"My War" (2005 Demo)
1. A Turul Könnyei 2. Szép Halált ! 3. Anthem of the Mother Nature 4. When a brave heart dies
1. A Turul Könnyei
Az olvadó hó alatt romokban hever
egy hajdan büszke nép temeti múltját el
Szárnyaszegett turulmadár siratja gyermekeit
pogány magyarok elveszett földjeit.
Felperzselt erdõk, mezõk emléke fáj
Kárpátok bércein nem múlik el a gyász
Szárnyaszegett turulmadár zengi gyászéneket
mi hajdan volt, örökre elveszett...
Felhõk könnye a földet mossa
némán siratva minket
Minden cseppje ezer év kínja
minden cseppje fáj
A lélekharang hangja értünk szól
temetve egy büszke népet
De mi harcolunk utolsó emberig
s majd a turulmadár újra száll
2. Szép Halált !
3. Anthem of the Mother Nature
I stand on a sylvan glade
forests whisper around me
I feel the wonder of forgotten times
as my lung has inspire the air...
I breathe welcome the Nature
our mighty Mother Earth
as the winds blow my face
as the raindrops fall on my skin...
I open my eyes 'n I see
it's not that world
where the people esteem
the spirit of our gods
The clean hungarian
pagan blood is gone
the ancient wisdom
is lost in the past
Churches blemish
the horizon
priests envenom
with their words
Oh, our mighty kingdom's
no more...
4. When a brave heart dies
The winds 'n streams will whisper our names
like chronicles of this glorious day
The Mother Earth will cover our corpses
tho' all we're brave but all we're fay.
Our swords are shining in the moonlight
we will attack with the first sunbeam
The dawn will full with blood 'n pain
full with war-cries 'n their last scream.
Maybe the morrow will be the latest
when the air goes through our lungs
and our eyes see to rise the sun
and our ears hear to sing the winds...
This morning's different like the other
this could be the latest, the finest
it seems to be an eternity
than glory and eternal silence!