
"Moshkinstein" (1988 EP)
1. Goddess 2. Suspended Sentence 3. Freedom Of Speech (Instrumental) 4. Motherly Love 5. Respect The Dead 6. Chaos (Lambs To The Slaughter)
1. Goddess
(Lyrics by H - Music by Acid Reign)
Mars help us through these times, surging forces oppress us
Eating away our thoughts and minds, thought thieves torment us
Now I plead for help from sky, time has come to fight
No more oppression, voice cries aggression
Oh me, why me, oh me, goddess
Hacking and smashing we're winning with help
The battle wears on, rebellion wins the day
Lives lost are lives saved, the law that keeps us going
Final capture, a surrender of defeat
Oh me, why me, oh me, goddess
Now I rule with power, they don't know of my prayers
Won the war for them, the truth hidden of my hour
Hand of debt sweeps goddesses pound of flesh
A sacrifice to thee but the person is me
Oh me, oh no, oh no, goddess
2. Suspended Sentence
(Lyrics by H - Music by Acid Reign)
My mind's trapped in a body below
Which won't obey my commands
My life stopped as the bullet hit me
So while my brain's alive, I don't understand
Denied freedom by my crippled senses
Without a cry they help me die
Have no will to live, I知 slipping to death
So why am I alive ?
A sentence for my crime of murder
Surely I致e paid my debt by now
A sentence for my crime of murder
Surely I致e paid my debt by now
I enter the court, scarred for life
They pass their days before me
Here to be judged, final pain
The jury sits, the witness stands
Revenge was my undoing
Too many clues left the way clear
All points heard, the hour glass runs
Each grain's an ounce of life
A sentence for my crime of murder
Surely I致e paid my debt by now
A sentence for my crime of murder
Surely I致e paid my debt by now
Returning from the room of decision
Each one passes me with his eye
Sweat drips from my scalp
My hands slip from their grip, oh no !
The verdict sweeps the halls
And ripples through my mind
I'm to be suspended in limbo
Condemned to a life of death
Encased in my shell of demise
A conscious cry from within
I am disabled by time
And I pray for my life again
Oh no, again !
3. Freedom Of Speech (Instrumental)
4. Motherly Love
(Lyrics by H - Music by Acid Reign)
[I'm not sleepy. Put me in my chair.
Yes, Mother.
And now, turn me to the window. I want to keep my eyes on you.
Make sure you don't start playing with filthy girls again.
Yes, Mother.
Well, what are you gawking at?
Go downstairs and open the motel.
What do you expect us to live on, hope?
No, Mother.
Remember, Norman, I'm the only who loves you.
Only your mother truly loves you.]
(from the movie Psycho II)
My Mother, she told me off today and so I killed her
But not really, she is still alive inside my head
Sitting, sitting and watching me, and the girls I play with
Feels threatened when anyone gets close and they never play long
Norman, come here, I want to see you
Remember, your Mother, she's the only one who really loves you
Stay away from those dirty girls, I will look after you
I'll be here forever, forever for you
The window is where she hides, sometimes I see her
Perfect preserved by my own hand for my use
People say that I知 insane, Mother says I知 not
Telephone is our toy, sometimes she treats me
Norman, come here, I want to see you
Remember, your Mother, she's the only one who really loves you
Stay away from those dirty girls, I will look after you
I'll be here forever, forever for you
Suspected of murder but I could never kill anyone
Besides, I have no will, I知 a very good boy
Evil tricks that are played on me to provoke my Mother
Why, why, why pick on her ? Just let her rest (in Peace)
Norman, come here, I want to see you
Remember, your Mother, she's the only one who really loves you
Stay away from those dirty girls, I will look after you
I'll be here forever, forever for you
Norman, Norman, Norman
Mother loves you...
[Remember Norman...]
5. Respect The Dead
(Lyrics by H - Music by Acid Reign)
I'm your enemy while I live
But when I cease to breathe
I become your good friend
Twist the facts to show remorse
Hated you, you hated me, that's the truth, can you say ?
I hated you, you hated me, that's the truth, can you say ?
Person lives and is hated
How is that ? It happens
They die and get respected
Does death pay their debt ?
I hated you, you hated me, that's the truth, can you say ?
I hated you, you hated me, that's the truth, can稚 you see ?
You hate me when I知 alive
You respect me when I知 dead, I知 dead, I知 dead...
Remember how you live your life
The difference it doesn't make...
No matter how, how you live
Everyone's goals are different
But we all reach the one place
With silk walls, under the ground
I hated you, you hated me, that's the truth, can you say ?
Hated you, you hated me, that's the truth, can you say ?
You hate me when I知 alive
You respect me when I知 dead, I知 dead, I知 dead...
6. Chaos (Lambs To The Slaughter)
(Lyrics by H - Music by Acid Reign)
Living in society, they plan their chaos
To kill a man who believes differently
Calm and precise, they watch his life
And decide when to take it
Sole existence is to waste
Waste life on command of others
Leaders lead by religion
Leaders blinded by power
The face you never see is the one you don't forget...
Scream and die !
Scream and die !
Responsibility claimed by phone
Apologies for the death of civilians
An accident they try to plead
Does that help the mourners ?
At last they are caught
Will they kneel for justice ?
Their crimes hang on tapes
Red tape they snap with ease
The face you never see is the one you don't forget...
It makes no difference who the victim is or was
They're just sinister tourists sent all around the world
Help erase the non-believers, nothing must stop this prophecy
Home to their country, they return the killing heroes
The face you never see is the one you don't forget...
Scream and die !
Scream and die !...