
"Nequaquam Vacuum: Beginning Of The Great Opera" (2000 Best of/Compilation)
1. Prologue 2. Revelation Of The Call 3. My Vision Of The Nightsky 4. In Tuo Honori Preparatum 5. Epilogue 6. Invocation 7. Sad Sorceress Of The East 8. In The Sign Of Alnaza 9. Amphitheatrum Sapientiae Aeternae 10. In Tuo Honori Preparatum (Live) - (Bonus)
1. Prologue
2. Revelation Of The Call
Revelation of the Call
Why do you have come here. I didn' t know where go, I was cold, You have heated me, I was hungry, you have eated me, I was afraid, now i doesn't have some. This is my kingdom, now it is also your. I am your debtor, ask that than you want. �I wan' t your life, I desire your soul�.
He obtained it , He was to his service. Now I feel better, What can I do for you?
�Evil, the death, kills for me�.
So for him began a new, obscure era. For Him I' ll do it, always and in each place. For Him I'll do it with all my forces. Knights, Demons, sons of the night, follow me
3. My Vision Of The Nightsky
Death will quicly descend on him that upseted the peaceful sleep of Pharaon. Filthy human creature, you can�t disturb the migthy Evil Spirits. Oh mortal, is coming your time, the death is only a passing for arrive in my Kingdom. Egiptian Demons reach yourself in a plenilune�s nigth, in connection with the costellation of Orion. In my mind I see Your dark labirint and I understand Your disperation, by now mummy, but maybe I envy You. The long fillet of death, of death will wrap Ourself in a incense overture�
4. In Tuo Honori Preparatum
Satani , magnus et potens , exaudi preces meas et benedicas tuae fructum .
High is the name of Satan our Father, forever will be praised in the ages of the ages. To You, Horned Father, I offer my soul, for You, Horned King, I sacrifice my life. I rise the Black Sword for defeat the force of god, forever will be protected the Infernal Goat, symbol of wickedness.
Satani, magnus et onnipotens, benedicas hoc istud vasculum in Tuo honori preparatum, per omnia opera Tua.
The abyss will recome out, will be chaos and the Satanic Domination will rule. Hail to You King of Hell and Lord of Evil, I ask asylum in the migthy Legion. High is the name of Satan our Father, forever will be praised in the ages of the age.
5. Epilogue
6. Invocation
Hear Him who howls with snake’s tusk, into the bowels of the earth, the roar of Him who pervade eternally the endless heavens. His might rend the forest and overwhelm the city, but no one will know the hand that deal, and the soul that destroy, because without visage and filthy proceed the Damned and His form is unknown by men. Hear Him voice, in the hours of obscurity, answer to His recall, bow and honour your Lord, waiting when the death will die and will came His age, when He will rise again, and His realm will cover the earth. Give me Your sign, oh great Lord of the Evil, so that I could know Your wish, grant me the power of allay the waves, so that I could hear Your call. Give me Your sign, oh great Lord of the Evil.
7. Sad Sorceress Of The East
8. In The Sign Of Alnaza
In the sign of Ainaza, when fire' s star reside in the cancer, and the doors of dark house open itself, negative influences helps wicked acts. Only in that instant. I’ll attend it, with my brothers and during the waiting I swing myself with the frozen notes of music abhored.
Ego vos invoco, et invocando vos conjuro, atque, supernae majestatis munitus virtute, potenter impero per eum qui dìxit et factum est, et cui obediunt nihil omnes creature et per hoc nomen ineffabile. Terra tremit, exercitus coelestium tremit.
9. Amphitheatrum Sapientiae Aeternae
10. In Tuo Honori Preparatum (Live) - (Bonus)