About LIK, interview with Armagedda, Ajna Offensive Aug 2004
"The reason why I created LIK was simply that I wanted speak out my thoughts in a more varied way by using syth and clear vocals which was not considered to fit the essence of Armagedda at that time. It is true that Lik is not a Black Metal project and there is a teoretical possibility to mix the material of Lik into the nowdays Armagedda but that will never happen because of various reasons. There is an resemblance between these two acts, of course. It would be pretty strange if there was nothing that reminded Lik of Armagedda or vice versa since I create as much "music" in Lik as I do in Armagedda but when I develop material I feel where it belongs and as long I feel that difference, these two childs will be hold apart. Also, the impression I get by listening to Lik brings alot of emotions and memories which also are one of the reasons for the existence of this project of Occult Black Rock. There is nothing that says that Lik will continue perform tunes in the same way as "MÃ¥ Ljuset Aldrig NÃ¥ Oss Mer" did since I let my subconsious be my guide. It is foremost to me Lik shall be spoken."
LIK GENRES Occult Black Rock
LIK LYRICAL THEMES Religion, Mysticism & Spiritism
LIK ORIGIN Sweden (Norrland), formed in 2000
LIK CURRENT LINE-UP Graav - all instruments & vocals (Armagedda, Lönndom)
A - guitar & bass (Leviathan (Swe), Armagedda, Lönndom)
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