WITCHMASTER was formed at Walpurgisnacht 1996 by members of the most mystical Polish Black Metal band PROFANUM: Geryon (aka Kali, guitars/vocals) and Reyash (bass/vocals). With the addition of Vitold on drums WITCHMASTER recorded their first rehearsal demo 'Thrash or Die'. The next studio tape 'No Peace At All' was released in 1997. One song of that demo was featured on free Pagan Records sampler CD 'Sounds of the Apocalypse vol.1' and attracted the interest of several record labels including Metalion's Head Not Found and Merciless Records.
In 1999 WITCHMASTER signed to Pagan Records and here we proudly present their debut fullenght album 'Violence & Blasphemy'. WITCHMASTER call their style as 'Satanic Metal Slaughter' and it's combination of Black Metal with it's filthness and wickedness, blasting Speed Metal and devastating, crushing Thrash from the 80's era, but no cheap rip off, recycling or stupid retro shit here! WITCHMASTER walk the barbaric path of ancient Black/Death power and stands for the True Metal. The album features 14 original songs plus cover version of Canadian Cult act - BLASPHEMY Just after the release of the album Reyash and Vitold are replaced by Shymon (bass) and Inferno (BEHEMOTH) on drums. The vocal fury has been taken over by Bastis.
Reyash decided to concentrate on this old band SUPREME LORD, and later on, he and Witold (also ex-WITCHMASTER) joined the resurrected CHRIST AGONY. WITCHMASTER continued playing some scandalous gigs all over Poland, gaining recognition as a bunch of utter fuckheads and gutter-runers. In the glare of victory and the rain of insults, they've entered the rotten rehearsal place and recorded an album known as "Masochistic Devil Worship". Sadly, but understandably, a mixture of bad luck and hands of justice didn't allow them to finish the recordings, so all they've put down on tape was later flushed. WICHMASTER then went to Hertz Studio in Bialystok/Poland to start and finish the goddamn recordings within mere 3 days.
Some time later, though nobody remembers when exactly, WITCHMASTER went on tour with DESTRÖYER 666 and HOWITZER, visiting the Western Europe. Just a while before that, thanks to some internal problems and antisocial behaviour, Shymon left the band. WITCHMASTER went on tour supported by Necrosodom of ANIMA DAMNATA on bass. The road was fine, lots of boozing with the Ozmen. Usual.
Then WITCHMASTER thanked Necrosodom for his cooperation, joined forces back with Reyash and recorded the new album "Witchmaster", late 2003. Right after the album release, the band went for a tour with AXIS OF ADVANCE with a session drummer Necrolucas of ANIMA DAMNATA fame. They desecrated Holland, Germany, Belgium and Slovenia. WITCHMASTER was later supposed to play a tour with IMPIETY and ATOMIZER, but that never happened because IMPIETY had to take a dog for a walk, then there were some plans for doing a split 7"EP with AXIS OF ADVANCE but sadly, WITCHMASTERs performance recorded live at Bitterfeld, was accidentally deleted by some German moron. The split with ADORIOR (for Circle Of The Tyrants Records), on the other hand, is supposedly released, but noone have seen it so far.
What's going on now in WITCHMASTER's concentration camping? Inferno went for a tour with BEHEMOTH, so rest of the band is fucking around with Sebastian of HELLBORN/DEVILYN on session drums, working on plenty of ideas for a new album, another slaughtering attack on your tiny brown hole.
Due to Inferno's commitment to Behemoth, witchmaster's new drummer is Bastek who used to play with Devilyn and Hell-Born, and now also Spinal Cord. In July the band recorded 6 new tracks for a demo, called 'Sex drugs & natural selection'. New album is coming soon.
Current line-up:
Bastis - Vocals (ex-Profanum (Pol))
Christfucker - Bass
Geryon (formerly Kali) - Guitar, Vocals (Profanum (Pol))
Basti - Drums (Spinal Cord, Hell-Born, Devilyn)
taken from the official site and myspace profile
WITCHMASTER LYRICAL THEMES Satanism, Perversions, Violence, Sex, Drugs
WITCHMASTER ORIGIN Poland (Zielona Góra), formed in 1996
WITCHMASTER CURRENT LINE-UP Bastis - Vocals (ex-Profanum (Pol))
Christfucker - Bass
Geryon (formerly Kali) - Guitar, Vocals (Profanum (Pol))
Basti - Drums (Spinal Cord, ex-Hell-Born, ex-Devilyn)
WITCHMASTER PREVIOUS LINE-UP Reyash - Bass, Vocals (Supreme Lord, ex-Profanum (Pol), Union, ex-Christ Agony, Incantation)
Shymon - Bass (Supreme Lord)
Vitold - Drums (Supreme Lord)
Inferno - Drums (Behemoth (Pol), Azarath, ex-Damnation (Pol))
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