Christian folk metal band from Ukraine formed in 1999. in Kyyiv.
Genres : Folk / Death / 'Black' metal
Lyrical themes: Salvation, Spiritual Battle, Heaven, Christianity.
Band Holy Blood was formed in October 1999. It happened, when after one of rehearsals of church worship , musiciants decided to try playing something hard, as they have enough free time ...
As there were plans to make church serve for unformal youth (punks, metalheads), and such band was very necessary, band formed lineup and has begun to compose songs in brutal-hardcore style.
Firstly, band consisted from three person: Fedor Buzilevich - guitar/vocal, Dmitry Titorenko - drums, Michail Rodionov - bass. Previously, they played in band Voice of Cryeth: Fedor Buzilevich - bass, Dmitry Titorenko - keyboard, Michail Rodionov - guitar. There were decision to make sound harder.
So, in 2000 band started to play death/grind.
In 2001 there came three new musiciants: Eugen Tsesarev (ex-Maranatha) - bass, Alexei Furman (ex-Revival) solo-guitar, and Vera Knyazeva - keyboards. So, Michail Rodionov has begun to play on rhytm-guitar. Style has changed, and band started to play melodic death. Band has begun to record first album with such lineup.
Fedor and Vera were married in August 2001.
In 2002 small Kiev metal label "Core Zone" had released first album "The Wanderer".
In the middle 2002 Alexei Furman (guitar) had left the band, and his place occupied Artyom Stupak (ex-Maranatha). With this new lineup were prepared new material in folk black/death style. New instrument was involved. It was block-flute (Fedor Buzilevich).
In 2003 Michail Rodionov has left the band, and his place occupied Sergei Nagorny (ex-Celestial Call). Band prepares new material in style folk-black. Artyom Stupak didn't took part no more, because of creation his own project Evroklidon (black). So, place of rhytm-guitarist occupies Fedor Buzilevich, and place of solo-guitarist - Sergei Nagorny.
Also, Fedor Buzlilevich and Michail Rodionov recorded studio-project Requital "Retribution For Sin" in slyle death/grind. It included previosly unreleased songs of Holy Blood.
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In december 2003 bass-guitarist Eugene Tsesarev has left the band, and his place occupied Alexei Andrushenko (Axxent).
In the March 2004, band releases compilation of Ukrainian Christian metal bands "Total Armageddon".
April 18 band shoot her first videoclip "The Spring".
In April 2004 begins to work official website of the band. From this time, band begins to be more and more popular not only in Ukraine, but far over of it's borders.
In april, band begins to record third album.
In 2004 label Bombworks records (Texas, US) offers about cooperation and so was released "The Wanderer", which became available in many different countries of the world.
In october 2004 band play concerts in Belorus, paricipating Hear My Call Tour.
In 2005 «Bombworks Records» released second album "Waves Are Dancing". So, this year album was released by young Russian label "Musica Production".
In July 2005 Vera Knyazeva (keyboards) has left the band, and her place occupied Vladislav Malitsky (ex-GefSad).
In october 2005 came new musiciant Vyacheslav Kirishun, who plays on such etnic instruments as bagpiper and flute.
In June 2006 Vyacheslav has left the band because of unknown for all band members reasons.
2006 year was very succesful for the band because of gigs. Holy Blood played in different cities of Ukraine, and also played in Switzerland, Moldova and Finnland.
1 December 2006 was shoot second videoclip on the song from the new album "The Patriot".
In December 2006 Russian label «Musica Production» re-releases first album "The Wanderer" with new artwork.
HOLY BLOOD GENRES Folk / Death / 'Black' metal
HOLY BLOOD LYRICAL THEMES Salvation, Spiritual Battle, Heaven, Christianity
HOLY BLOOD ORIGIN Ukraine (Kyyiv), formed in 1999
HOLY BLOOD CURRENT LINE-UP Fedor Buzilevich - vocals, guitar (Requital (Ukr))
Sergei Nagorny - guitar
Alexei "Axxent" Andrushenko - bass (Requital (Ukr))
Dmitry Titorenko - drums
Vladislav Malitskiy - keyboards
HOLY BLOOD PREVIOUS LINE-UP Artyom Stupak - guitar (Evroklidon)
Eugen Cesarev - bass
Mihail Rodionov - guitar
Vera Knyazyova - keyboard
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