"Covered In Metal" (2003)
1. Cold Hate 2. Cling To An Image 3. Chromatic Death / No Turning Back 4. Possessed 5. En As I Dype Skogen 6. Thorn 7. You're Old, Fuck You 8. My Mind's Mine 9. Now I Wanna Sniff Some Glue 10. No Scene 11. Poison Mouth 12. My World 13. Surviving The Game 14. Hymn Of The Satanic Empire
1. Cold Hate
Cathode ray messiah, window to the soul.
Eradicate all rational thought, let's kill and hit the road.
Severed head and empty heart, feet swing with the wind.
Torch the church and shoot the priest, we are walking sin.
Cold Hate...
Murder without reason, dispense with moral rule.
Break the chains that bind you, spill the blood of truth.
Rusty scalpel amputation, no anesthetic at hand.
Warped guise of modern culture, it's all part of the plan.
Cold Hate...
Altered plane of my conception, one link upon the chain.
Bury your living memory, vent all putrid pain.
Rape the wound, infect the pure, virus of the word.
Dissect the establishment, take pride in the absurd.
Cold Hate...
I don't need your pity, despise your trust.
Head full of anger, heart full of hate, twisted sadistic lust.
Lay the blade upon my back, smother it with lies.
Beat me senseless, Beat me senseless, joy to hear my cries.
Cold Hate...
(lyrics by: Dead World)
2. Cling To An Image
3. Chromatic Death / No Turning Back
4. Possessed
5. En As I Dype Skogen
En Grind stod apen, en rytter viste seg
En Kald Take hadde lagt seg over marken
Ni Svarte hester, og ni armerte menn
Et øye stirret Olmt ned fra et flagg
Stillhet senket seg, da folget stoppet opp
de stoppet i en sirkel rundt en sten
Stille red de mot den, og forsvant da de kom fram
for Steiner var en tanke fylt av Kraft
Stjerner pa en himmel, som aldri faller ned
Lysglimt i en natt som varer evig
Tusen Kalde Vintre, med kun Kulde og Forakt
Det finnes ingen sommer uten Vinter
I en Gammel Skog, hvorhen troll og tusser vandret
var en stein som rorte seg og ble til liv
Ni armerte men, pa ni gra stolte hester
bar en fane hvorpa Oyet viste seg
Ihver en natt er et nytt morke
Ihver en Vinter fryser jeg
men dog Aldri skal jeg grate
for Stolt red jeg jo dengang
ut av den dype skogen
(lyrics by: Darkthrone)
6. Thorn
7. You're Old, Fuck You
8. My Mind's Mine
9. Now I Wanna Sniff Some Glue
Now I wanna sniff some glue
Now I wanna have somethin' to do
All the kids wanna sniff some glue
All the kids want somethin' to do
(lyrics by: The Ramones)
10. No Scene
11. Poison Mouth
12. My World
13. Surviving The Game
14. Hymn Of The Satanic Empire