"Portrait of Reality" (1999 EP)
1. Think About This 2. Portrait of Reality 3. Bad Boy's Factory 4. Diadema 5. Caos
1. Think About This
Nothing so bad as being alone
Feeling alone among so many people
What can I do?
You think in a same way
And I Think so different?
Stop. Ask. Think about this
You are so blind not to see
There is a virus right in front of you
Ready to kill
Do you think we are so unable
We are an island in the midst of a continent?
When shall things get better
In this fuckin'life for humans
Son't admit your defeat
Let no incompetence
2. Portrait of Reality
It's urban chaos
Where we live in
We are not humans
For those who rule us
We only are men
When start to consume
I've got no money. I'm hungry
Why capitalism?
Stop is enough
And incompetence on power
This present ideology
Is bound to die
Voting is a bullshit lie
I don't believe in anyone
Television broadcasting demagogy
Where's democracy?
3. Bad Boy's Factory
They prescribed me a lobo
At school I learned apathy
We always have to be intelligent?
If I've necer learned, how can I be smart?
Bad boy's factory
On which I've been made
I've no hope to change
I have nothing to lose, then I'll steal
If I'm crucified today
they shoved me aside
How can I show up as a "good man"
Without money satisfy my hunger?
Others have all that they want
And I don't have the little things I need
There is no hope. I cannot change
I have nothing to lose, then I'll steal
4. Diadema
Mortes na civilização
De pessoas honestas assim como nós
Era apena uma noite
Como outra qualquer
Autoritarismo, ignorância e incompetência
De quem tam a função de nos proteger!
Estou com medo de todo mundo
Quem é a polícia, quem é bandido?
Assassinos, desonestos, racistas
Esses caras só querem nos fuder!
Imaginem a dor da família dos ausentes...
Pela manhã estavam vivos e à noite mortos
Imaginem a vergonha e o desespero das famílias
De serem motivo de pena de todo um país
Esse fato só denuncia há muito tempo
Aqueles que ainda não sabem o que é a justiça.
O que vamos fazer com nosso pânico
De andar pelas ruas todos os dias?
Estamos perdidos, desprotegidos, paranóicos
E sem saber para onde ir...
5. Caos
Chacina, tráfico de drogas
seqüestro, prostituição
Quanta merda!
Sociedade destruída
políticos desonestos
Justiça injusta, Caos...
Desemprego, ditadura, censura, tortura
Quanta violência..