According to the bible Luna Ad Noctum was founded in 1998 when four members: Adrian Nefarious - bass/ vocals, Tomas Infamous - guitars, Dragor Born In Flames - drums, Noctivagus - keyboards, decided to unite in Lunar covenant.
Impressed by Darkness and Moon, mesmerized by midnight landscape, immolated and confirmed in deepest sin, in 2001 BC They recorded their first sepulchral demo cd called “Lunar Endless Temptation” consists 3 tracks of lunar black metal spirits & intro of second lunation.
The same year brought them glorious sempiternal condemnation, when the eternal boring daylight finally deceased, cause in September their hearts grew dark for all and lips sneer when the first lp. of lunatic members was created. “Dimness’ Profound” - as seven spirits of bestial black metal strike, involved in majesty of keyboards, immaculated by demonic horrific vocals, crushing and sorrowful guitars, wrathful infernal drums - is the Dimness Majesty! In 2002 “Dimnes’ Profound” had been released in Poland by Pagan Records but the year later Golden Lake Production from Scotland released it worldwide. Embraced in everlasting darkness the 5th lunatic Blasphemo Abyssum Invocat joined Them during the sunset celebration. After the second lunation coming, Noctivagus had to leave The Lunatic Horde...From then, four sinners kneel to the Moon searching for them...After the European release , Luna Ad Noctum was invited to play diabolical shows across England and Belgium.
In the darkened beginning of the 2004. Luna Ad Noctum recorded their second lp. “Sempiternal Consecration”. These eight tracks of ferocious and speed aggressive black metal spirits, with the amazing kick on the sound side ,devastation, where evil and beauty go together, great moods and ambience with a little doze of keyboards, creating the sublime ambience of devilish magic !!! + cover of great band - SAMAEL !!!
The second album was released by Metal Mind Production in June of 2004. After this devilish release, Luna Ad Noctum played several performances supporting death metal legend Cannibal Corpse! and took part in the XVIII edition of Metal Mania – one of the greatest festival in Europe! In the middle of November 2004r Lunatic Sinners participated in the 1st edition of Black Diamonds Tour playing 9 performances across Poland with Hermh, Asgaard.
At present Luna Ad Noctum’s has already recorded their 3rd lp. Called “The Perfect Evil In Mortal” which is going to be release by Metal Mind Productions worldwide as well.
The forthcoming album consists 9 track as crushing orgies in lunar madness with a power of black furious hardness, diabolical and sorrowful vocals, thundering hellish sulphur of guitars riffs!. Astonishing melodies create the sensual atmosphere of darkness and eternal sadness...
This album accumulates Luna Ad Noctum strengths ! Brutality and Chaos straight out of deep dark forces, exalted melodies touched with passions of coldness, loveliness and eccentricity !
“The Perfect Evil in Mortal” comes out in the middle of June 2006 r
LUNA AD NOCTUM GENRES Symphonic Black Metal
LUNA AD NOCTUM ORIGIN Poland (Walbrzych), formed in 1998
LUNA AD NOCTUM CURRENT LINE-UP Adrian Nefarious - Bass, Vocals (ex-Devilish Impressions)
Dragor Born In Flames - Drums (ex-Devilish Impressions, Pagan Fire (Pol))
Blasphemo-Abyssum Invocat - Guitars
Tomas Infamous - Guitars
LUNA AD NOCTUM PREVIOUS LINE-UP Noctivagus Ignominous - Keyboards
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