The entity which is known as UNMERCIFUL was incepted in June 2001. Frustrated musicians James King (former shredder for TRAILS OF DECAY), & Clint Appelhanz (original ORIGIN bassist), began writing the sickest music they could and recorded it straight to computer (Clint just happened to have graduated recording/engineering school as well). The two quickly progressed and realized that this would need to be a full band. After auditioning various musicians and not being able to keep a stable lineup, UNMERCIFUL temporarily disbanded in 2002.
Clint rejoined ORIGIN as a guitarist (after the departure of Jeremy Turner). Then, after the departure of John Longstreth, James King followed suit. The two recorded "Echoes of Decimation" with ORIGIN in 2004, with a few tours to follow (one of which was with MALEVOLENT CREATION). In early 2005, Jeremy Turner (who, since his departure from ORIGIN, toured the world with Death Metal legends CANNIBAL CORPSE). Joined up with UNMERCIFUL, along with sick up and comer Tony Reust on vocals. In the summer of 2005, they recorded a full length which would later become known as "Unmercifully Beaten." Without a bassist Clint, James and Jeremy performed bass duties on the songs. Alex Webster also contributed session bass for the song "Shotgun Sodomy." Only later would UNMERCIFUL get the help from finger shredder Derek Engemann (CAST THE STONE) as permanent bassist.
UNMERCIFUL sent out demos to various labels and none other than Unique Leader Records picked up the group, signing a two record deal. On August 22nd, 2006, "Unmercifully Beaten" was released with tremendous reviews.
UNMERCIFUL LYRICAL THEMES Death, Violence, Depravity...
UNMERCIFUL ORIGIN United States of America (Topeka, KS), formed in 2001
UNMERCIFUL CURRENT LINE-UP Clint Applehanz - Guitars (ex-Origin (US))
James King - Drums (ex-Origin (US), live for Viral Load)
Tony Reust - Vocals
Derek Engemann - Bass (Cast the Stone)
Justin Pain - Guitars
UNMERCIFUL PREVIOUS LINE-UP Mark Manning - Vocals (ex-Origin (US))
Brian Owensby - Vocals
Jamie Serrano - Guitars (ex-Trails of Decay)
Nate Serrano - Bass
Jeremy Turner - Guitar (ex-Origin (US), ex-Cannibal Corpse)
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