The name "Dengel" is a fusion of the word "devil" and "angel", which shows an idea of 'devil entwined with angel'. The band is deeply influenced by the essence of goth rock and gothic metal. Their music is a fusion of multiple genres. Bands like H.I.M, Within Temptation, After Forever are also have strong influence on the band.
The band was first established by the vocal Liu Qing. And was formed and named in the early 2005.It was in the end of 2004, the founder member Liu Qing put recruitment ads on the internet for the band.
The first to join was Cui Yanzheng, the current guitar player.(Who's later called 'the Boss' by the band members) He and Liu Qing have a lot in common and have similar recognition of music. After Cui joined the band, a female bass guitar player showed interests in the band, but she didn't show up at the appointment with Shuo and Cui. Meanwhile, Ye Ming saw the ads in a guitar shop, contacted Shuo and became the bassist of the band. There were also a drum player in Sichuan Province and a guitar player in Shandong wanted to join, but they didn't come to Beijing due to their own reasons. Though there were some misunderstandings and displeasures, luckily they solved the problems and now they are friends.
It's always not easy to find someone suitable for the band. But Liu Zhe's coming brought a favorable turn. By this time Liu Qing had finished recording 2 demos 'Angles' and 'Fall in love with your lies' with 'the Boss'..Although there were different opinions in the comments from internet, the members made their efforts to creat more songs rather than low down their pace.
The previous drum player Liu Qi joined the band in early 2005. After several rehearsals Liu was replaced by Guo Yang, who had frequently visited the band. It was a happy time to every one, but due to personal reasons, Guo left. The band went through a difficult time until Shuo met the current drummer Zhang Qi on the internet.( Zhan is the administrator of a Goth bbs on baidu.com) At the first several rehearsals Zhan didn't correspond with the band very well. As time goes by, Zhan's performance is getting better and better with the band. During this time that the band re-edits and records the song 'Fall in love with your lies', members put new thoughts and ideas into the song and made the music more mature.
Leaving of the bass player Ye Ming was a big impact on the band, thanks to Xiao Bai, the bassist of 'Wrath of Despot' who's been helping with the rehearsals and finding the keyboard player Pan He for the band. Later on, some bass players contacted the band, and Du Ligen, a bass player from Inner Mongolia joined.
Up till now, the band has performed several times at Nameless Highland , New Haoyun, Guitarist, Hexuan Music Factory, Liangxiang College City and other places. Through the performance, the band accumulated experiences, found inspirations and also won the hearts of their audiences.
Now, Dengel is developing stably, all the members are playing their part well.
Dengel's music breaks the stereotype of metal and rock, it's a creation of every member's passion and effort. Dengel will never stop creating their own music, they hope their songs could be accepted and appreciated by more. No matter what kinds of difficulties we'll meet in the future, our passion for the music will never die!
DENGEL GENRES Gothic Metal/Rock
DENGEL LYRICAL THEMES Love, Lie, Death, Dreams
DENGEL ORIGIN China (Beijing), formed in 2005
Liu Zhe - Lead Guitar
Cui Yanzheng - Rhythm Guitar
Du Ligen - Bass
Zhang Qi - Drums
Pan He - Keyboards
Liu Qi - Drums
Guo Yang - Drums
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