
"Urine Junkies" (1995 Best of/Compilation)
1. Aching Meat 2. Urine Junkies 3. Crawled Up from the Sewer 4. 29th Lobotomy 5. Horny Hag 6. Depopulation 7. Zombification 8. Blacktooth Beast 9. The Scent of Shit 10. Altar Toy 11. Suicide Fuck 12. Raw Sewage 13. Die Pig Die 14. Inbred Abomination 15. Unquenchable Thirst 16. Abscess 17. Bloodsucker 18. Anally Impaled
1. Aching Meat
Piss Scorches Out my Cock Pus so Green comes out in hardened ChuncksBloody Urine the Smell of Genital RotTaste That Bile Creepin' Up my Throat I Masturbate with my Infected ToolI Wanna See my Rotten Jizz in a Smelly PoolI Jerk it 'til My Hand's covered in PusPuke on my Dick Lubed for Another 50 ThrustsMy Aching Meat Buckets of Cum Tainted in DecayShoot from My Flute with a Rush of Searing PainThe Mold on my Balls is Peeling Off in FlakesA Dribble of Shit Running Down my LegThe Toilet seat's Spatteredand my Dick is still hardThe Shit Piss and CumPus and Bloody Discharge are making me Hungry and I want To EatI Chow it Puke it Shit it Piss itMy Aching Meat, My Achine Meat Bloody Engorged and coated with SlimeIt feels so Divine Pornofreakographic LustI can Smell my Anal CrustUrinal Ice like a Bullet to Bite Humid PungencyVenereal Vigor Arms just a blur Latrinic Ecstacy
2. Urine Junkies
Liquid Smoke Enema Black Plastic Noose Buttfucked by Demons Seen just by you Clamp on your Ballsac Cunt in a Bind Loss of the Bladder Loss of the Mind Monolith Tampon Big Greasy Smile Intestinal Drubbling Forming in Piles Nails in your Forehead Knots in your Eyes Red Urine Junkies Breeding like Flies Euphoric Nightmare Slashes and Slaps Slithering Fungi Candles of Crap Moldified Maggots Tears in your Skin Dead Cerebellum Earwigs within
3. Crawled Up from the Sewer
I Crawled up from the Sewer in a Quest to Eat Your BrainManhole for a Cranium I Bathe in Toilet Rain Burning Red Desire Eating Out my Insides My Jellifed Skin Stinking up the Night Hiding from the World Until It's Time to Feed Emerging From the Darkness Human Flesh I Need Buglamp Eyes Aglaze Veins Pulsate with Muck Carnivoric Frenzy Bone Marrow I Suck Ground Up Powdered Rats Fly up My Nose Tail in the Rail Savor Pulverized Toes Eyes water Head Pounds Ready Up for Grub Thinking Stinking Sewage Drinking Drown In Filthy Crud
4. 29th Lobotomy
5. Horny Hag
Shes Big and Ugly and Smells like ShitIf You're Not Careful on Your Face She'll SitHorny Hag Has Got Her Sights On YouCrotch on Fire Wants to Gobble Your GooBetter have Mace, Better Be AwareShe wants to Run her Fingers through your Pubic HairFuzzy Nipples AChing for Your Heated SuckleCamle Toe Exposed Makes Your Knees BuckleHorny Hag
6. Depopulation
Put Me in Charge of Population ControlI'll Make Sure We Have lots of RoomI'll Make Sure No One Gets Out AliveI'll Make Sure Nothing Here Can SurvivePublic Executions Held DailyI'll Shut Down all the Pharmaciesto Promote the Spread of DiseaseA New Virus in the Water SupplyNo Food No Shelder Everyone DiesYou Have Been Chosen for SterilzationBy the Department of DepopulationPut me in Charge of Population ControlI'll Free all the Prisoners on Death RowPut them in Charge of Population ControlPolice let Blood Flow on Your Shitty City StreetsYou have been Chosen for SterilzationBy the Department of Depopulation
7. Zombification
Rotted Faces One by OneShambling Slow but Sure to Dine on the Living Flesh and Blood Ripping Out Then Eating Guts Fresh Corpse on the Ground Hideous Death Head Twisted Around Hand Made Incision Chest Torn Wide Intestines Pulled Out from Inside Moaning as the Maggots Crawl through Crusted Faces and EyeballsHunber for the Living Skin Your Blood runs Cold Your Death Begins to Rise up from the Grave to Recruit Another Slave Bound to Hunger Bloody Thrist with Endless Living Death You're Cursed
8. Blacktooth Beast
Crank Skank Fat and Rank Smells like and old Fish TankClustered Zits Explode with Cheez Yank Whore Down on Scabby Knees Boils Grow Blow for a Blow Shit Breath like a Pig's Asshole Scabby Jaw Toothless Maw Rotting Fast in Pubes Crabs Crawl Picking Flesh Face Like Death Spread it for a bit of Meth World of Dog Smell of Log Blacktooth Bitch Decrepit Slob Spews Trap Jaw Flap Panties Stained with Streaks of Crap Mirror Lick Lookin' Sick I Wouldn't Touch you with a Ten Foot Dick Blacktooth Beast
9. The Scent of Shit
You're a Fucking DickI Wish that you'd DieForever Live in Torture Your Depression gets me HighEverything you are Reminds me of a CystEverytime I Think of You I Smell the Scent of ShitThe Scent of ShitThe Scent of ShitThe Scent of ShitPeel Off Your Face Stick Your Head in GasDrill Bit up Your Cunt Jackhammer in your AssCandle Burn your Nipples OffTongue is Torn to Shreds Such a Sight of Loveliness You Should of Given Head
10. Altar Toy
Black Suit White Collar Burning Desire Mother Fuckin' Father Holy Man Cock in Hand Perverted PlansMother Fuckin' Father Makes Toys of Little BoysPriestly PleasuresMother Fuckin' FatherGo to Him for Spiritual Advice He'll Teach you about the Facts of Life Go to Him to Confess You Sins He'll bend you over and Force his God in He Takes He Rapes Blind Faith Mother Fuckin' Father Sex Games in God's Name Pulpits of Shame Mother Fuckin' Father Baptizing Buttfucker Jesus Jizz Mother Fuckin' Father Eat Shit You HypocriteFuck the ChurchMother Fuckin' FatherTeaching Something New In Sunday SchoolHe'll Say God Chose Him To Fuck YouSodomy MasturbationHe Prays To Fuck His Congression
11. Suicide Fuck
Blackened Splatter Bits of BrainDisgusting Matter Felt No Pain Bloody Chunks Skull and Hair Tragic Loss but I Don't Care Suicide Fuck, Suicide FuckYou Took Your Life, Who Cares you SuckedSuicide Fuck, Suicide FuckFuck YouSuicide Fuck, Suicide FuckYou Took Your Life, Who Cares you Fuckin' SuckedSuicide Fuck, Suicide FuckFuck OffExcruciating Sight to See You Left Behind Pants Full of Pee I'm So Glad That You Are Gone Saved Me the Trouble but Not the FUnSuicide Fuck, Suicide FuckYou Took Your Life, Who Cares you SuckedSuicide Fuck, Suicide FuckFuck YouSuicide Fuck, Suicide FuckYou Took Your Life, Who Cares you Fuckin' SuckedSuicide Fuck, Suicide FuckFuck OffTwisted Thoughts Am I This Sick?Unzip my Pants and Stick in My DickWatch you Twitch as I PlayYour Darkest Hour Is my Brightest Day
12. Raw Sewage
Raw Sewage in my VeinsFighting the Nausea Puke on My Opposers Slimeminded Morbitorium Festered Vapors Intoxicate Vermin Face Rancid Fuck Acid Drool Defecating Silently in the Corner of my Pus Filled Mind Raw Sewage Pours From My Nostrils Blistering My Skin Lesion Breath Fucking Rot Blackest Doom Filth Encrusted Excrement of Society My Stomach Regurgitates Itself
13. Die Pig Die
Die Pig DieAs I Clutch My Hands Around Your ThroatDie Pig DieAs I Watch Your Eyes Begin to BloatDie Pig DieYou Will Taste My Defecation Soon Die Pig DieNow I Stab Your Stomach, Face is BlueDie Pig DiePutrid Pile of Fucking Human Waste Die Pig DieLet My Anger Flow, Won't HesitateDie Pig DieBloody Vengence Guts Are Spilled, Blood FlowsDie Pig DieWith My Finger Jammed up Your Split NoseDie Because I Tell You So I'll Look You in the Eye As I Strike The Mortal Blow You Gasp and Bleed and Wheeze and Piss I'll Bless Your Throat with my Razor's Kiss Die like a Pig Cause That's All you are to Me You're Only Shit Underneath My Shoe Die like a Pig Let me Hear you Squeal You'll Suffer and Beg Before I'm Through
14. Inbred Abomination
A child is born from incestuous lust a hideous mutant is
Spawned the cranium tapered the sunken eyes glare a
Monoloid cretin deformed the thing quickly grows at an
Abnormal rate it's mother will be first to die It playfully
Kills as it grunts and it drools and gouges out her hollow
Eyes it's father her father screams and attaches his
far-spaced short black teeth exposed a hideous snap as
Son breaks father's back and then giggles and picks his nose
15. Unquenchable Thirst
Saw cuts through flesh like a hot knife through butter
Jugular vein severed gushing vein blood sputters
Waterfall of plasma pouring out red beauty terror filled
Eyes turn to glass dead and cloudy draining you dry
Pushing blood from every place pale dead flesh draped
Across your emptied face lust for blood that cannot be
Satisfied burns my brain the more the liquid is supplied the
Rush of life plunging down my throat I drink from the kill 'til
My veins begin to bloat lifeless skeletal shell is left
Behind unquenchable thirst frenzied bloodlust fills my mind
16. Abscess
I can feel the pus the infection is dripping the lacerated
Wound soon my throat I'll be slitting I'm digging in the gash
With a rusty screwdriver stinging sensation blood in my
Saliva I puke up my mind on the concrete street worms
Crawling in it and it fucking reeks I've lost my mind and it's
Foaming with pus eyes seeing vomit and more bile building up
I'm looking at you with a gangrene stare you think I'm going
Crazy but I'm already there my mucous membrane is burning
With disease my face rots slowly as I mentally bleed
17. Bloodsucker
Vaginal bloodfeast menstrual meal salivating like a
Dog warm rush I fell I'm a bloodsucking bastard I dine
From your hole blood-like wine rejected uteral wall
Bloodsucker maxipad tongue not a bit to be wasted I don't
Want to die 'til your fluid I've tasted I'll wear it s a symbol
Of my dedication I just want to drown in your menstruation
Bloodsucker the blood is dripping down my chin I love the
Chunks I take it in part the gates release the flood for me
And I'll suck up every drop you bleed bloodsucker
18. Anally Impaled
Anally impaled stake up your ass feel it pierce your insides
Anally impaled weights on your ankles down the pole you
Slowly slide anally impaled impalement pole stained with
Blood fresh coat dribbles down anally impaled no breath
To gasp with lung is punctured out penetrated by the
Whorish pole where countless have been raped punishment
Extreme, sliding southward day by day taste your shit on
The pole grazing your tattered tongue internal shishkabob
Excrements and blood are one sphincter muscle buckles
Tearing wider 'til it splits ruined asshole ruined life anally