
"Age Of Seven Towers" (2001 Demo)
1. The Ancient Prophecy 2. Last Hope 3. The Seventh Tower 4. Písen slovanskych mecu
1. The Ancient Prophecy
Tell me, the gloomy window, why we are growing weak,
why all spells are passing.
A thousand years of damnation passed and something is
coming back - the eternity must survive.
My power cannot be broken, I cannot be dethroned,
there cannot be such strength and there will never be any.
Everything is burnt, except for the little hope and an ancient prophecy.
Only I know the prophecy though, there are no fairies,
there is nothing any more.
They were drowned by the guardian of the sword. Is that true?
I saw it on my own. I cannot be deceived,
there are neither fairies nor anything else.
Only black hearts and tears of those who survived remained.
A thousand years passed. You are sitting, having a feast,
you are conceited and keen, but Ambloque never forgets anything.
I am leaving but I will come back and it will prove if the prophecy lasts.
2. Last Hope
You were born in the last sunny days
during the remains of the beauty of light,
Which was so intact and beauty virgin.
You are the last, but the strongest one.
Only you have survived and you will remain.
Your heart will be lasting
but all evil that Amblogh has, will tempt to you.
He knows you and you will also recognize him.
You - fair of sun, move and dance !
Dance through this darkness !
Wake the life of the dead !
I wish the flowers and trees grew up.
I can't see you mission. I can't hear it.
But something is hidden
something that I'm too weak in.
Something for what I haven't strength enough.
You - fairy of sun,
I can't recognize the dark mission
and your glaring shade in the darkness
3. The Seventh Tower
There´s the tower made of silver stones
standing here since the old times.
Our legends know that tower
which remind our songs.
The silver key that decorates it
is attributed to the king.
It´s the eye of marine secret
which watches it.
Over there in the great distance,
where eyes can´t see anything,
there are the countries of others
and that´s why I lock you.
The power in your eyes will help us.
It watches through the darkness where is the enemy.
Only the black candle is situated by the walls
so that nothing can disturb your truth.
4. Písen slovanskych mecu
Støíbrné meèe, jenž vedou nás,
není slyšet dech a ani pláè,
my budeme se bít a náš pot utopí vás.
Za naše srdce, za naše pøání
ať pøijdou bohové, co vždycky nás chrání.
Teï èernými hvozdy zazní hlas Slovanù v nás
Noc bude temná a chladná jak led,
my budeme se bít a chránit náš svìt.
To naše meèe teï budou se brodit krví.
Zelená louka pod útesem a skálou,
tam písnì Slovanù tiše povánou,
jen život nám zùstal a èest co nikdy nespí.
Støíbrné meèe a krev z našich tìl,
to je to kvítí co jsi uvidìl.
Ta touha prastará v kamenech vytesaná.
Teï lesy šumí i ptáci ztichli,
ta píseò slovanská, jejíž slova vás nadchly.
To náš je zpìv, co ztuží krev ve vašich žilách.
Korouhev v ruce, též meè on tøímá,
ten vévoda velký, jenž volá "tož sláva".
Už nepøítel prchá, to strach ho pøekonává.
My jsme ta síla, v nás je ta zlost,
proroctví vìèné, temnìjší než noc,
v erbu je orel co do duší nám pøilétá.
To jsou ty ohnì, co v dáli hoøí.
To jsou ty ohnì , co budou tu plát.
V slovanských duších se válka bouøí,
my budeme se za svobodu rvát.
To jsou ty cesty, co vedou nás tmou.
To jsou ty zvony, co budou nám bít.
Slované budou bránit vlast svou,
aby mohli v spánku klidnì snít.
Teï poslední bitva na poli konèí,
výkøiky, náøky a též smrti stín.
To slovanská píseò vám srdce znièí
a vaši krev bude zem pít.