There are two artists named Aes Dana, both coming from France: An ambient trance formation and a black metal band.
1) Born from the meeting of Vincent Villuis, former member of goa chill band Asura, and Sunbeam (aka Mahiane) who spins english progressive vinyls, Aes Dana stands as a coherent fusion of both styles.
They bring out deep sounds rooted in the psychedelic tradition, in a fluid down tempo morning trance. Both musicans tend to create evocative sound textures, opening as a travelling over their analogical dreams. Short tales made of samples and waves, energised by tribal beats. Soundtrack for the early party letting time for the moon and the tempo to set, or for afters to slow down the nocturnal excesses and celebrate the return of the Sun. Aes dana's music is to be enjoyed between the veils.
2) The black metal and pagan metal band Aes Dana was formed in 1994. At the very beginning they played a black metal tainted by some celtic influences. They afterwards turned towards true pagan metal, incorporating mainly celtic folk melodies.
1994-1995: Aes Dana was created by Taliesin (guitar) and Amorgen (tin whistle and flutes). Vidar (vocals)and Storm quickly joined the band. Then Aes Dana started to compose.
1996: A demo: 'Chroniques du Crépuscule' was recorded in december. The six tracks of this recording can be described as atmospheric black metal with celtic and medieval parts. The lyrics, written by Vidar, described the strange worlds where his erring ways lead him. Visions, chimera and legends of an ancient and fantastic kingdoms...
1997-1998: After strong desagreements with Storm, Amorgen left the band. A new bassist and a second guitarist, Seth, joined Aes Dana. With this line-up Aes Dana began to play new songs in a more brutal way. After six months of silence, Amorgen came back to Aes Dana, and the band went back to his traditionnal influences.
The new lyrics, in french, evokes pagan sagas. In the same way that the aes dana, the druids and bards of the ancient times, continually recreated their mythology, Aes Dana transfigures the myths with their visions and carries them with their music.
The music born at that time was more violent and scared, ancient sonority and celtic dimension were revealed by the brutality of the new tracks.
1999: Storm left the band and was replaced by JuanJolocaust.
2000: At the end of april, Aes Dana entered studio to record its first MCD. In the same month, Tilion (guitar) replaced Seth, who left friendly Aes Dana to devote himself to his bands of grindcore and brutal black (Antaeus and SCD).
The band decides then to incorporat new traditional instruments to the music and Amorgen starts to mix the sonority of a medieval bombarde to the new tracks
2001: In june, Aes Dana signed with Sacral Production (Belenos, Hegemon) and recorded "La Chasse Sauvage"
2004: "Formors" was published.
2006 : Myrddyn is now the tin whistle player
AES DANA GENRES Celtic/Black Metal
AES DANA LYRICAL THEMES Barbarian times, ancient sagas, bards
AES DANA ORIGIN France (Paris), formed in 1994
AES DANA CURRENT LINE-UP Vidar - Vocals (Forge (Fra))
Tilion - Guitar (Apocryphal (Fra))
Milambre - Bass
Hades - Flutes (Heol Telwen, Bran Barr, Sword (Fra))
Juan Jolocaust - Drums (Nydvind)
AES DANA PREVIOUS LINE-UP Taliesin - Guitars (Forge (Fra))
Storm 1994-1999 Drums (ex-Sublime Cadaveric Decomposition, ex-Antaeus, ex-Arkhon Infaustus)
Seth 1997-2000 Guitars (Antaeus, Aosoth, Sublime Cadaveric Decomposition)
Amorgen - Flutes (Bran Barr)
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