"Ruptured Self Control" (1999)
1. Ruptured Self Control 2. Mortal Pregnancy 3. Painless Treatment 4. Sudden Death 5. Killed For Killing 6. Beyond My Possibilities 7. Decay And Cleaverge Of Typhoid Bacteria
1. Ruptured Self Control
A man things about unsettled life
And does not remember those events
Which has been bringing blood and maltreatment
Along with his turn over to a best
Children cast out from comunity
Sheltering behind big fear
You feel their eternaly sever pain
This stupid system will not help
Intoxication causes brain skiping
They put only hunger to the children mouths
Confabulation is suddenly become reality
Who´s intersted that child has lost consciousness?
Protected by desorientation
Memories descared from sick heads
Brain without any chance
They breed descendents from violence
A patic affect has covered a face
Bottle has couses a lacered wound
Ruptured self control kills
Not those swines but children
2. Mortal Pregnancy
A day has come when your body started changing
You can´t accept claiming it´s not sick
Extremely disfigured body and strange face
When it rapidly all got faster
You return your partners question with screaming
By which you want the death to beat back from you
Puke, spasm, a sporadic sharp pain
A useless, repudiated dying prey
You are compelled to one way out
The sad secret has been revealed
You don´t know people yet
And you try absolve from being quilty
You torture your dying life inside
Day after day expect your end to come
The mortal pregnancy is the sick inside
The desire to survive the inhuman body
There has remained only one way to conclude
The operation revealed the dead child
The world is passing before your eyes
And your mental torture begins
3. Painless Treatment
The factory maniacs set down our way
It´s dangerous for us, we don´t want it
But the way is only one, either you join them
Or you´ll become a part of decaying earth
The negatives of what they do are undesirable
Perfectly covered by promises and lies
Your existence is a horror one act story
The not wanted fate destroyed everything you hoped
The last cry of nature will be heard only by minerals
Attempts to escape are only spiritless ways to ruin
The present pain is only minimum of your pain
Which comes after destruction of the Earth
They offer us to taste the radiation pain
And insanely fill their desire to govern
Shortening of life - a painless treatment
Genetic manipulation - a painless treatment
Amateur attempts with atomic power plants
Thanks for cancer which takes our beloved
Thanks for children living in the sanatories
You want change the Earth into the hell
4. Sudden Death
The dim eyes have slowly gone blind
Mortal cramps contracted the heart
The body remained motionless
A non violent, immediate, morbid death
A sudden death of human being
Has come without an apparent reason
Just to raise the suspicion of murder
The sudden death has come spontaneusly
You can feel the freezing chill from that face
The human body went through the suffering
In which it failed to perceive
All the impulses of light and life
Nobody knows his own disease
Which deprived him of the place on Earth
No way to stop the destruction
No hope to get the truth coming back
The story of this death remains a secret
Untouched and unknown to people
It will for ever keep the strong respect
This day can also be the last one
5. Killed For Killing
Opportunity to revenge a past is finally here
You have the producer of your pain before you after years
Have dreams about killing of him before your eyes
Have a picture of your loved ones before your eyes
Those you did not prove to save before him
And you´ll never see them by him pushing
The chance to revenge themselves without hesitation
Cause he did not hesitate too when he had been killing them
Be as him -kill and be heartless
Be as him -don´t be afraid of future
Be as him -in power of cruel memories
Be as him -liquidate him physically
Kill that stupid bastard
His body falls down by your blows
Don´t look into his mutilated face
With flying rests of teeth around
And his warm blood flows down a floor
You´re as him -heartless
You´re as him -don´t care of future
You´re as him -in power of patic affect
You´re as him -dream filled with brutality
Broken bones don´t save the guts before a knife
He dies in infernal pain
The revenge erased life from his face
Also you´ll get your loved ones back never more
You killed that stupid bastard
6. Beyond My Possibilities
High disgust against life
New friends coming helpful
Their faces much more happy
Than others grey people´s ones
They infected your flesh and blood
The brain reacts before act only
After inject application it´s off
And you´re totally indisposed
Absorbed by strange dimensions
Extremities gory and scared
States of need often and often still
There´s grave in your gut already
Reactions and control belated a lot
Looking for a peace in your subconsciousness
But there´s suffering from this act just there
And beginning slow putrid decay from inside
Confused in time and space
Painful screams hear does only
Heart giving up finally
Ending tale in crematory
Help and comprehension -beyond my possibilities
Support and friendship -beyond my possibilities
To get you off -beyond my possibilities
Efforts to save -beyond my possibilities
7. Decay And Cleaverge Of Typhoid Bacteria
At times an undislocated typhoid bacteria
Begins to decay for smaller elements
In normal circumstance too
Those affect destructively each other
This process begins when the bacteria is in contact
With parasitive element of strange medium
After this menace the typhoid bacteria begins to regenerate
To be indifferent to next eventual undesirable influences
The bacteria is menaced very in this stage
And its destruction will be finishing mostly
Only in better case a menaced element pulls oneself
Together and it´s able to exist in typhoid bacteria further
Usually the bacteria becomes coherent and its healing is near
Obviously when the element that got rid of parasitive infection before
Begins to yield to remains after contact with parasitive element suddenly
And so the damage typhoid bacteria tries to persist in normal function
A surrounding medium doesn´t expect decay of bacteria although it
Anticipated this decaying during first attack with parasites
After certain season inner powers of bacteries are stabilized and
The bacteria will acquire abilities for invasion of human individual