
"Golgotha" (2006)
1. An Introduction To Death 2. Golgotha 3. Mark Your Words 4. Fearless Before Opposition 5. Take Everything 6. My Help 7. Persecution 8. Bring Out Your Dead 9. Betrayed 10. Hypocrisy
1. An Introduction To Death
2. Golgotha
This is the place of the skull where terror reigned. A crucifixion of agony
and pain. A crown of thorns pierced his skin. Bound by our wages of sin.
Mercy so undeserved. We cursed our God. While he suffered. The skies grow
dark and the earth shakes and for a second your heart breaks. Eloi eloi lama sabacthani. Our souls lie in Golgotha. Prophecy fulfilled in Golgotha.
3. Mark Your Words
Destroy, the thoughts that plague my mind
The battle within myself hidden inside.
My spirit's willing but my flesh is weak. My spirit's willing but
I am weak my spirit's is willing but my flesh is just so weak.
Everyday goes longer, everyday your heart grows weaker, and before you know it you're back to your addictions.
Will we ever find peace can we ever find joy.
Getting rid of our strongholds is the only way, it is the only way we will ever destroy.
4. Fearless Before Opposition
Will we conquer this battle we face or will we yield in defeat?
When the weapons formed against us.
Will we let our blood be spilled?
The demons draw nigh,The angels cry.Holy is the lamb.
The lamb that was Slain.
We have to fight. we all have to fight it's the end
The weak will die.
5. Take Everything
Take Everything
I see His angels rise before me, and His glory shown about, I stand firm in
my faith when all else is gone, cause in my weakness I will be made strong.
Set yourselves apart; in my name be lifted up. Don't be faithless. This is
your destiny. Defeat your weakness in your victory. I will give my all
when there's nothing left. God your all I have. Take my everything. I
owe it all to you.
6. My Help
When the darness doesn't cease.I long to feel your peace.
Your arrows falling down to pierce the demons brow.
Your voice echoing loud amongst the thunderous clouds.
God i need your help now. So much at one time.How can this be?My mind,My love and My friend.Unwanted things inside my mind.Does absence make the heart grow fonder? I miss her sweet face in eternity's brace.
7. Persecution
I seek the face of Jesus Christ. In a world wher death's existence is what surrounds,And I watch as they strip us of our beliefs and we let ourselves be over taken by our enemies.At the presence of God every knee will bow every tongue will confess he is lord.Persecution,Blamed for my faith.The wrath of evil poured out in these last days.This war will not end.Hold fast to your faith.
8. Bring Out Your Dead
A spirit rises with a legion at its side. To take the souls of human life.Helpless and weak it takes away the visions we seek.Our minds play tricks as we watch it decease as if we are helpless.Fight back this is your time to attack.Helpless and weak it takes away the visions we seek.Our minds play tricks as we watch it decease as if we are helpless.Release,Release the powers within us cease.Take the enimies captive and settle the score.Battles are over. We're still at war. Bring out your dead.
9. Betrayed
Blood thirsty, Blasphemous, Deceiver. Blinded by the sin.The eyes of betrayel.The heart of fool. Useless abominations, Calloused confused.You said you would change,Change yourself,your're hidden in a world of disaster,Leading a life of regret. I can see through you, I know who you are.Blood thirsty, Blasphemous, Deceiver
10. Hypocrisy
You are faithless, You'll reason with yourself. You'll feed off the ashes of your hell.Your lifeless decisions will all fail.To taste of the freedom that we feel. Desperate lies at the tip of your tongue. See through the eyes of a foolish son.
You'll mock our God. Hypocrisy.
Your fake peace cant come to the wicked.
Judus you're weaker than the enemy.