
"Hopeless Despair" (1998 Demo)
1. A Fall Nowhere 2. He Is Alive! 3. Scar On Soul 4. Hope & Despair 5. Blood, Tears And Other "Non - Essentials"
1. A Fall Nowhere
Life - cycle
A constant rush for fabricated a luck
What is your luck ?
A career ? Money ? An everyday comfort ?
I am losing in this crowd rush
I see nothing , I do not feel anything, I am falling down
Bottomless hole of my despair
Go away ! I am falling down deeper and deeper
This world gives nothing
A hypocrisy, an evil and a hatred are intersecting
our way everyday, are butting in our minds
We are taking them like matter of course
Rust of indifferences blunted our feeling
We are losing in this reek dirt
We are falling down, we are not realising the fall
We are falling down into a bog which we are creation
Go away !
A fall nowhere
2. He Is Alive!
He is alive !
By blood warped fragment
A young body pulled out
from a pile of crashed metal
He is alive !
For a present he is still alive
Help was fast
A basic step to survive
For the present he is still alive
A body stained with blood
Before a few moments
full of life yet
Just paralysed, utterly cutted
Dreadful puppet in its life-size
Warning synonymum of death
By tipple smelled paralysed puppet
He is alive !
For the present he is still alive
Help was on time
It is not as that always
This one is alive,
but majority like him is a pitty
3. Scar On Soul
Unvented rotter
Human dirt belonging to isolation
choice by a sheer chance
Without minimum planning
She is knocked down
Strokes, kicks, offences,
unconcealed depravity
Pain, ache
So unreal,
so vulnerabling
Dress is torn down
Horror of nightmares is reality
With knife on her neck she does not oppose
She must hold
lying under snorting swine
Horror of nightmares is reality
Feeling of dirt cannot wash off
Trauma, mental trauma
retains in memory for ever
It will not be such as earlier
Self-rejection, shackle of a shame
She will never forget
A cold-blooded rape
Death is ridiculous punishment
Unable to opposition
Unable to defence
Dishonoured with ineffaceabled
scar on her soul
Pain, lifelong smart pain
Dishonoured with ineffaceabled
scar on her soul
4. Hope & Despair
Your daring plans into your future
changed suddenly into a dust
The darkness instead of colors
You do not see
That is just terrible feeling
It came to you unexpectedly
All at once you need the help of the others
Your friends cease to know you
Despair, empty loneliness
You cease to exist for them
Just the memories are staying
Despair, empty loneliness
They depreciated you, they say you are different,
crippled, second-rated
You do not understand, but it hurts inside
They depreciated you and it hurts inside
You are the same as they are
Just the darkness in front of your eyes ...
Everlasting darkness and their prejudice
You are the same as they are
They do not understand that
They are blinder then you are
They do not understand that
5. Blood, Tears And Other "Non - Essentials"
There's a lot of places in the world
where violence and wrath engrave bitter wrinkles
into people's faces.
Laugh has lost, fear and worries about their friends
are killing the most vulnerable feeling - a love.
Over homes, which are in ruins, wind is playing
in discs of smoke.
Hunger is everywhere, fertile fields have drunk more
blood and tears then drops from heaven
cloudy cushions.
The country, which is a lot.
Blood, tears and people heart's grief are there only
trivialized and uninteresting non-essentials.
The country, which is a lot.
Countries, where instead of variace, violence and
grudge they need most of all understanding and love.
Laugh has lost,
frost burns deep in souls and new dawn is out of sight.