
"Path of Accursed Souls" (2000 Demo)
1. Innere Gefühle (Intro) 2. Pod zemou 3. Circle of Dying 4. Life and Death 5. Ticho a Ja 6. Shrouded Night 7. Som naplnenie
1. Innere Gefühle (Intro)
2. Pod zemou
Mocný zvuk zvonov hlási môj skon
Všetko je v èiernom, všade sú kvety
V mojom živote nastal zlom
Kladiem si otázku, preèo som bledý.
Kòaz drží v ruke knihu lží
Slová klamstiev z nej èíta
O nebeskom krá¾ovstve, po ktorom každý baží
O ktorom i on sám sníva.
Kamenný kríž sa nad mojou hlavou týèi
No i tú skalu raz zub èasu znièí.
Nastalo ticho, no tichý plaè poèuť
Moja myse¾ v myšlienkach blúdi
Chcel by som len na okamih zazrieť
Kto pri mojom odchode smúti.
Kòaz však odkladá knihu a dáva znamenie
Èiernou hlinou môj hrob zasypať
Vraj èaká ma už teraz iba spasenie
Už teraz viem, kto sa bude naposledy smieť.
Priezraèná perla z môjho oka skåzla
Snažím sa v podvedomí vrátiť èas
No hruda zeme z myšlienok ma strhla
A ten zdrvujúci pocit je tu zas.
No o chví¾u mám úsmev na tvári
Na hrobe všetky kvety zvädli
Chcel by som vidieť ako sa kòaz zatvári
Keï zistí, že niesom svätý.
3. Circle of Dying
Come, Life! Who you really are?
Why everyone themself defends you so?
As a virus - billions unnecessary people
Overflow the Earth and killing all around.
Come, Death! Who you really are?
Why everyone almightiness you so?
As in bad dream they forsee their future.
You are there, but why to carry on?
Come, Evil! Do you really exist?
Why everyone want to reanimate you?
I´ve seen bad people, but this was only
Their own misunderstanding and stupidity.
Come, Space! You are real always
Like an eternal certainty and question both.
I frequently thihk about you, but I find
Merely anothers mysteries instead of claim replies...
Love, Pain, Happiness, Death
Circle of life and circle of dying
Love, Pain, Happiness, Death
Who is owner? Everyone - You... I...
Present time in future is becoming past
4. Life and Death
Lights are sunlight to the eyers above
only white dressed helpless lie is
at the already I don't perception
all is twinkle it no hear
Breathe for my equipment
live for my equipment
I lie switching on
under the equipment
Piece, part of the hummen meat
is suspend on the hook
the lights are shine at the end of tunnel
Now is switching off the equipment
Breathe for my equipment
live for my equipment
I was lie at the hook
and under the equipment
5. Ticho a Ja
Pozri sa, synu, na rieku
Uniká do dia¾ky
Nekoneènej, modrej dia¾ky
Nemám niè, iba vlny
Pohrávajú sa s mojimi myšlienkami
Ostáva iba ticho a ja
Pozri sa, synu, na bolesť
Vystre¾uje do mozgu
Z hlbokých, smrte¾ných rán
Necítim však nenávisť, iba smútok
Krv pomaly vyteká zo žíl
Ostáva iba ticho a telo
Pozri sa, synu, na smrť
Pohlcuje každého
Pomaly a s mrazivou istotou
Nevnímam niè, iba pokoj
Stávam sa tieòom svojho obrazu
Ostáva iba ticho
6. Shrouded Night
there in a near countryside
where babies laugh and cry can be heard,
where birds celebrate every single morning sun's arrival
where light embraces it all
there by dark night spreads werewolf's freezy howling
and exciting laments of joy of witches
blood's going disappear
child's cries fades in the dark empire…
as by storm surrounded
and concealed by mist underworlds temple obscure breathes the evil night
and woman and man at the foot of mountain survive
there evenings of cold and dark.
there in a near countryside
there babies laugh and cry can be heard no more
and birds stop their celebrating sun's arrivals
and light has lost
In twin unity erected jumble black dark with the flames of cold
by night spread werewolf's biting howling
and the most exciting witches´ laments of joy rules there
as the blood's going disappear
7. Som naplnenie