MindFlow's style of prog rock was born in 1999 with the proposal of creating technically complex songs yet accessible to everyone. Linked with all types of artistic expressions, from literature to plastic arts, the band is able to project a film from its soundtrack.
Many classic bands inspired MindFlow, such as: Rush, Yes, Dream Theater, Pink Floyd, Megadeth.
The energy emanated from the band members can be noticed by heavy riffs with traces of electronic music like in the powerful song "Meeting her eyes", the feeling and simplicity evident in "Invisible Messages" and "Touch of Immortality".
Sharing the stage with worldwide known Brazilian bands and international artists such as: Adagio, Angra members, Dr. Sin and Eric Singer, MindFlow has had notability among Latin American bands in the metal scene.
"Professionalism and talent. There isn't a better combination for a band to show its debut. I'm sure it will not be a surprise any impact that MindFlow will cause when its album gets on hand of the most demanding listeners. An album very well balanced and with excellent production, working in a perfect way technique, musicality and harmony." - Aquiles Priester - ANGRA
O prog rock do Mindflow nasceu em 1999 com a proposta de criar músicas tecnicamente complexas mas acessíveis para todos. Ligado a todos os tipos de expressões artísticas, desde literatura até artes plásticas, a banda consegue projetar um filme a partir de sua trilha sonora.
Muitas bandas clássicas inspiram Mindflow: Rush, Yes, Dream Theater, Pink Floyd, Megadeth.
A energia emanada pela banda pode ser sentida através de riffs pesados com traços de música eletrônica como na forte “Meeting her eyes”, a simplicidade e o sentimento evidentes em “Invisible Messages” e “Touch of immortality”.
”Profissionalismo e talento. Não existe melhor combinação para uma banda mostrar seu “debut”. Tenho certeza que não será nenhuma surpresa o impacto que Mindflow causará quando seu álbum chegue nas mãos dos ouvintes mais exigentes. Um disco muito bem balanceado com uma excelente produção, trabalhando com perfeição técnica, musicalidade e harmonia”. - Aquiles Priester - ANGRA
MINDFLOW GENRES Progressive Metal
MINDFLOW LYRICAL THEMES Doubt, remorse, mystery, real life events
MINDFLOW ORIGIN Brazil (São Paulo), formed in 1999
MINDFLOW CURRENT RECORD LABEL Heavencross Records / Paradoxx
MINDFLOW CURRENT LINE-UP Danilo Herbert - Vocals
Rodrigo Hidalgo - Guitars, Backing Vocals
Ricardo Winandy - Bass
Miguel Spada - Keyboards
Rafael Pensado - Drums, Percussion, Backing Vocals
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