"demo" (2003 Demo)
1. Era 2. Vëlinës 3. Shadow of moonfrost 4. Disaster
1. Era
2. Vëlinës
Að ateisiu èia
Kai nieko man neliks,
Tik tyli rauda
Tik vëjo aimana, vëjo aimana
Kaip tamsu, tamsoj tylu
Kapø vësa
Ðaukia mane
Sudegti tyloje.
Að ateisiu èia
Kai nieko man neliks,
Tik tuðèia vieta
Mûsø namuose, manyje.
Koks graþus ir nuostabus
Tu galëtum bûti
Be manæs
Per mano vëlines
Niekur neik, kol þvakë degs
Tu þinai, kas lauks, manæs,
Mirtis neþais su gëlëmis
Ji kils aukðtai - juodas kranklys
Ðiam pasauly nemokëjau gyventi,
Nemokëjau mylëti tavæs.
3. Shadow of moonfrost
Eternal fields of cold
Embraces you forever
The heart of winter night,
Will lead to frosty death
Strong wind roughly combs
The ancient top of trees,
Possesed by nature gods
You are stiffed in time.
The shadow of moonfrost
Will shine the way
To holly land of north
Where heart turns ice.
No sun will ever rise
Just ebony sky above
The frosty burning fire
Inside your frightened eyes
Carries to predestined end
Of tormental agony
The tears fall down because
You didnt experience this before.
The shadow of moonfrost
Will shine the way
To holly land of north
Where heart turns ice.
Drawned in by biting blizzard
The wolf becomes your brother
The new son is born
4. Disaster
War, deceases and government lies
Depression so hard that tears me apart
Children created in the labs
Who can stop this, who knows why?
The pain that I feel
Goes stronger within
Disaster could touch
The blizzard skies
Over damned lands
Unfinished lives of soldiers who died
Save my soul and tell me why
The pain that I feel
Goes stronger within
Stupid people, what are you fighting for
Nothing to find, nothing to hide
Just naked truth inside
Betrayed beliefs and eternal varieties
Gravel our souls, force to control
The heritage of sacred holts
The fateful hour will slowly come
With heckuva rolls, trashing the laws...
... To serve the final destiny...