"Who is to Say?" (1997 Single)
1. Who is to Say?
1. Who is to Say?
Strange days are invading my space
controlling my thoughts and spinning my mind
the sunrise blazing through my window is getting hotter, hotter yet
frying our brains and sautering our fragmented thoughts into panoramic memory
When those memories come to pass
messages flash before my eyes
showing a gap of time and where did it go?
Where did it go?
Repressed to a dark corner of the mind or simply forgotten?
Who is to say, are you? are you? Stay away from me
You aren't to say, are you? are you? You are the lapse in my memory
Stranger days without a past and nothing to stack my future upon
Can you stack something on nothing or is there always a starting point from which to build?
Does my randomness blind you, haunt you, hate you, make you feel the fragmenting me?
Feel me, feel me, feel me, can the world feel me? Who is to say?
Who is to say, are you? are you? Stay away from me
You aren't to say, are you? are you? You are the one fragmenting the life in me