D.N.O. is a five piece modern rock band formed in Skopje, Macedonia in late 1999. D.N.O in principal is more than only a musical group. It is a core of young and talented Macedonian artists to which other talented people are usualy being attracted and invited to participate in their own way.
Musically D.N.O. have been extremely active. In 2001 and 2003 they recorded material for two albums, which are due to release by the end of 2004. Both albums were recorded and produced by Malcolm Burn, a native Canadian who works in the States and have recorded and produced albums for Bob Dylan, Patti Smith, Midnight Oil, EmmyLou Harris to name just a few. In his own words, "D.N.O. are the group that gave me hope that rock music, even if it has completely changed it's face, will still live through new musical talents as are these guys I met, beleive or not, here in Macedonia".
Attracted to the emerging new rock band who brought a new vision of positivism and style to the half-dead musical scene of Macedonia, a very talented multi-medial artist by the name of Aleksandar Stankovski from Skopje joined the D.N.O. company and started making video clips for one of their songs, "Ideme do kraj". This in the end turned into a beautiful video art clip. Later Aleksandar made three more with the same powerful, artistic expression, that today are easily recognazible as the Aco Rembraint's (that's how people know Aleksandar in Skopje) clips for D.N.O. Never to forget that to the rescue came another man from Skopje who recognized the talent and helped by providing video shooting and editing services, his Excellency Mr. Risto Gogovski from "Art Ulica 26".
D.N.O. are a very powerful band when on stage. They deliver a huge colorful sound even when they play live. They are not a one-day miracle. They do not consider themselves pop icons so their live performances are more of a musical theater than "Top of the Pops". Check their latest performance in the Summer Club Element, in Skopje July 2004.
Going back to the abreviation D.N.O. stands for: young, but responsible for the role they have taken upon themselves, D.N.O. are going to continue looking for new ways of musical and visual expression of every man's inner world: love, loss, fear, hate, but most of all - strive for the better.
Band members:
Vladimir PopHristov (lead singer)
Ivan Bejkov (bass)
Dzijan Emin (keyboards)
Goce Stefkovski (drums)
Sasho Spasovski (guitar)
More info available at http://www.dnomk.com
D.N.O. GENRES Death Metal
D.N.O. LYRICAL THEMES Philosophy, Social problems
D.N.O. ORIGIN Russia (Ekaterinburg), formed in 1999
D.N.O. STATUS Active
D.N.O. CURRENT LINE-UP Valery Negrutsa - vocal
Dmitry Rodionov - guitar
Alexander Volkov - guitar
Egor Kolenichenko - bass
Anatoly Kompanets - drums
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