
"The Prophecy" (1997)
1. The Prophecy 2. Trapped In Insanity 3. Wasted 4. Gone 5. The End Of Your Time 6. Loneliness 7. The Sparrow 8. Final Journey 9. In Eternal Bliss
1. The Prophecy
the prophecy
destiny, everything's predictable
treated as a fool, you laugh at me
you're so confident of victory
protected by your selfish disguises
all your promises are lies
your minds are drowned in arogance
your are all hypocrites
I curse you for all time
everything has passed
loneli, I wander on my path
the path of eternity
soon it will be my victory...
the prophecy
I am loneli and will forever be
I have lost all the people once called friends
by insideous treachery
everything has passed
loneli, I wander on my path
the path of eternity
soon it will be my victory...
2. Trapped In Insanity
trapped in insanity
the river of life has got many tributaries
mine is dark and full of mealstreams
your system is enicmatic to me
never did I percieve the light of reality
there's no bridge to attain your side
I turn in a circle
confused streams of thoughts
flow through my brain
doesn't I belong to this world
trapped in Insanity
prisoner of my inner world
in dimensions you will never see
far beyond reality
in the labirinth of my fortress
between slipery walls
and deep dark emptyness
aimless I wander about
there's no way to reach the outside
there's no end without beginning
the beginning in the first step
into nothingness
nothingness is everywhere
and everywhere is nothing
trapped in Insanity
prisoner of my inner world
in dimensions you will never see
far beyond reality
3. Wasted
here I lay woundet in a trench
waiting for my last minute
I know that there's no way to save me
as the minutes fade away
I let my life pass before my eyes
now I know I've wasted my time for nothing
I still hear the cannons roar
for what am I dying?
I die for fat ugly politicians
they allways knew I'm cannonfodder
they let other people die
just to realize their morbid plans
the pain became to extreme
I swear ghostly revenge
as I close my eyes forever
4. Gone
"while you are drowning in tears,
while you have asking why.
the time has passing by,
better follow what you love ..."
5. The End Of Your Time
the end of your time
once you've felt the anger inside
now you're an eagle without wings
once you where full of power and strenght
now you're feeble and weak
once your mind controled your life
now you're a brainless marionette
once you where one of us
now you're scum
the end of your time has come
you are still alive
but mentally you're dead
rage, wrath, anger
was your leading impulse
sadness, sorrow, loneliness
is what we have shared
friendship, the spirit,
rebellion our relationship
weak mentally chained dead
is what you are now
the end of your time has come
you are still alive
but mentally you're dead
once your mind controled your life
now you're a brainless marionette
once you where one of us
now you're scum
die bastard!
the end of your time has come
you are still alive
but mentally you're dead
6. Loneliness
darkness rules this way
the only light,
the light of friends who died
no fear , no pain,
on the quest for love
the soul crumbles in pieces
parts that can't combine
never born, never died
hate and domination destroyed
I, the wanderer of loneliness
7. The Sparrow
the sprarrow
you've created a new form of life
it's not real, it's not there
arised from a grave that never was
spreading sorrow and pain
it's your twin from beyond
it's growing stronger,
you're getting weaker
your telepathic destruction
the return of the sparrows
is your last hope
the sparrows are flying again
to figth the undead, a bloody ritual ...
your final minute is coming nearer
the beast with it's full strenght
preapare to meet your doom
a shrill scream, the earth shakes
finally the sparrows have returned
millions of beaks, sharp like arrows
butcher the creature and take it back
you feel your powers again
the sparrows are flying again
to figth the undead, a bloody ritual ...
learning your lesson
the sparrows went away
taking the creatures where it belongs
back to the kingdom of death
the sparrows never fly again
the undead is defeated
the sparrows will never fly again
8. Final Journey
final journey
a loneli winter night
your time has come to go
to travel to the other side
the stars will guide your way
farewell my love
one day I hope we'll meet again
in my mind you will forever stay
our time together
was the best time of my live
the things we've reached together
I will never reach again
you're gone much too early
I would wish that you could stay
I want to die!
now you're gone
and I have lost my will to live
I miss your warmth
I will follow you
on your final journey
9. In Eternal Bliss
in eternal bliss
I'm wandering in my remembrance
I have to realize the shattered past
in my confused subsconsciousness
I can't seperate the lies from the truth
no tears washed away my grief
I ever have to suffer my sceptical thoughts
emptiness fullfilled my sorrows
emptiness cuts deep in my heart
a tumor called fustration
pale of distress in a grey coloured time
the loss of cheerful sweetness
no wistfull wishes of warmth and love
in weakness I praise the autumn
in the depths of silence I lying in wait
emptiness fullfilled my sorrows
loneliness cuts deep in my heart
like an owl, I haunt trough the night
some strange thoughts in my mind
imagination or reality
on the path into insanity...
like a bird, I spread out my wings
some dying dreams, sweet memories
black clouds on a raging sky
on the flight into eternity...
open your mind to see,
you will face yourself
hear the sounds of billow,
when the wind howl goodbye
you're failed in every pass of your life
... in eternal bliss
you've tried to live each others dreams
... in eternal bliss
try to embrace your shamfull past
... the seeds of bliss
try to find the seeds of bliss
... the seeds of bliss
a halfhearted life that calls out for changes
while you were living you've tried
to confirm the opposites
I thought I knew my business
but I've never comprehend
you've failed in every pass of your life
... I've failed in every pass of my life
you've tried to live each others dreams
... I've tried to live each others dreams
try to embrace your shamfull past
... try to embrace my shamfull past
try to find the seeds of bliss
... try to find the seeds of bliss