"Preludio de Mortandad" (1996 Demo)
1. Sacra y Anatema (intro) 2. Ironys Mire 3. Agonias del Mal 4. Nefasto Placer 5. Gothic Vision 6. Odisea de lo Inanimado
1. Sacra y Anatema (intro)
2. Ironys Mire
Walked a thousand leagues,
Walked on thorns but didn't bleed,
Walked on burning coal but didn't burn.
But now the tender wind torn me
The flower's odour suffocates me
My body muds with the irony's mire,
My eyes get wet,
My soul creeps, my shade gets away,
I hide behind a lie,
But this life...Strings me up...
3. Agonias del Mal
Imperio oscuro de las que gimen
Luna de la tristeza y ileno de dolor
En tu reino danzan los miserables
Amo y arcangel de las angustias
Tu que golpeas los latidos
tu que cegas los ojos
Tu femucas vencimientos manchados de penas
Perdidos en el silencio siempre a oscuras
Mortandad... por demencia
Impuridad... de impotencia
Primavera en tu morada
De perfumadas flores negras y
de hojas da celor mortaja
Negadas en ilanto
Bajo la noche tria
Mortandad... por demencia
Impuridad... de impotencia
4. Nefasto Placer
5. Gothic Vision
A frozen looking, a dry tear
On your eaten up face because
Of the anguish.
Your eyes covered by the cold cross
That turn out the fire of your
Morbid freedom.
Your asleep feeling like a passionate
Rose in an old marble memorial stone
Of a dusty coffin.
To that rough walls, the smooth because:
Behind the agony...the mirth,
Behind the load...the consolation,
Behind the bitter...the sweet.
Carried in your remembrances,
Steps on kindly clouds,
But laughed hypocritically,
Had on your hands the keys, maybe tried
To open the door and that was all.
Behind the load...the consolation,
Behind the bitter...the sweet.
6. Odisea de lo Inanimado