An Ukrainian act that has managed to inject a good degree of individualism into their music. As such, NOKTURNAL MORTUM's brand of Folk infused, ancestral Black Metal has crossed borders to find international appreciation. This is despite the band's vocal support for extreme right wing politics evidenced on album sleeves, in lyrics and broadcast in interviews. NOKTURNAL MORTUM evolved from the 1991 vintage Black Death Metal act SUPPURATION. This early act featured frontman Knjaz Varggoth, bassist Xaarquarth and drummer Munruthel. Following the issue of SUPPURATION’s 1992 album 'Ecclesiastical Blasphemy' the band invited new members Sataroth and guitarist Wortherax prior to folding.
A new act entitled CRYSTALINE DARKNESS sprang up which saw Varggoth and Munruthel in alliance with guitarist Karpath. This band in turn evolved into NOCTURNAL MORTUM in 1994 by unifying with Wortherax once again and with the adoption of a raw pure Black Metal direction added the 'K' to the title to become NOKTURNAL MORTUM.
1996 would see the project Vetche take shape, a Black Ambient collaboration between NOKTURNAL MORTUM's Knjaz Varggoth, Saturious, Munruthel, Xaarquath, Sataroth and Karpath, alongside Lucifugum's Balamut and Faunus. A four song demo cassette saw distribution through Kolovrat Productions.
A debut 'Lunar Poetry' was released in 1997 after which Wortherax left and former colleague Karpath filled the gap as Saturious was added to provide further keyboard depth. Both Saturious and Karpath also contributed to the debut album 'Vozradujsja, Zemlja!' from Slavonic war metal band Anthropolatri.
A license to the German Nuclear Blast label was revoked by the band, seemingly due to the major label's perceived 'commercialism'. NOKTURNAL MORTUM confirmed their desire to remain underground by contributing to the Burzum tribute record 'Visions... A Tribute To Burzum' with the cover version interpretation of 'My Journey To The Stars'.
Munruthel made his exit in April of 2000, teaming up with Runes Of Dianceht and acting as session member for Astrofaes. Outside activity by NOKTURNAL MORTUM members found both Saturious and Munruthel operating the Heavy Metal band Finist. Saturious also acted as keyboardist for Speed Metal band Conquest.
Istukan, guitarist with Kharkov Black Metal act DUB BUK joined NOKTURNAL MORTUM as a session drummer during mid 2000, but was soon ousted in favour of ex-Astrofaes member Khaoth. Shortly after Saturious left the band. The 'Lunar Poetry' album would be issued by The End Records in July and the group also recorded a version of GRAVELAND's 'Thurisaz' for a tribute album. Vrolok of Runes Of Dianceht would fill the void as the band's new guitarist and further changes in October 2000 witnessed the return to the ranks of Munruthel on drums. May of 2001 signalled the return to the fold of Saturious.
The band cut tracks for a proposed split album with fellow Russian act woods of fallen in early 2002. Often linked to National Socialist ideology, NOKTURNAL MORTUM would fuel the debate further by recording two Absurd covers versions in 'Mourning Soul' and 'Eternal Winter' as well as two tracks from the British skinhead band Skrewdriver 'White Power' and 'The Snow Fell'. A side project of Knjaz Varggoth dubbed Aryan Terrorism issued the Nazi themed 'War' album in 2002.
Former drummer Munruthel launched the Folk-Ambient project Kolo, projecting a debut album release for 2005.
NOKTURNAL MORTUM GENRES Folk Symphonic Black Metal
NOKTURNAL MORTUM LYRICAL THEMES Nature, Slavonic Paganism, Ukrainian Folklore, NS
NOKTURNAL MORTUM ORIGIN Ukraine (Kharkiv), formed in 1994
NOKTURNAL MORTUM CURRENT LINE-UP Knjaz Varggoth (Eugeny Gapon) - Vocals, Guitars, Domra, Drymba (ex-Suppuration (Ukr), ex-Crystaline Darkness, Aryan Terrorism, Warhead (Pol/Ukr), Mistigo Varggoth Darkestra, Vetche, ex-Lucifugum (Ukr) (session), Piorun, Temnozor (live member))
Wortherax - Guitars (ex-Suppuration (Ukr), Finist (Ukr))
Vrolok - Bass (formerly guitars) (Runes of Dianceht)
Odalv (G. Sevruk) - Drums (Munruthel)
Saturious - Keyboards, Sopilkas, Zitra (Finist (Ukr), Vetche, ex-Lucifugum (Ukr) (session), Piorun, ex-Anthropolatri, Conquest (Ukr), Khors, Aryan Terrorism, Temnozor (live member))
Karpath (ex-Crystaline Darkness, Vetche, ex-Anthropolatri)
Istukan (Dub Buk)
Xaarquath (ex-Suppuration (Ukr), Vetche)
Khaoth (ex-Astrofaes, Apeiron, Khors, Tessaract, ex-Hate Forest)
Munruthel (Vladislav Olegovich Red'kin) (Suppuration (Ukr), ex-Crystaline Darkness, Mistigo Varggoth Darkestra, Runes of Dianceht, Finist (Ukr), ex-Lucifugum (Ukr) (session), Piorun, Astrofaes, Silentium (Ukr) & Kolo)
K (2003-2004)
Sataroth - Keyboards (ex-Suppuration (Ukr), Vetche, Dub Buk) (live member)
Tatiana Gapon - Female Vocals on ``Twilightfall``
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