"Drama per Musica" (2005 Demo)
1. Prolog 2. Tiarra 3. To the End of the Light 4. Dying souls 5. Everything for her 6. Requiem pentru erou 7. Dreams of Despair 8. Epilog
1. Prolog
2. Tiarra
Vremuri apuse prin mine renasc
Vin din trecutul cu iz de Damasc.
Sarutul dulce al mortii vi-l dau,
Pe aripi de falcari cu mine va iau
Din lacrimi si sange ea creste,
Cu inima ta se hraneste,
Dezbina, desparte, uneste,
Spre ea vin cu totii orbeste
Ura si dragostea imi dau fiori,
Miere si fiere va dau in licori,
Veniti dar spre mine, v-astept in infern.
Chinul si groaza – prieten etern.
Din lacrimi si sange ea creste
Cu inima ta se hraneste
Cuvinte dulci iti sopteste
N-o crede, caci ea te loveste.
Din lacrimi ea creste
Dezbina unetste
V-astept in infern
Prieten etern
3. To the End of the Light
To the end of the light
When everyone is dreaming
You are the only one alive
In the night
When the shadows are behind
So close in the river,
You can feel it everywhere
By my side.
Fear the woods
Fear the wind
Fear the dark
Fear your heart
Fear the woods
Fear the wind
Fear the dark
Fear your heart
You can not escape from this night
You think you know
My love is more than real
My deadly kiss in more than just a lie
You can not keep filling in your heart
Forgetting your life,
By touching my hand
Only for this wish I will bring you to the end
Trying hard to feel by breath,
You will not find anything but death
And if you want this night to be last
Let your days in the past.
To the end of the light
When everyone is dreaming
You are the only one alive
In the night
You can not escape from this night
You think you know
My love is more than real
My deadly kiss in more than just a lie
You can not keep filling in your heart
Forgetting your life,
By touching my hand
Only for this wish I will bring you to the end
Fear the woods
Fear the wind
Fear the dark
Fear your heart
Fear the woods
Fear the wind
Fear the dark
Fear your heart
Fear the woods
Fear the wind
Fear the dark
Fear your heart
Fear the woods
Fear the wind
Fear the dark
Fear your heart
4. Dying souls
No day can rise
No light can shine
No mirror can make
You look different in my eyes.
No soul can feel
No hart can still
Your mysterious shadow
Embracing my dream
Come again, take my life in the storm
Make me yours
Give away my dying soul
Come again, take my breath in your hand
Let me drink
From the river to the end
No deepest fear,
No heavenly night
Can make my pray
My words, to disappear
No soul can feel
No heart can still
Your mysterious shadow
Embracing my dream.
5. Everything for her
Walking down the road
He knows, he knows
That she’s in love with him
For so long.
And all the memories
Running through his eyes
And all the words she said
That he couldn’t quite believe
REF: That she would give her hart,
Would die for him
Would give herself,
She would do anything
And all the things about
After the last kiss
That he would turn back to his wife
And go on his life.
He doesn’t really see
That she tries so hard
He’s all she thinks about
When she cries every night
One day he came to her
Looking into her eyes
Saying all those ugly lies
And running through the door
The letter she wrote
Was found in her bed
And all the words she said
Were the last and they were sad
But now he would give his heart
Would die for her kiss
Would give up his wife
Cause she’s all she ever had
He’s praying every night
To see her again
And he’s the only one to blame
Cause now she’s dead.
6. Requiem pentru erou
Esti mai viu decat tu crezi
Dar ce-ai fost tu nu mai vezi
Nu intelegi ca ai pierdut
Ai pierdut tot ce-ai avut
In padure sunt doar eu
Umbra neagra, suflet greu
Vuiet jalnic si pustiu
Oare-s mort sau mai sunt viu?
Nu te mai gandin-n zadar
Nu-ti mai plange de amar
Taci si-ntinde-te sub crengi
Te vei odihni pe veci
Unde-i visul zamislit?
Unde oare am gresit
De ce soarta-i crud-acum?
Unde sa gasesc un drum
Arde lemnul si trosneste
Ard si eu cu el pe jar
Flacarile-mi ard obrajii
Vinul fierbe in pahar
Fratilor plecam la lupta
Suntem treji in zori de zi
Plang iubitele in poarta,
Mamele pe au lor fii
Strigat, vuiet, geamat surd,
Sabii, coifuri, cai cazand
Trupuri sfartecate crud,
Se zbat pe pamantul ud
Scrumul, jarul si apdurea
Fratii mei de sange iar
Lovesc fierul si securea
De la zei primite-n dar
Caii ard de nerbdare
Freamata adanc pe drum
Vor s-alerge-n goana mare
Sa se piarda-n praf si fum
Nu mai cauta-n trecut
Ai fost dur si de teut
Acum frant, trist, doborat,
Vlaga nu mai ai in trup
Nu pot sa raman, sa plec
Prizonier in propriu-mi cerc
Doar ma zbat, ma chinui, plang
Evadez, dar doar in gand
Un cosmar ce se destrama
Intr-un ceas tarziu de toamna
Lungi suspine, lacrimi, soapte
Dangate de clopot moarte
7. Dreams of Despair
In the storm of her darkest dream
She can reach to his heart
And the secret of what she feels
Is hidden here, in the night
In the storm of the crying rain
She can’t see his face again
He doesn’t know that she’s real
In the cold breathing air
She can’t breath
She can’t escape from despair
And he sees her to place her
for a day
When she’s closing her eyes
She’s seduced by the spell of the night
She can’t see his face again
She’s alone in the storm of the crying rain
In the storm of her darkest dream
She can’t reach to his heart
And the secret of what she feels
Is hidden here, in the night
8. Epilog
Clear is your mind
Clear as a river
Clear is your mind
As a mirror, or a teardrop
Only inside
You’re like a storm
That never ends
You don’t know what brings
you to the end of the game
Nothing seems the same
When you reach your face
Nothing seems the same
When you listen to the sounds
of rain.