
"Hellbound" (2006 Demo)
1. Hellbound 2. The Black Sun 3. Forest Of Witchery 4. Reich Aus Der Töten 5. De Kracht Van Het Zwaard 6. Deathcrush (Mayhem cover)
1. Hellbound
Hell has given birth to mee.
As a splenid creation of satan i live.
My task on earth,
to terrorise mankind.
Spawned from the depths of doom,
I will kill for honour and gloom.
Attractions from the dawn below earth.
Slay, kill, terrorise i will.
The most gloriues activety ever.
As a social disaster i am the disharmony master
As i kill you now for what you are.
Maybe the most mysteriues of all.
Is this my faith.
Mass destruction.
Time will tell.
Spawned from the depths of doom,
I will kill for honour and gloom.
Attractions from the dawn below earth.
2. The Black Sun
Once upon a time in the dark ages,
where sunlight has faded,
all hope for glory and the living has vanished.
A dark legion came out of the north,
spreading evil on the earth.
Evil controlled life and the skie.
The sun formed black.
As a black hole of eternity.
All the living turned into ghouls.
Cannibalisticly possed .
Rexus Lucifer Infernus.
The Black Sun, rised at an age of doom.
The Black Sun, here for those who are evil.
The Black Sun, kill and free you're soul.
Obsessed, possesd by that mirroring atracting dark whole of doom
Under the black sun we fight and die.
3. Forest Of Witchery
Under the freezing moon at dawn we walk the path of the undead.
Under the thumbling leaves of trees we walk the path of the haunted.
Into the mist of the great forest we march.
Into the darkness of the forest we rise.
Magic,Mayhem fury and anger.
Evil controlled forest of disharmonnical creations.
Lifetaking ,doomspreading serpents of the night.
Forest Of Witchery!!
Forest Of Witchery!!
Forest Of Witchery!!
How many lieves did you take by now.
How much blood has spilled in this path of ghosts.
Darkness has his attraction,only i have a sicker mind then all living men.
I am just a men who understands, BLACK METAL IST KRIEG
fuck those wo deny us, fuck all who are pathetic of existance.
fuck me and fuck this world.
4. Reich Aus Der Töten
Ich bin das keiser aus das reich der toten.
Mein welt ganz ob Haß.
"Reich aus der töten"
Gestorben, rotte, endlich...
Ich bin das Kaiser aus das Reich der töten
Ich bin das inhaber der Seele
My kingdom of lost souls,
My ghouls serve to kill.
Silent but deadly...
Thou intruders, be alert.
One swing upon my mighty staff,
My staff of fire and gloom,
It will bring you you're death or doom.
Gestorben, rotte, endlich...
Ich bin das Kaiser aus das Reich der töten
Ich bin das inhaber der Seele
I serve no one , and will spread evil and anger within doom
Under high sources of darkness i bring ice cold winds beneath the moon.
Frostbitten i became...
Still i live on as the EMPEROR of my kingdom of the dead.
Century's have past in the kingdom of the dead.
Many tears and blood have been spilled.
Mortal live's have been shred.
Dämon, was ich bin.
Ich wille töten.
5. De Kracht Van Het Zwaard
Duister was de dag waarop ik mijn zwaard smeede.
De lucht was bewolkt en de wolven huilde.
Met hamer en staal ging ik te werk.
Mijn zwaard als middel voor diegenen te doden die het verdiend hebben.
Noem me maar judas noem me maar een onmens,
wie weet ben ik bezeten maar ik blijf wat ik ben een man.
Het lijkt wel of het zwaard in de diepste kraters van de hell is gesmeed.
Vol haat en miserie, lijden en wraak.
's Avonds in het duister nestel ik me op mijn paard.
We rijden naar glorie of de dood in.
Tijd zal het ons wel zeggen.
Misschien is het de duivel in mij,
Misschien ben ik wel de duivel.
zeshonderdzessenzestig manieren om te bedenken waarom haat naar je toekeert.
Bij ochtenstond geniet ik van de afgeslachte vijanden die ik door middel van het zwaard heb gedood.
Ik ben niet de sterkste,het zwaard geeft me de kracht
De kracht van het zwaard, is de kracht van de ziel.
6. Deathcrush (Mayhem cover)