Black Messiah was founded 1994 as a pure old-school Black Metal band. The songs of the members at that time, Zagan (Vox, Bass), Frohnleichnam (Guitar), and Reverend Heidenbluth (Drums) paid tribute to Black Metal idols like Venom, Celtic Frost, Bathory, and Possessed. At this time, songs like Southside Golgatha, Goats Pray, Cathedral of Hell, and Black Messiah have their origin and are complete to hear on the first 1995 demo, which is totally sold out. Frohnleichnahm left the band in 1996. As a result of major disagreements between Zagan and Reverend Heidenbluth, the Reverend leaves the band, too. Zagan, who has a classical music education, now stands alone and before him the possibility to reach a new musical territory with the composing of songs with classical and pagan influences. In 1997, Zagan recorded the first album "Sceptre of Black Knowledge" with drummer Nabahm (known from bands like Innana Unveiled and Goat of Mendes). The record was then financed through the record company Last Episode and experienced a world wide distribution. Among some older songs like Sceptre of Black Knowledge, Pagan Winter, and Diabolic Rites, which are more old-school-like, there were new songs like Old Gods, Crusade of the Blackened, and Queen of Darkness. The new songs. especially, garnered appreciation in form of very positive critiques in many magazines and fanzines. Many guest musicians, and most notably former Sodom-Kreator guitarist Frank "Blackfire" Gosdzik, have added their contributions to the creation of the first Black Messiah CD.
In mid-1999, and few days before the record session of the second CD, came the break-up between Black Messiah and Last Epsiode. Important agreements from the record company's side were not honoured and Black Messiah, like many other bands that Last Episode handled, felt it had been stabbed in the back. The result was that Zagan immediately cancelled the contract and, in the summer of 2000, enters a self-rented studio to record a still unrevealed 3-track demo on its own. The demo contains 3 new songs and with the songs Christenfeind and Blutsbruder (German lyrics), it carries on the solid tradition of the first album. Hard but melodic guitarplaying meets up with traditional pagan elements which are represented by mandolin and/or violin. My Way to Asgaard, however, is a very typical Black Metal song.
At the beginning of 2001, Zagan and Nabahm decide to part company because Zagan wanted to enter the stage with Black Messiah, but Nabahm only wanted Black Messiah as a pure studio project. This was second great cut in the band's history after the exit of the two founding members. Without hesitation, Zagan begins to search for new musicians. After testing many muscians, Black Messiah is now blessed with a strong and talented lineup.
In the beginning of 2005 the band signed a deal under Einheit Produktionen. In Spring 2005 the band´s second longplayer "Oath of a Warrior" has been released by Soulfood. With this release the band managed to do an important step into international music business. Responses have been predominantly good and many club gigs, some festivals and a small european tour with Irish pagan metal band Cruachan were done.
In October 2005 the band split up with longtime bassist Drahco. Niörd - the new man on the bass joined the band some weeks later.
Black Messiah will record their third album in February 2006.
Zagan (voice, git., violin, mandolin)
Drahco (bass)
Zoran (git.)
Meldric (git.)
Hrym (keys & synths.)
Surthur (drums and perc.)
(Note: Original Source is http://www.black-messiah.de/)
BLACK MESSIAH GENRES Symphonic Black Metal
BLACK MESSIAH LYRICAL THEMES Teutonic mythology, Battles
BLACK MESSIAH ORIGIN Germany (Gelsenkirchen), formed in 1992
BLACK MESSIAH CURRENT LINE-UP Zagan - Vocals, Guitars, Violin, Mandolin
Meldric - Guitars
Zoran - Guitars
Aknar - Keyboards
Garm - Bass
Mike Bröker - Live drums (Neon Sunrise)
Reverend Heidenbluth - Drums
Frohnleichnam - Guitar
Frank "Blackfire" Gosdzik - Guitars on a few tracks from "Sceptre of Black Knowledge" (Mystic (Bra), Sodom, Kreator)
Drahco - Bass
Niörd - Bass
Surthur - Drums
Hrym - Keyboards
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