"Promo 2003" (2003 Demo)
1. The Kiss 2. Crowned of Thorns 3. The Sins Bearer
1. The Kiss
With a kiss
So many times betrayed
You always at our side
And we conspire against thee
2. Crowned of Thorns
Inside the room
He is now
Feeling all rejection
The red veil on his shoulders
The glory not comprised
His head bleeding cause of thorns
(So painful majesty)
-Hail king of Jews
(They really don't know the lord of lords)
Striped of his glorious throne
God bleed for the love for them
(The largest demonstration of sovereignty)
3. The Sins Bearer
The weight of my sins
In the shoulders of a innocent
The weight of our sins
That a man accepted to bear
The cross never has been so heavy