The band ORK is formed in 1995 by Count Vassilium. At the same year the first demo "Through the Fight I Ride" is released. Later at 1997 the second demo "Slava Nam"
comes to a light. After this demo the guitar player Frosthammer comes in the band. Both with Count Vassilium they record the third demo "At a Novo Magico" at the cold winter of 1998. After that, at the same year, the band
is joined by the drummer Gravedigger, the second guitar player Hellthorn and the bass player Grimlord. In this line up the band records the promo "Gronderblud" which is released by the Norwegian label "Oskorei" and takes a great success. In 2000 the band records their first length album "Blessed by Evil" released by the German label "Folter rec." A bit later, on its promotion, the band plays at the German fest "Under the Black Sun" and in the Czech Republic. In Germany the band records their second album "Karma Diabolica" unreleased yet as decided by the band! Ork is also famous with lots of gigs in Bulgaria and as one of the first and true Bulgarian old school black metal bands.
ORK GENRES Black Metal
ORK ORIGIN Bulgaria (Dupniza), formed in 1995
ORK CURRENT LINE-UP Count Vassilium - vocals (Iudicium, ex-Nightdancer, ex-Malformation)
Frosthammer - guitars (ex-Iudicium, ex-Nightdancer, ex-Scapegoat (Bgr))
Hellthorn - guitars
Grimlord - bass
Gravedigger - drums
ORK PREVIOUS LINE-UP Lord Sote - guitars (1997)
Agarnael - drums on Grondenblut - promo
Irina - keys
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