. Is that true?
I saw it on my own. I cannot be deceived,
there are neither fairies nor anything else.
Only black hearts and tears of those who survived remained.
A thousand years passed. You are sitting, having a feast,
you are conceited and keen, but Ambloque never forgets anything.
I am leaving but I will come back and it will prove if the prophecy lasts.
9. Black Well
The black pit, the black well.
that is the end of eternity, the birth of Ambloque was the
celebration of the eternal existence.
When he came , he was kind, merciful, but he changed his mind,
while being in the dark mountain.
Since then his soul has been covered by the spider-web.
He rules only over the evil.
He is coming for advice again and his dark soul foreruns.
He is interested only in one thing - whether my death is drawing near.
What will I tell him?
I will say:
"The dead fairy will give birth to a boy,
then a long storm will come, the winter will pass and
the spring will approach - and then my task will be finished,
the prophecy will be fulfilled.
10. Death of Sun
You came back, our master, and you're sad.
Something is worrying your black soul, something is troubling you,
but I don't know what's the matter.
The dark ages have just begun - only the storm and flashes of lightning prevail.
But we're lucky, we found the last fairy,
there are no fairies any more and none will be found.
There's no strength that can return her from the power of the death,
where I have sent her. I deserve a reward, but I don't claim any.
She's dead and the sun has just disappeared. It won't rise any more
and won't look into our eyes. Nobody can call it back.
Yes, she gave birth to the child, but it isn't here.
Something has just vanished from it. Its eyes were white
- it hasn't seen through yet. It was kidnapped to the woods.
Only the black cloaks and the silver rain followed them.
The paths are under the cover of darkness.
And the magic of the ancient times protects them.
We're at their heels, but you can't see him, he was white as snow
and the blaze in his eyes.
We're at their heels, but you'll catch him, he'll be black as a dark
and the blaze is dying.
You're frowning, it's a bad sign, and I won't deserve your anger.
11. Silence
Where's your breath, which dances with you on a silver flowers,
which shows you round your dreams and yearns?
Where are all your tears you left me for a memory of sorrowful river?
Where's your soul, which left for the land of immortality?
Now I'm kneeling with a sword in my hand by the well of oblivion
and I'm leaving my destiny, the destiny, which is in mourning.
I'm asking for the end - I can't find your heart, your breath,
maybe you're distant, maybe behind the horizon.
But my destiny can't see it any more.
I'm crying. I can remember your hair, which remained me
with the hope that I will find the gift of Gods - for you and my belief.
I wish I could feel your breath once more,
just once more.
12. The Return of the King
You're on the alert over the night and you can see the unknown
distant places, you can hear the bird's voice and
appeals of many eyes.
Turn up, the king, as it's decent, listen to me, you the soul,
here in the black well of oblivion.
You came back - you, the last of the kings of sunny days.
You survived - your power is great.
Not even Ambloque broke your heart. I'm paying tribute to you,
the sun child. Finally you found the way to me. Your mind was cleared
and your days were over. However you have one task.
I surrender to your power, I don't deserve it, I didn't save her.
Disappointment is the last shortcoming of my life, It's my verdict.
I'll give you advice, stick to sunny days, your power is infinite,
but it looks for a destiny
13. Forgotten Rites
The prophecy of the old monks.
Where did all their books and spells remain ?
I'm dying. I'm looking for my power, but I can't find anything.
I've longed for. Neither love, not desire, only the reflection of my power.
Come back, my idea, come back my magic.
It's last time you saw the star-light.
Come back my idea, come back my magic,
come back my child to my arms. The long journey is waiting for us.
14. Time
Hundreds of years are passing in the rainy days.
The diseases didn't step aside, but it's dawning in the damn land,
where the fog conceals the secret - the mysterious for us
15. Time II
I'm waiting for your glare, I'm waiting for your palm.
I dreamt, I dreamt in the morning. It embraced the whole world,
it sowed the glittering dewdrops, you could have seen the glistening
waves of the lake, it was a glamorous dream.
16. Time III
The candles have been burnt up yet, the glare of thousands eyes is put on.
The last moment is approaching.
There is only one white glare among the black vipers in the field.
He looked into his place, where each fight was finished
17. The Final Trial
You're looking into my eyes and me, I know. I'm giving in,
you're entering my heart. I know you're burning me.
You're hugging my soul. I'm giving up to your power.
The prophecy is mysterious, and time. Tell me only one word.
I want to hear your voice - my memory hidden in the black well
- the last prophecy of my dark power.
Get lost !